Soheil Karimi

Soheil Karimi

Academic Rank : Associate Professor
Campus of Agriculture and Natural Resources / Aburaihan Campus / Depatment of Horticulture / Campus of Agriculture and Natural Resources / Aburaihan Campus
Contact Number : 02136041089
  • 844 Citations
  • 17 h-Index
as of : 2025-03-15
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  • 1458 Citations
  • 22 h-Index
as of : 2025-03-10

Scholarly Works

  • 844Citations
  • 17 h-Index
  • 46 Article
  • 57 Conference

1. Report of nine species of Criconematide nematode from the forests of the Mazandaran province, Iran

Zakerabbasali Sarina, Sahebani Navazollah, جهانشاهی افشار فرحناز, Karimi Soheil (2024)., Plant Pathology Science, 2(13).
Karimi Soheil, راحمی مجید, اصغر زینانلو علی (2023)., Erwerbs-Obstbau, 65(6), 2527-2536.

3. Manipulation of light and nutrition in strawberry vertical farming

Aliniaeifard Sasan, Mokhtarpour Zakieh, Roozban Mahmoud Reza, Karimi Soheil (2023)., International Conference of Recent Advances in Strawberry, 24-25 May.
Panahizadeh Zohreh, Karimi Soheil, [] [] (2023)., Journal of Research in Horticultural Science, 1(2), 290-277.
Golmohamadi Majid, Ghasemi Mostafa, Ghasemi Shiva, Karimi Soheil (2022)., South-Western Journal of Horticulture, Biology and Environment, 13(2), 109-125.

2. The effect of culture substrates and light treatments on growth of Dactylorhiza umbrosa in in-vitro and in-vivo conditions

Rostami Balan Saeideh, Dianati Daylami Shirin, Karimi Soheil, Vahdati Kourosh (2022)., 5th National & International congress of Flower & Ornamental Plants, 13-15 September, Shiraz, Iran.
حیدری هانیه, Karimi Soheil, mohammadi fatemeh (2022)., Journal of Research in Horticultural Science, 1(1), 90-79.
Kermani Alireza, جعفری اعظم, Karimi Soheil, Shirmardi Mostafa (2022)., Journal of Nuts, 13(3), 167-181.
Esmaeili Sara, Aliniaeifard Sasan, Dianati Daylami Shirin, Karimi Soheil, Shomali Aida, Didaran Fardad, Telesinski Arkadiusz, Sierka Edyta, Kalaji Hazem M. (2022)., Scientific Reports, 12(1).
Rostami Balan Saeideh, Dianati Daylami Shirin, Karimi Soheil (2022)., JOURNAL OF HORTICULTURAL SCIENCE & BIOTECHNOLOGY, 1(1), 1-8.
Hosein Nejad mir Akram, Hashemi Garmdareh Seyyed Ebrahim, Liaghat Abdolmajid, Karimi Soheil, Abbasi Fariborz (2021)., Journal Of Water And Irrigation Management(Journal Of Agriculture), 11(3), 593-606.

3. Improving water relations and drought tolerance of sour orange rootstock with B-aminobutyric acid pretreatment

حیدری هانیه, Karimi Soheil (2021)., 17th Iranian Soil Science Congress and 4th National Conference on Farm Water Management, 18-20 October, Karaj, Iran.

4. Effects of silicon nutrition on growth and drought tolerance of in almond trees

Mirzaei Shima, Karimi Soheil, Aliniaeifard Sasan (2021)., Twelfth Congress of Horticultural Sciences of Iran, 5-8 September, Kerman, Iran.

5. Chromosome count and meiotic behaviors of Yellow Horned Poppy (Glaucium flavum) in Tehran Province

Rajabpoor Zahra, Norouzi Maryam, Karimi Soheil (2021)., 12th Iranian horticultural science congress, 5-8 September, Kerman, Iran.

6. Improving rooting of pomegranate hardwood cuttings with naphthalene acetic acid

حیدری هانیه, Mohammadi fatemeh, Karimi Soheil (2021)., Twelfth Congress of Horticultural Sciences of Iran, 5-8 September, Kerman, Iran.

7. Effects of silicon application on growth and water relations of almond under boron toxicity

Mirzaei Shima, Karimi Soheil, Aliniaeifard Sasan (2021)., Twelfth Congress of Horticultural Sciences of Iran, 5-8 September, Kerman, Iran.