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Iraj Nowrouzian(retired)
Academic Rank : Professor
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
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1 - 25 from 53 Result
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1. An Overview of Digital Dermatitis in Iran
فائزی مرضیه,
Bahonar Ali Reza
Nowrouzian Iraj
, محمدنیا احمد رضا (2022)., 2nd Regional Conference on Cow Comfort and Lameness, 18-20 July, Iran.
1. Clinical Study of Simultaneous Events of Thin Sole & Heel Horn Erosions in Newborn Heifers
Bashiri Dezfouli Ali,
Ghamsari Seyed Mahdi
Nowrouzian Iraj
(2019)., Journal of Veterinary Research, 74(4), 514-521.
2. The clinical effects of Marbofloxacin on E.coli clinical mastitis in Holstein dairy cows
Talebkhan Garoussi Massoud
, خرمیان طوسی بابک,
Nowrouzian Iraj
(2019)., New Findings in Veterinary Microbiology (NFVM), 2(2), 87-92.
1. Clinical evaluation of PRP effects on wound healing of claw lesions in dairy cows
Taiyari Hossein,
Ghamsari Seyed Mahdi
Dehghan Mohammad Mehdi
Nowrouzian Iraj
, Shad Hosein (2017)., ICLAP 2017, 8-9 February, Tehran, Iran.
1. The prevalence of coronavirus in fecal samples of neonatal calf diarrhoea using electron microscopic examination
Davoodi Yousef,
Nourmohammad Zadeh Feridon
Abdollahpour Gholamreza
, نوری عباس,
Nowrouzian Iraj
(2014)., Iranian Journal of Veterinary Medicine, 8(2), 85-88.
1. Pathomorphological findings of white line disease with digital and inner organ infections in culling dairy cows
Nouri Mohsen,
Nowrouzian Iraj
Mardjanmehr Seyed Hossein
Vajhi Ali Reza
, فسخودی داود (2013)., AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ANIMAL AND VETERINARY SCIENCES, 8(3), 122-127.
2. Deep Septic Arthritis of the Fetlock Joint in two Dairy Cows Clinical Radiographic and Pathomorphologic Findings
Nouri Mohsen,
Mardjanmehr Seyed Hossein
Nowrouzian Iraj
(2013)., Journal of Animal and Poultry Sciences, Vol.2(No.1), 19-26.
3. A post-mortem qualitative radiographic study of the foot with special reference to the digital lesions in culling lame cows
Nouri Mohsen,
Vajhi Ali Reza
Mardjanmehr Seyed Hossein
Nowrouzian Iraj
, فسخودی داود (2013)., Research Opinion in Animal And Veterinary Sciences, 1(4), 27-31.
4. Footpad horn hypertrophy and vertical fissure accompanied by white line disease 2 in case of concurrent deep digital sepsis in a culling cow
Nouri Mohsen,
Mardjanmehr Seyed Hossein
Vajhi Ali Reza
Nowrouzian Iraj
, فسخودی داود (2013)., Iranian Journal of Veterinary Medicine, 7(2).
5. Morphopathological findings of white line disease with digital and inner organ infections in culling dairy cows
Nowrouzian Iraj
, Nouri Mohsen,
Mardjanmehr Seyed Hossein
, مددزاده تقی (2013)., 17th Symposium and 9th Conference on Lameness in Ruminants, 11-14 August, Bristol, England.
6. Clinical and histomorphological study of invasive digital dermatitis toward the corium of heel and sole in dairy cows
Memarian Parviz,
Nowrouzian Iraj
Ghamsari Seyed Mahdi
(2013)., The 2nd International Congress of Large Animal Practitioners (ICLAP), 27-28 February, Tehran, Iran.
1. Lameness scoring system using force plates artificial intelligence
Ghidary S Shiry,
Ghamsari Seyed Mahdi
Nowrouzian Iraj
, Shiri S (2012)., VETERINARY RECORD, 170(5), 126.
1. Morphometric Radiographic Finding of the Digital Region in Culling Lame Cows
Nouri Mohsen,
Nowrouzian Iraj
Vajhi Ali Reza
Mardjanmehr Seyed Hossein
, Davoud Faskhoudi (2011)., Asian Journal of Animal Sciences, 5(4), 256-267.
2. clinical and pathological study of healing effects of Theranekron and comparison between infectious and noninfectious wounds in horses
Adib Hashemi Farajallah
, نیک طره نارگل,
Nowrouzian Iraj
Ghamsari Seyed Mahdi
(2011)., 3th international symposium of veterinary surgery, 25-28 April, Kish Island, Iran.
3. From Bench Research to Clinical Trails: An Update on Mesenchymal Stem Cell-Based Treatments in Veterinary Medicine
Farrokh Asadi, Gwendal Lazennec,
Nowrouzian Iraj
Dehghan Mohammad Mehdi
, Christian Jorgensen (2011)., 3rd International Symposium of Veterinary Surgery, 25-28 April, Kish Island, Iran.
4. case series study of Floating DA as an incidental finding of left displaced of abomasum in dairy cows
Adib Hashemi Farajallah
Nowrouzian Iraj
, زیبایی فهیمه, کتولی فاطمه, سیدمحمد کربلایی سیدجوادی (2011)., 3thinternational symposium of veterinary surgery, 25-28 April, Kish Island, Iran.
5. A post-mortem radiographic study of the interphalangeal joint in dairy cows--
Nouri Mohsen,
Vajhi Ali Reza
Nowrouzian Iraj
Mardjanmehr Seyed Hossein
, Faskhoudi ghaleh nayebi Davood (2011)., Third International Symposium of Veterinary Surgery 9th Iranian Symposium of Veterinary Surgery Anesthesia Radiology, 25-28 April, Kish Island, Iran.
6. Lameness detection using force plates and artificial intelligence
Mokaram S,
Ghamsari Seyed Mahdi
Nowrouzian Iraj
, Ghs Mokaram Ghotoorchi (2011)., 3rd International Symposium of Veterinary Surgery, 25-28 April, Kish Island, Iran.
7. A post-mortem morphopathological study of the foot with special reference to the digital lesions in culling lame cows
نوری محسن,
Mardjanmehr Seyed Hossein
Nowrouzian Iraj
Vajhi Ali Reza
, Faskhoudi Davoud (2011)., 16th Symposium and 8th Conference Lameness in Ruminants Lameness-A Global Perspective, 28 February-3 March, Rotorua, New Zealand.
8. Radiographic detection and characterization of lesions in fetlock joint of cattle--
نوری محسن,
Nowrouzian Iraj
Mardjanmehr Seyed Hossein
Vajhi Ali Reza
, Faskhoudi ghaleh nayebi Davood (2011)., The first International Congress of Large Animal Practitioners( ICLAP 2011, 23-24 February, Tehran, Iran.
:No English Title for
(مطالعه ایپدمیولوژیک کریپتوسپوریوز گوساله های نوزاد در استان آذربایجان شرقی)
رسول جمالی, یوسف داوودی,
Nowrouzian Iraj
Nourmohammad Zadeh Feridon
(2010)., Journal of Veterinary Research, 65(3), 254-247.
Mardjanmehr Seyed Hossein
, محسن نوری,
Nowrouzian Iraj
Vajhi Ali Reza
, داوود فسخودی (2010)., Journal of Veterinary Research, 65(2), 161-157.
3. Radiological Finding....
Nouri Mohsen,
Vajhi Ali Reza
Mardjanmehr Seyed Hossein
Nowrouzian Iraj
, Faskhoudi ghaleh nayebi Davood, نوری احسان (2010)., 16 th Iranian Veterinary Congress, 27-29 April, Tehran, Iran.
4. A survey on antibiotic usage in animal and poultry farms and its potential adverse effects on public health
Faghihi Seyed Muhammad
Kiyani Mohammad Mahdi
Nowrouzian Iraj
Rassouli Ali
Bahonar Ali Reza
(2010)., The 16th Iranian Veterinary Congress, 27-29 April, Tehran, Iran.
1. Retrospective study of the correlation between hygiene score and the prevalence of papillomatous digital dermatitis in dairy cows
Nowrouzian Iraj
, محسن نوری,
Bahonar Ali Reza
, سید محمد کربلائی سیدجواد, آی جمال رادگهر (2009).
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