Zainabolhoda Heshmati Rafsanjani

Zainabolhoda Heshmati Rafsanjani

Academic Rank : Assistant Professor
Faculty of New Science and Technology / Faculty of New Science and Technology / بخش تخصصی بین رشته ای فناوری
Interdisciplinary Technology | Network Science and Technology
Contact Number : 86093401
Room : 338
  • 214 Citations
  • 7 h-Index
as of : 2025-03-15
Google Scholar
  • 339 Citations
  • 9 h-Index
as of : 2025-03-03

Scholarly Works

  • 214Citations
  • 7 h-Index
  • 20 Article
  • 28 Conference

1. Complex network analysis of keywords co-occurrence in Graph Neural Networks

Heshmati Rafsanjani Zainabolhoda, Davardoost Hadi (2023)., 11th International Conference on Electrical, Electronic Engineering and Smart Grids, 14 October, Budapest, Hungary.

2. Using Computational Methods for Persian Collocations Identification and Extraction

Maleki Mina, Heshmati Rafsanjani Zainabolhoda, Bi Jen Khan Mahmoud, Veisi Hadi (2023)., 4th National Conference on Corpus Linguistics, 12 October, Tehran, Iran.

3. Identifying Influential Nodes for Information Propagation in Social Networks

Ebrahimkhani Milad, Heshmati Rafsanjani Zainabolhoda (2023)., 5th International Congress on Engineering, Technology & Innovation, 7-8 October, Frankfurt, Germany.

4. Investigating the topological network characteristics of Rafsanjan city map

Rafiee Zadeh Hossein, Heshmati Rafsanjani Zainabolhoda (2023)., 4th International Conference on Electrical Engineering, Computer, Mechanics and Artificial Intelligence, 22 September, Mashhad, Iran.

1. Investigating The Effect of Suicide Risk and Protective Factors on Adolescent Suicide Attempt: A Network Analysis Approach

Heshmati Rafsanjani Zainabolhoda, Heshmati Molaei Nasibeh (2022)., International Conference on Educational Sciences, Psychology, Counseling and Education, 22 August, Melbourne, Australia.

1. Portfolio selection by Optimizing risk and return based on complex network analysis (case study: Tehran Stock Exchange)

Rahimnezhad Farideh, Heshmati Rafsanjani Zainabolhoda (2021)., International Journal of Industrial Engineering & Management Science, 1(1).

2. A New Method for Large Graph Summarization based on Deep Learning

Heshmati Rafsanjani Zainabolhoda, Niknam Ghazaleh (2021)., 13th International Conference on Information Technology, Computer & Telecommunications, 5 November, Tbilisi, Georgia.

3. A New Model for Detecting Fake News in Twitter

Narengifard Marziye, Heshmati Rafsanjani Zainabolhoda (2021)., 8th National Congress of Electrical and Computer Engineering of Iran, 12 September, Tehran, Iran.
Hashemi Sara, Veisi Hadi, Jafarzadehpur Ebrahim, Rahmani Rouhollah, Heshmati Rafsanjani Zainabolhoda (2020)., MEDICAL & BIOLOGICAL ENGINEERING & COMPUTING, 1(1).
Heshmati Rafsanjani Zainabolhoda, Salahshoor Ramin (2020)., International Journal of Industrial Engineering & Management Science, 7(1), 139-153.

4. Keyword and Citation Network based Citation Recommendation

Ghareh Chamani Javad, Heshmati Rafsanjani Zainabolhoda (2020)., 1st International Conference on Innovative Technologies in Science, Engineering and Technology, 14 March, Berlin, Germany.

5. A Graph Based Ranking Algorithm for Recommender Systems

Heshmati Rafsanjani Zainabolhoda, Saadat Yasamin (2020)., 1st International Conference on Advance Research in Science, Engineering and Technology, 13 March, Tehran, Iran.

6. An improved information diffusion model for influence maximization

Emami Mansooreh, Heshmati Rafsanjani Zainabolhoda (2020)., 3rd International Innovation Conference on Electrical Engineering and Computer Engineering, 12 March, Kish Island, Iran.

7. Predicting election outcome based on weighted voters’ network

Heshmati Rafsanjani Zainabolhoda (2020)., The 9th National Conference on Science and Computer Engineering and Information Technology, 5 March, Babolsar, Iran.

8. A Novel Ranking Algorithm for Weighted and Directed Networks: Case Study of Air Transport Network

Heshmati Rafsanjani Zainabolhoda, Bakhsharab Elnaz (2020)., 5th International Conference on Innovative Research in Engineering Science, 29 February, Tbilisi, Georgia.
Hashemi Sara, Veisi Hadi, Jafarzadehpur Ebrahim, Rahmani Rouhollah, Heshmati Rafsanjani Zainabolhoda (2020)., Signal Image and Video Processing, -(-).
Shahmoradi Mohammadreza, Ebrahimi Morteza, Heshmati Rafsanjani Zainabolhoda, Salehi Mostafa (2019)., Future Generation Computer Systems-The International Journal of eScience, 101(101), 221-235.

2. A CCA Approach for Multiview Analysis to Detect Rigid Gas Permeable Lens Base Curve

Hashemi Sara, Veisi Hadi, Jafarzadehpur Ebrahim, Rahmani Rouhollah, Heshmati Rafsanjani Zainabolhoda (2019)., 2019 IEEE Western New York Image and Signal Processing Workshop (WNYISPW), 4 October, New York, United States Of America (USA).
Ebrahimi Morteza, Shahmoradi Mohammadreza, Heshmati Rafsanjani Zainabolhoda, Salehi Mostafa (2018)., PHYSICA A-STATISTICAL MECHANICS AND ITS APPLICATIONS, 505(505), 825-835.
Saghafi Fatemeh, Heydari Mahmood, Heshmati Rafsanjani Zainabolhoda, Khansari Mohammad (2017)., INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY, 9(2), 45-52.

2. Linear Time Varying MPC based Path Planning of an Autonomous Vehicle via Convex Optimization

Ahmadi Mousavi Mohsen, Moshiri Behzad, Heshmati Rafsanjani Zainabolhoda (2017)., journal of iranian association of electical and electronics engineers, 14(4).