Seyedkamal Vaezi

Seyedkamal Vaezi

Academic Rank : Associate Professor
Faculty of Management
governmental management
Contact Number : 02161117758
Google Scholar
  • 127 Citations
  • 6 h-Index
as of : 2025-03-03

Scholarly Works

  • 21 Article
  • 38 Conference
[] [], Gholi Pour Ariyan, Vaezi Seyedkamal, Farhangi Ali Akbar (2024)., Human Resource Management Researches, 16(1).

1. Identifying Effective Factors in Teachers Recruitment and Employment

[] [], Vaezi Seyedkamal, Nargesian Abbas (2022)., The Third national conference of the school of the future, 20-21 December, Tehran, Iran.

2. Identifying Individual Competencies in Teachers Recruitment and Employment

[] [], Vaezi Seyedkamal, Nargesian Abbas (2022)., The Third national conference of the school of the future, 20-21 December, Tehran, Iran.

3. HRM and Digital Learning Role of Innovating Systems

Vaezi Seyedkamal (2022)., International Seminar on Digitalization Enabling Human Resources Management and Development in Public Organizations, 20 November, Beijing, China.

4. Covid-19 and New Development Administration Philosophical Mindset Approach"

Vaezi Seyedkamal (2022)., 2022 EROPA Conference, 14-15 September, Kathmandu, Nepal.

5. Developing New Patterns of Performance Management in State Development Program

Vaezi Seyedkamal (2022)., 2022 EROPA Conference, 14-15 September, Kathmandu, Nepal.

6. New International Approaches in Organizational Changes

Vaezi Seyedkamal, Bakhtiari Zeinab (2022)., National Conference on New Approaches In Administrative Sciences, 10 September, Zahedan, Iran.

7. Investigation Effective Factors in Teachers Recruitment, Retention and Development

[] [], Vaezi Seyedkamal, Nargesian Abbas (2022)., Third National Conference on Humanities and Development, 20 July, Shiraz, Iran.

8. New Trends in Organizational Behavior Management

Vaezi Seyedkamal (2022)., 6 th Human Resource National Conference, 8-9 February, Tehran, Iran.

9. The Approach of Market Orientation in Export of Oil and Gas Technical and Engineering Services in Iran

naderi karamali, Vaezi Seyedkamal (2022)., Strategic Studies in Petroleum and Energy Industry, 13(51), 35-52.

1. “Innovation Philosophical Based Model and Development in Public Sector -- Case of Senior Officials”

Vaezi Seyedkamal (2021)., International Seminar on Developing Human Resources and Improving Efficiency in Public Administration Governance in the Digital Era, 4 December, Beijing, China.

2. Electronic learning and Covid19 , Opportunity for Mindset Learning

Vaezi Seyedkamal (2021)., International Conference for Electronic Learning University of Tehran Festival, 24 August-2 September, Tehran, Iran.

3. state public policy in 1450 perspective .philosophical approach

Vaezi Seyedkamal (2021)., The first National Conference policy landscape in 1450, 14-15 July, Tehran, Iran.

4. Family Promotion Based on Pray Implementation

Vaezi Seyedkamal (2021)., The first National Conference for family promotion ..., 5-6 March, Zahedan, Iran.

5. Human Resources Empowering and On Job Training ,A comparative study

Vaezi Seyedkamal, Bazi Abolhasan (2021)., 5 th National Conference on Management, 16-17 February, Tehran, Iran.

7. Entrepreneurship and innovation in Public Section (case of south Korea)

Vaezi Seyedkamal (2021)., 4th National conference on Enterprenurship, 26-28 January, Tehran, Iran.

9. A Review of Engineering Services Marketing in Oil and Gas Industry case of Iran

naderi karamali, Vaezi Seyedkamal (2021)., 5 international conference on Oil and Gas ....., 14 January, Hamedan, Iran.
Monavvarian Abbas, وطنخواه مقدم سیروس, Shahhoseini Mohammad Ali, Vaezi Seyedkamal, Noorollahi Younes (2020)., The Journal of Public Policy, 6(2), 115-134.

1. Designing a Model for Estimating the Value of Human Assets, based on the Non-monetary Valuation Approach in Guilan University of Medical Sciences

Vaezi Seyedkamal, مهرابیان فریدون, شفبعی پور مهدی (2019)., Journal of Guilan University of Medical Sciences, 28(4).

2. New Public Administration and Islamic -Iranian Developmental Pattern

Vaezi Seyedkamal (2019)., 16 International Management Conference, 10-11 December, Tehran, Iran.