Sama Goliaei

Sama Goliaei

Academic Rank : Assistant Professor
  • Scientific Commitee of 41st ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest
Faculty of New Science and Technology / Faculty of New Science and Technology / بخش تخصصی بین رشته ای فناوری
Interdisciplinary Technology | Network Science and Technology
  • 197 Citations
  • 9 h-Index
as of : 2025-03-01

Scholarly Works

  • 197Citations
  • 9 h-Index
  • 28 Article
  • 11 Conference
  • 2 Book

2. Demonstration of cellular dynamic behavior in response to DNA damage through gene regulatory network analysis of single-cell resolution DNA repair phenotype and gene expression multi-omics dataset

Arab Abolfazl, Goliaei Sama, Mehrnejad Faramarz (2022)., The first international conference and the tenth national bioinformatics conference of Iran, 22-24 February, Kish Island, Iran.
Hekmatfar Taher, Haratizadeh Saman, Goliaei Sama (2021)., EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS, 181(1), 115108.
Bagha Arabani Leila, Goliaei Sama, FOROUGHMAND-ARAABI MOHAMMAD-HADI, Shariatpanahi Seyed Peyman, Golyaei Bahram (2021)., BMC BIOINFORMATICS, 22(1), 416:1-20.
Becker Florent, Besson Tom, Durand-lose Jerome, Emmanuel Aurelien, FOROUGHMAND-ARAABI MOHAMMAD-HADI, Goliaei Sama, HEYDARSHAHI SHAHRZAD (2021)., ACM Transactions on Computation Theory, 13(1), 4:1-4:31.
Mirzaei Teshnizi Masoud Mirzaei Teshnizi, Kosari Amir Reza, Goliaei Sama, Shakhesi Saeed (2020)., International Journal of Engineering, Transactions B: Applications, 33(5).
Foroughmand-araabi Mohammad-hadi, Goliaei Sama, Golyaei Bahram (2020)., Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, 18(1), 2050011-1 - 2050011-19.
Ardalan Sahar, Goliaei Sama, Isazadeh Ayaz (2020)., International Journal of Innovative Computing and Applications, 11(1).
Bodaghi Amirhosein, Goliaei Sama, Salehi Mostafa (2019)., APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTATION, 357(1), 167-184.

2. A Game-Theoretical Network Formation Model for C.elegans Neural Network

Khajezadeh Mohammad, Goliaei Sama, Veisi Hadi (2019)., Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience, 13(1).
Moradi Mohammad, Goliaei Sama, Foroughmand-araabi Mohammad-hadi (2019)., PLoS One, 1(1), 1-21.

5. IFMBE Proceedings

Abdollahi Demneh Seyyedeh Razieh, Goliaei Sama, Razaghi Moghadam Kashani Zahra (2019).

6. IFMBE Proceedings

Farahmand Saman, Goliaei Sama, Razaghi Moghadam Kashani Zahra, Farahmand Sina (2019).
Malekpour Seyed Amir, Pakzad Parsa, Foroughmand-araabi Mohammad-hadi, Goliaei Sama, Tusserkani Ruzbeh, Golyaei Bahram, Sadeghi Mehdi (2018)., JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY, 16(4), 1850012-1-22.

3. A novel algorithm to identification of breast cancer biomarkers

Oveisi Masoumeh, Goliaei Sama, Razaghi Moghadam Kashani Zahra (2018)., The 7th Conference of Bioinformatics, 3-5 January, Tehran, Iran.

1. Personalized Cancer Driver Gene Identification, A Network Based Approach

Niknam Ghazaleh, Goliaei Sama, Razaghi Moghadam Kashani Zahra (2017)., The 7th Conference on Bioinformatics, 3-5 December, Tehran, Iran.
Goliaei Sama, Foroughmandaraabi Mohammadhadi (2017)., International Journal of Unconventional Computing, 13(2), 117-137.

4. Intrinsic Universal Family of Signal Machines

Foroughmandaraabi Mohammadhadi, Durand-lose Jerome, Becker Florent, Goliaei Sama (2017)., International Conference of New Worlds of Computation 2017, 12-14 April, France.

5. Dealing with Nondeterminism in Signal Machines

Harifi Rakhshan, Goliaei Sama (2017)., International Conference of New Worlds of Computation 2017, 12-14 April, France.

2. A Wearable Device for Continuous Cardiorespiratory System Monitoring

Mohammadi Negar, Memarzadeh Tehran Hamidreza, Goliaei Sama (2016)., The 41st IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN), 7-10 October, Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE).