Hassan Alipour

Hassan Alipour

Academic Rank : Assistant Professor
دانشکدگان فارابی / Faculty of Law / دانشکدگان فارابی
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  • 139 Citations
  • 6 h-Index
as of : 2024-05-01

Scholarly Works

  • 41 Article
  • 7 Conference
  • 1 Book

1. Right to Punish in the Philosophy of Hobbes: Foundations and Effects

[] [], Hajidehabadi Ahmad, Alipour Hassan, Fallahi Ahmad (2024)., Philosophy -University of Tehran, 22(1).

2. ljgf

Shidaeiyan Arani Mahdi, Alipour Hassan (2024)., Quranic Studies, 56(1).

1. Random justice and access to justice; Occasional application of customs rules at borders to combat money laundering

Alipour Hassan (2023)., INNSBRUCK-2023: 5TH CONGRESS OF THE GERMAN-SPEAKING SOCIOLOGY OF LAW ASSOCIATIONS, 21-23 September, Vienna, Austria.

2. Justice in Digital Courts: Poor Law in Societies with high inflation of Court Cases (the case of Iran)

Alipour Hassan (2023)., Law, Society and Digital; Past present and future, 30 August-1 September, Stockholm, Sweden.
Haji beigi Sahar, Alipour Hassan, Pakzad Batool (2023)., Studies in Islamic Jurisprudence and Law, 15(30).
Hodaei Farrokh, Alipour Hassan, Mirkhlili Seyed Mahmood (2023)., Excellence of rights, 14(1), 230-258.
Jaafari Mostafa, Alipour Hassan (2023)., the gudiciary law journal, 86(120), 73-93.

2. The principle of legality On Seizing the Computer Data and System in the criminal process; Effects and Guarantees

Tabrizi Sadegh, Elahimanesh Mohammadreza, Alipour Hassan, Tahmasebi Javad, Fazli Mehdi (2022)., Excellence of rights, سیزدهم(2), 109-140.

4. Efficiency of Sanctions against E-Money Laundering; Preventive Deterrence in dealing with Penal Deterrence

Abdollahi ghahfarokhi Shayar, Pakzad Batool, Alipour Hassan, Elahimanesh Mohammadreza (2022)., Studies in Islamic Jurisprudence and Law, 14(26), 193-224.

6. The principle of proportionality in seizure of data and system in the criminal procedure

Tabrizi Sadegh, Alipour Hassan, Elahimanesh Mohammadreza (2022)., the gudiciary law journal, 86(117), 131-152.

7. prevention of E-Money laundering; Defensive approach and offensive approach

Abdollahi ghahfarokhi Shayar, Pakzad Batool, Alipour Hassan, Elahimanesh Mohammadreza (2022)., Criminal Law and Criminology Research, 9(18), 385-406.
عالیخانی سکینه, Habiba Saeed, Alipour Hassan, الهی منش محمد رضا (2021)., Scientific Quarterly of Culture Studies–Communication, 22(56), 241-263.

3. Right to penalization: strategic theory to ending conflict

Alipour Hassan (2021)., international conference on peace and conflict, 18-20 October, Tehran, Iran.
Ayat Seyyed Alireza, Alipour Hassan, Pakzad Batool, Saber Mahmood (2021)., criminal law and criminology studies, 51(1), 151-179.