, Urban Planning, Regional Planning, Urban Design

Scholarly Works


    1. The Convergence and Divergence of Radicalism and Pragmatism in the Ethics of Urban Planning

    Parsi Hamidreza, Hosseini Dehaghani Mehdi (2025)., ethics in science & technology, 19(4).
    Gheshlaghpour Sohail, Amin Zadeh Gohar Rizi Behnaz (2025)., International Journal of Environmental Research, 19(70), 15-30.
    شیرخدائی مجتبی, Azizi Mohammad Mehdi (2024)., Geography and urban planning researchs, 12(4), 63-80.

    3. Evaluation of factors affecting vandalism in urban public spaces using the AHP technique (Case study: Laleh Park, Tehran)

    Somayeh Ahani, قفلگری امین, فرجی روشا (2024)., 14th International Conference on Civil, Architecture and Urban Management, 1 November, Tbilisi, Georgia.

    4. Environmental Impact Assessment of Development: Exploring the Nigerian Experience

    Ghorbanzadeh Shaghayegh, Arbab Parsa (2024)., The First National Conference on Urban Environment, 30 October, Tehran, Iran.

    5. Environmental Impact Assessment of Development: Exploring the South African Experience

    Rastegari Fateme, Arbab Parsa (2024)., The First National Conference on Urban Environment, 30 October, Tehran, Iran.

    6. Environmental Impact Assessment of Development: Exploring the Egyptian Experience

    Dehghani Zahra, Arbab Parsa (2024)., The First National Conference on Urban Environment, 30 October, Tehran, Iran.
    alipour kouhi pantea, alikaii saeede (2024)., International Journal Of Architecture And Urban Development, 14(2).

    8. Analysis of regional resilience components against seismic hazards; Case study Tehran Province

    Zebardast Esfandyar, Kamari Hadis (2024)., Journal of Architecture and Urban Planning, 17(44), 45-74.

    10. International migration and the question of integration: the case of Indians in Tehran

    Rezaei Naimeh (2024)., XXIInd international conference of AIDELF, 27-30 August, Porto, Portugal.
    EZZATIAN SHOHREH, Amin Zadeh Gohar Rizi Behnaz (2024)., CoDesign-International Journal of CoCreation in Design and the Arts, 1(1), 1-18.
    مقیسه مطهره, Abdollahzadeh Jamalabadi Amir Hossein, Jaberi Moghadam Morteza Hadi (2024)., journal of Rural Research, 15(2).

    13. Shar Vs. City; A narration of Iranian City from Dariush Shayegan's point of view

    Rahmani Mehrdad, جمال آبادی فاطمه (2024)., International Conference on Hekmat-Based Architecture, Urban Development, Art, Industrial Design, Construction and Technology, 8 August, Tabriz, Iran.

    14. The complicity of wealth and power in urban development process in Saudi Arabia; From Oasis to Line

    شیرخدائی مجتبی, Rahmani Mehrdad (2024)., International Conference on Hekmat-Based Architecture, Urban Development, Art, Industrial Design, Construction and Technology, 8 August, Tabriz, Iran.
    Shahabi shahmiri, Khatami Seyed Mahdi, Boujari Pouria, Javanian Mostafa (2024)., Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Urban Design and Planning, 177(3), 1-24.

    16. The Memory of the City as a Mobile Social Organization: The Narrative of the Residents of Ilam Regarding Their Relation to the City During the Iran-Iraq War (1980-88)

    Golrokh Shamin, Ferdosian Sima (2024)., 4nd International and Interdisciplinary Conference on Spatial Methods for Urban Sustainability (SMUS Conference), 23 July-3 August, Bangkok, Thailand.

    17. Explaining and Comparing the adaptability of contemporary irainian cities with the criteria of iranian-islamic city based on utopian approach (case study: Qazvin)

    شاه حسینی گلاره, Somayeh Ahani (2024)., The 15th International Conference on Humanities, Social Sciences and Lifestyle, 19 July, Tehran, Iran.

    18. Determination and recognition of the concept of joy in the wisdom of Islamic urbanism(Case Study: Bonab city)

    Somayeh Ahani, شاه حسینی گلاره (2024)., The 15th International Conference on Humanities, Social Sciences and Lifestyle, 19 July, Tehran, Iran.

    19. The Resilience of Ecotourism: Adaptations and Strategies for Sustainable Development

    Mosleh Leila, رضایی مهلا (2024)., 1st international conference on tourism industry, 2-3 July, Tehran, Iran.