Vahid Shah-mansouri

Vahid Shah-mansouri

Academic Rank : Assistant Professor
College of Engineering / School of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Contact Number : 82089767
Room : 2-715
  • 1567 Citations
  • 21 h-Index
as of : 2025-03-15
Google Scholar
  • 2429 Citations
  • 26 h-Index
as of : 2025-03-10

Scholarly Works

  • 1567Citations
  • 21 h-Index
  • 41 Article
  • 35 Conference
Cheraghinia Mohammad, Rastegar Seyed Hamed, Shah-mansouri Vahid, Kebriaei Hamed, Zhu Kun, Niyato Dusit (2024)., IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering, 11(1), 24-38.

1. Moving Target Defense based Secured Network Slicing System in the O-RAN Architecture

Karbalaee Motalleb Mojdeh, Benzaid Chafika, Taleb Tarik, Shah-mansouri Vahid (2023)., GLOBECOM 2023 - 2023 IEEE Global Communications Conference, 4-8 December, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Akhlaghpasand Hossein, Shah-mansouri Vahid (2023)., IEEE COMMUNICATIONS LETTERS, 27(9), 2413-2416.
Karbalaee Motalleb Mojdeh, Shah-mansouri Vahid, Parsaeefard Saeedeh, Lopez Onel Luis Alcaraz (2023)., IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, 20(1), 471-485.
Aghababaiyan Keyvan, Kebriaei Hamed, Shah-mansouri Vahid, Maham Behrouz, Niyato Dusit (2022)., IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 9(20), 19787-19802.
Moosavi Reza, Parsaeefard Saeedeh, Maddah-Ali Mohammad Ali, Shah-mansouri Vahid, Hossein Khalaj Babak, Bennis Mehdi (2021)., Computer Networks, 200(1), 108492.

2. A Stackelberg Based Leadership Algorithm for RAT Selection in Heterogeneous Networks

Nili Ahmadabadi Samin, Soleimani Behrad, Shah-mansouri Vahid (2021)., 2021 IEEE 12th Annual Information Technology, Electronics and Mobile Communication Conference (IEMCON), 27-30 October, Vancouver, Canada.
Ghermezcheshmeh Mojtaba, Mohammadkhani Razlighi Mohsen, Shah-mansouri Vahid, Zelatanov Nikola (2021)., IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS, 20(10), 6852-6866.
Soroor Amini Ali, Shah-mansouri Vahid (2021)., Computing Science Journal, 1(21), 3-12.
Navidan Hojjat, Fard Moshiri Parisa, Nabati Mohammad, Shahbazian Reza, Ghorshi Seyed Ali, Shah-mansouri Vahid, Windridge David (2021)., Computer Networks, 194(1), 108149.

2. Direction Shift Keying Modulation for Molecular Communication

Aghababaiyan Keyvan, Shah-mansouri Vahid, Maham Behrouz (2020)., ICC 2020 - 2020 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 7-11 June, Dublin, Ireland.
Aghababaiyan Keyvan, Shah-mansouri Vahid, Maham Behrouz (2020)., IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMMUNICATIONS, 68(4), 2078-2089.
Karimzadeh Farshbafan Mohammad, Shah-mansouri Vahid, Niyato Dusit (2020)., IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, 17(1).
Karimzadeh Farshbafan Mohammad, Shah-mansouri Vahid, Niyato Dusit (2020)., IEEE JOURNAL ON SELECTED AREAS IN COMMUNICATIONS, 38(2), 318-333.

1. Deep Reinforcement Learning for Dynamic Reliability Aware NFV-Based Service Provisioning

Rahmani Khezri Seyed Hamed, Azadi Moghadam Puria, Karimzadeh Farshbafan Mohammad, Shah-mansouri Vahid, Kebriaei Hamed, Niyato Dusit (2019)., GLOBECOM 2019 - 2019 IEEE Global Communications Conference, 9-13 December, Honolulu, United States Of America (USA).

2. Service Admission Control for 5G Mobile Networks with RAN and Core Slicing

Noroozi Kiana, Karimzadeh Farshbafan Mohammad, Shah-mansouri Vahid (2019)., GLOBECOM 2019 - 2019 IEEE Global Communications Conference, 9-13 December, Honolulu, United States Of America (USA).
Aghababaiyan Keyvan, Shah-mansouri Vahid, Maham Behrouz (2019)., IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, 24(2).
Huang Shenjie, Shah-mansouri Vahid, Safari Majid (2019)., IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS, 18(10), 4803-4815.
Naghavi Parnia, Kebriaei Hamed, Shah-mansouri Vahid (2019)., IET Control Theory and Applications, 13(8), 1211-1218.
Aghababaiyan Keyvan, Ghaderi Zefreh Reza, Shah-mansouri Vahid (2018)., PHYSICAL COMMUNICATION, 31(31), 87-95.