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Rasoul Hemayat talab
Academic Rank : Professor
Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Sciences
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1 - 25 from 157 Result
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1. Effect of Moderate Aerobic Activity on Balance, Motor Behavior, Serotonin and Tyrosine Hydroxylase Chemical Enzyme in Animal Model of Parkinson's Disease
سوری سارا,
Bagher Zadeh Ahmad
Hemayat talab Rasoul
Sheikh Mahmoud
(2023)., Journal of Sport and Motor Development and Learning, 15(4), 5-20.
2. the psychological skills comparison of Iranian and world male fencers
[] [],
Bagher Zadeh Ahmad
Hemayat talab Rasoul
hoomanian davood
(2023)., Journal of Sport and Motor Development and Learning, 15(2), 5-19.
1. The effectiveness of Mindful Sport Performance Enhancement (MSPE) and mental imagery (MI) on improving basketball free throws
Moazzam Saleh,
Hemayat talab Rasoul
0 Hassan Gharayagh Zandi
, [] [] (2022)., Journal of Sport and Motor Development and Learning, 13(4).
1. The relationship between coping strategies and metamotivation dominance in elite athlete:A reversal theory spproach
هنرمند پیمان,
Khabiri Mohammad
Hemayat talab Rasoul
0 Hassan Gharayagh Zandi
(2021)., Journal of Sport and Motor Development and Learning, 13(1).
2. The effect of deliberate practice and play deliberate and organized competition on the fine motor skill and creativity of children 9-10year old.
[] [],
Bagher Zadeh Ahmad
Shaikh Mahmood
Hemayat talab Rasoul
hoomanian davood
(2021)., Journal of Sport Management and Motor Behavior Research, 16(32).
3. The Effect of Two Methods of Child-Centered and Teacher-Centered on the Development of Gross Motor Skill of Third Grade Elementary Students
Rezaie Fatemeh,
Bagher Zadeh Ahmad
Shaikh Mahmood
Hemayat talab Rasoul
hoomanian davood
(2021)., Motor Behavior, 12(42), 17-36.
1. Effect of attentional focus instructions on spatial memory in children
میراخوری فاطمه,
Arab Ameri Elahe
Bagher Zadeh Ahmad
Hemayat talab Rasoul
(2020)., Journal of Sport and Motor Development and Learning, 12(1).
2. Impact of Practicing Autonomy on Exercise Motivation and Perceived Autonomy Support among Students
Nourali Javad,
Sheikh Mahmoud
Hemayat talab Rasoul
Bagher Zadeh Ahmad
(2020)., Sport Psychology Studies, 9(31).
3. The effect of social-comparative feedback on acquisition and consolidation of a perceptual-motor skill
اظهری علی,
Hemayat talab Rasoul
Sheikh Mahmoud
Arab Ameri Elahe
(2020)., Journal of Sport and Motor Development and Learning, 11(4).
1. A Compression of Quiet Eye in Children with High and Low Motor Proficiency
فهیمی حامد,
Arab Ameri Elahe
Hemayat talab Rasoul
(2019)., Journal of Sport and Motor Development and Learning, 11(3), 281-293.
2. Effectiveness of Selected Motor Program on Working Memory, Attention, and Motor Skills of Students with Math Learning Disorders
ارسلانی فهیمه,
Sheikh Mahmoud
Hemayat talab Rasoul
(2019)., Bimonthly research journal of rehabilitation medicine, 8(3), 220-209.
3. The effect of mindfulness on reducing the anxiety and increasing the performance of young footballer
Zadkhosh Seyed Mohammad,
0 Hassan Gharayagh Zandi
Hemayat talab Rasoul
(2019)., Sport Psychology Studies, 8(27), 1-20.
4. The influence of environment potentiality (affordances) on motor development in 6–9 years old children with intellectual disability
Homayounnia Morteza,
Sheikh Mahmoud
Hemayat talab Rasoul
Shahrbanian Shahnaz
(2019)., Sport Sciences for Health, 1(2).
5. Validity and Reliabiliy of persian Version of Student Attitude Scale Physical Education (satpes )
Biabani Misam,
Hemayat talab Rasoul
Bagher Zadeh Ahmad
Arab Ameri Elahe
(2019)., Journal of Sport and Motor Development and Learning, 10(4), 467-483.
6. Compare the ability of visual-motor perception and working memory in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and healthy children
ایمانی پور سمانه,
Sheikh Mahmoud
Hemayat talab Rasoul
hoomanian davood
(2019)., Journal of Sport Management and Motor Behavior Research, 14(28).
1. Neurofeedback versus mindfulness on young football players’ anxiety and performance
Zadkhosh Seyed Mohammad,
0 Hassan Gharayagh Zandi
Hemayat talab Rasoul
(2018)., Turk J Kinesiol, 4(4).
2. The effect of neurofeedback instruction and play therapy on symptoms of children with attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder
Niknasab Foad,
Sheikh Mahmoud
Hemayat talab Rasoul
(2018)., asrar, 25(4).
3. The Effect of s elective and Compulsive Video Augmented Hnformation On Motor Learning Of BASKETBALL jumo Shot: with Empasizing on the Challenge point Theory.
ملکی فرزاد,
Sheikh Mahmoud
Hemayat talab Rasoul
Bagher Zadeh Ahmad
(2018)., Motor Behavior, تابستان(32), 164-143.
4. The Effects of Environmental Affordances on Perception of Vision and Balance in Children with Intellectual Disability
Homayounnia Morteza,
Sheikh Mahmoud
Hemayat talab Rasoul
, Shahrbaniyan Shahnaz (2018)., Armaghn - Danesh, 23(3), 349-334.
5. The effect environmental approach (affordances) approach to the attention and memory of children with mental disorders
Homayounnia Morteza,
Sheikh Mahmoud
Hemayat talab Rasoul
, شهربانیان شهناز (2018)., Shenakht journal of psychology and psychiatry, 6(1).
6. The Effect of Provision (Educational Environment and Physical Activity) on the Improvement of Motor Moments in Children with Mental Disorders
Homayounnia Morteza,
Sheikh Mahmoud
Hemayat talab Rasoul
, Shahrbaniyan Shahnaz (2018)., Motor Behavior, 9(30), 165-182.
1. comparision of the three methods of intervention pharmacotherapy , cognitive motion rehabilitation and the combination on component of attention of ADHD children
Shamshiri Sara,
Sheikh Mahmoud
Hemayat talab Rasoul
, Riahi Forough (2017)., Minerva Psichiatrica, 58(1), 1-10.
2. Impact of Badminton Training Course on Compensating Fundamental Activities in Children with Motor Lag
فطروسی فرنوش,
Sheikh Mahmoud
Hemayat talab Rasoul
hoomanian davood
(2017)., tavan, 3(13).
3. The effect of age-dependent functional differences on performance and consolidation of motor sequence sequences
Salehi Seyed Kavos,
Sheikh Mahmoud
Hemayat talab Rasoul
hoomanian davood
(2017)., First National Conference on Achievements in Sport Sciences and Health of Abadan University of Medical Sciences, 7 September, Tehran, Iran.
4. The efect of 16 weeks gymnastic training on social skills and neuropsychiatric functions of autistic children
[] [],
Hemayat talab Rasoul
Sheikh Mahmoud
, فرناز ترابی, Rafiee Forozan (2017)., Sport Sciences for Health, 2(4).
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