Hossein Moravej

Hossein Moravej

Academic Rank : Professor
Campus of Agriculture and Natural Resources / agri / Animal Science / Campus of Agriculture and Natural Resources / agri / گروه زراعت و اصلاح نباتات / Campus of Agriculture and Natural Resources / Faculty of Science and Agricultural Engineering
  • 877 Citations
  • 17 h-Index
as of : 2025-03-15

Scholarly Works

  • 877Citations
  • 17 h-Index
  • 115 Article
  • 64 Conference
  • 5 Book
آقایی اصغر, Moravej Hossein, Ghaziyani Fatemeh, Rafieyan Naeini Hamid reza, Kim Hyun-kyung (2024)., JOURNAL OF APPLIED POULTRY RESEARCH, 33(4), 100485.

2. Optimizing egg processing: investigating the effect of...shelf life and reducing waste

[] [], Moravej Hossein (2024)., The 4th National Conference on Agricultural Industry and Commercialization, 16 October, Ahvaz, Iran.

3. Ensuring private sector investment in the agriculture sector...

[] [], Moravej Hossein (2024)., The 4th National Conference on Agricultural Industry and Commercialization, 16 October, Ahvaz, Iran.

4. Comparative analysis of chemical compounds using ...NIRS

[] [], Moravej Hossein (2024)., The 4th National Conference on Agricultural Industry and Commercialization, 16 October, Ahvaz, Iran.

1. Measurement and estimation of apparent metabolizable energy of different sources of oil and fat powder in broilers in the finisher period

Sadi Fatemeh, Moravej Hossein (2023)., 10th national and 2nd international animal science congress of IRAN, 30-31 August, Karaj, Iran.

2. A comparison of different methods of estimating metabolizable energy of corn based on broiler’s performance..

لر کلانتری بهین, Moravej Hossein, Shivazad Mahmoud, Moslehifar Parham (2023)., 10th national and 2nd international animal science congress of IRAN, 30-31 August, Karaj, Iran.

3. Comparison of metabolizable energy of common corn cultivars in the Iranian market at different periods of broiler breeding

Moslehifar Parham, Moravej Hossein, Shivazad Mahmoud, لر کلانتری بهین (2023)., 10th national and 2nd international animal science congress of IRAN, 30-31 August, Karaj, Iran.

4. Measurement and estimation of apparent metabolizable energy of different sources of oil and fat powder in broilers in starter period

Sadi Fatemeh, Moravej Hossein (2023)., 10th national and 2nd international animal science congress of IRAN, 30-31 August, Karaj, Iran.

5. Measurement and estimation of apparent metabolizable energy of different sources of oil and fat powder in broilers in the grower period

Moravej Hossein, اسعدی فاطمه, عالمی مرتضی, عباسی سجاد (2023)., 10th national and 2nd international animal science congress of IRAN, 30-31 August, Karaj, Iran.

6. Determining the best level of zinc hydroxy chloride nano sheets (tetrabasic zinc chloride) and its bioavailability based on performance and bone ash of broiler chickens

Moravej Hossein, Eivakpour Alireza, برومند نیا زینب, سقطچی فاطمه (2023)., 10th natinoal and 2th international animal science congress of IRAN, 30-31 August, Karaj, Iran.

2. The effect of different sources of fat and different levels of bentonite on pellet production and quality indices

معتمدی وشاره صابر, Moravej Hossein, مازیار محیطی (2022)., Journal Of Animal Production(journal of agriculture), 24(3).

1. Evaluation the Effect of Zilpaterol Hydrochloride Levels and Feeding Methods on Meat Quality and Performance of Female Broiler Chickens

سید عادل مفتخرزاده, حسن خیرخواه, Towhidi Armin, Moravej Hossein, Ali Hatefi, رضا مسعودی (2021)., Russian Agricultural Sciences, 47(6), 635-642.

2. Determination of Prediction equations for Apparent Metabolizable Energy Nitrogen Corrected for (AMEn) fish meal in broiler

آقایی اصغر, Moravej Hossein, Ghaziyani Fatemeh (2021)., 9th National & 1th International Animal Science congress of Iran, 15-16 September, Sari, Iran.

3. Determination of prediction equations for apparent metabolisable energy corrected for nitrogen balance (AMEn) in different origins of canola in broiler

لطیفی محمد مهدی, Moravej Hossein, Ghaziyani Fatemeh (2021)., 9th National and 1th International Animal Science Congress of Iran, 15-16 September, Sari, Iran.

4. Determination of prediction equations for apparent metabolisable energy corrected for nitrogen balance (AMEn) in different origins of corn gluten in broiler

لطیفی محمد مهدی, Moravej Hossein, Ghaziyani Fatemeh (2021)., 9th National & 1th International Animal Science Congress of Irann, 15-16 September, Sari, Iran.

6. Comparison the effect of Omega3 calcium fat powder with vegetable and animal origin on productive performance, reproductive and egg quality in old broiler breeder hens

ستاری فرزانه, محیط اردشیر, Moravej Hossein, قوی حسین زاده نوید, درمانی کوهی حسن, Tavakoli-Alamooti Meysam (2021)., Journal Of Animal Production(journal of agriculture), 23(1), 97-107.

1. Effect of different sources of omega-3 and omega-6 calcium fat powder on performance, hatchability, serum lipids and ovarian follicles count in old broiler breeder hen

ستاری فرزانه, محیط اردشیر, Moravej Hossein, درمانی کوهی حسن, قوی حسین زاده نوید (2020)., Animal Production Research, 9(3), 1-15.