Zeinab Ghasemi Tari

Zeinab Ghasemi Tari

Academic Rank : Associate Professor
Faculty of World Studies
Google Scholar
  • 88 Citations
  • 5 h-Index
as of : 2024-05-01

Scholarly Works

  • 21 Article
  • 18 Conference
  • 4 Book

1. The Impact of Diaspora Entrepreneurs on Iran's Stability and International Relations

Ghasemi Tari Zeinab (2024)., Security Patterns and Prospects for Stability in the West Asia, 26-27 November, Tehran, Iran.

3. War Crime Influencers: Examining the Alleged Whitewashing of Israeli War Crimes on Social Media

Ghasemi Tari Zeinab, Hashemzadeh Armin (2024)., The annual International Conference on Peace and Conflict Resolution, 28-29 May, Tehran, Iran.

4. Constructing Colonial Feminism: British Women’s Narrative of Power and Agency in India

Ghasemi Tari Zeinab (2024)., The Second International Conference on Indian Studies, 21 May, Tehran, Iran.
Sabbar Shaho, Mohammadi Saeed, Ghasemi Tari Zeinab (2023)., Journal of World Sociopolitical Studies, 7(4), 609-644.

2. Colonization beyond territory: A study of orientalist self-perceptions among Iranians

Sabbar Shaho, Mohammadi Saeed, Ghasemi Tari Zeinab (2023)., The Third Biennial Contemporary Iranian Studies Conference, 5-6 November, Tehran, Iran.

6. Religious Tourism and Conflict Resolution; The Case of Arbaeen Pilgrimage

Ghasemi Tari Zeinab (2023)., The Fourth International Conference on Peace and Conflict Resolution, 29-30 May, Tehran, Iran.

7. The Lost Paradise

Ghasemi Tari Zeinab (2023)., Colloque international d'études françaises, 1-2 May, Tehran, Iran.

2. Iran-Korea Relations: From Pop Culture to Politics

Ghasemi Tari Zeinab (2022)., INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE FOR IRANIAN STUDIES, 2 October, Seoul, South Korea.

6. Not like Us: The Covid-19 and racialization of the pandemic politics

Ghasemi Tari Zeinab (2022)., Global Developments in the Corona and Post-Corona Eras, 6 March.

1. Change in US Perception of Threat in Afghanistan and Strategic Implications for Iran

Aslani Sanjabadlah Abbas, Ghasemi Tari Zeinab, سجادپور سیدمحمدکاظم (2021)., Rahbord, 30(30).

3. Evolution of Perception of the “West” in Selected Writings of Pre- and Post- Revolution Iranian Intellectuals

Ghasemi Tari Zeinab (2021)., The Second International Conference on Contemporary Iranian Studies, 1-2 November, Tehran, Iran.

4. Imaginative Geographies and Blaming the Victim: US Media Justification of Israeli- Palestinian Conflict of 2021

Ghasemi Tari Zeinab (2021)., The Third International Conference on Peace and Conflict Resolution, 18-19 October.

5. Media Contribution to Anti-Chinese Sentiments in the US during the Corona Pandemic

Ghasemi Tari Zeinab (2021)., The Second International Conference on Chinese Studies, 20-21 September, Iran.

6. Iranian Studies in the United States: Development, Processes and Key Figures

Ghasemi Tari Zeinab (2021)., Iranology: Past Experiences, Present and Future Perspectives, 23-24 August.