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Ali asghar Kosari
Academic Rank : Assistant Professor
Campus of Agriculture and Natural Resources / agri / گروه گیاه پزشکی
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1. Life table parameters of Orius niger Wolf (Hemiptera:Anthocoridae) feeding on Trialeurodes vaporariorum (Westwood) (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) at the laboratory condition
یزدانی بدابی سید الهام, احد صحراگرد, حسینی رضا,
Kosari Ali asghar
, مداحی خدیجه (2024)., 25th Iranian Plant Protection Congress, 7-10 September, Tehran, Iran.
1. Efficacy of predatory bug, Orius niger and the entomopathogenic fungus, Beauveria bassiana in the control of two-spotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae under microcosm conditions
Kosari Ali asghar
, Fazeli Dinan Mahmoud, احد صحراگرد,
Talaei-hassanloui Reza
(2019)., 9th national Conference on Biological Control in Agriculture and natural Resources, 10-11 July, Hamedan, Iran.
1. Functional response of Orius niger on healthy and Beauveria bassiana-treated adults of two-spotted spider mite on strawberry
Kosari Ali asghar
, احد صحراگرد,
Talaei-hassanloui Reza
(2017)., 8th national Conference on Biological Control in Agriculture and natural Resources, 1-2 November, Rasht, Iran.
2. Functional response of Orius niger on healthy and Beauveria bassiana-treated adults of two-spotted spider mite on tomato
Kosari Ali asghar
, احد صحراگرد,
Talaei-hassanloui Reza
(2017)., 2nd Iranian International Congress of Entomology, 2-4 September, Karaj, Iran.
1. Functional response of Orius niger on healthy and Beauveria bassiana-treated two-spotted spider mite on cucumber
Kosari Ali asghar
, احد صحراگرد,
Talaei-hassanloui Reza
(2016)., Plant Pests Research, 6(3), 51-63.
2. Effect of host plant on the virulence of entomopathogenic fungus Beauveria bassiana against Tetranychus urticae and predatory bug Orius niger
Kosari Ali asghar
, احد صحراگرد,
Talaei-hassanloui Reza
(2016)., biological control of pets and diseases, 5(2).
3. The Interaction between predatory bug, Orius niger and the entomopathogenic fungus, Beauveria bassiana in the control of two-spotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae under microcosm conditions
Kosari Ali asghar
, احد صحراگرد,
Talaei-hassanloui Reza
(2016)., 22th Iranian Plant Protection Congress, 27-30 August, Karaj, Iran.
4. Comparison of the behavioral parameters of predatory bug, Orius niger in feeding on healthy and Beauveria bassiana infected two spotted spider mites
Kosari Ali asghar
, احد صحراگرد,
Talaei-hassanloui Reza
(2016)., 22th Iranian Plant Protection Congress, 27-30 August, Karaj, Iran.
5. Residual effects of four pesticides on the predatory bug, Orius albidipennis Reut
Kosari Ali asghar
, Fazeli Dinan Mahmoud (2016)., ARCHIVES OF PHYTOPATHOLOGY AND PLANT PROTECTION, 49(9), 252-261.
6. Olfactory response of the predatory bug, Orius niger (Hem.: Anthocoridae) to Tetranychus urticae (Acari: Tetranychidae) on cucumber leaves treated or untreated by Beauveria bassiana
Kosari Ali asghar
, احد صحراگرد,
Talaei-hassanloui Reza
(2016)., Journal of Entomological Society of Iran, 36(1), 61-73.
7. Effect of direct and indirect spraying of Beauveria bassiana on mortality of Tetranychus urticae on tomato, cucumber and strawberry
Kosari Ali asghar
, احد صحرا گرد, Haraji Shiva,
Talaei-hassanloui Reza
(2016)., 3th national Conference on Biological Control in Agriculture and natural Resources, 2-3 February, Mashhad, Iran.
8. Effect of host plant on the virulence of entomopathogenic fungus Beauveria bassiana against Tetranychus urticae and predatory bug Orius niger
Kosari Ali asghar
, احد صحرا گرد,
Talaei-hassanloui Reza
(2016)., 3th national Conference on Biological Control in Agriculture and natural Resources, 2-3 February, Mashhad, Iran.
1. composition of essential oil from Zhumeria majdae Rech. F. & Wendelbo and its bioactivities against Tribolium castaneum Herbst larvae
Ebadollahi Asgar, Khosravi Roya, Jalali Sendi Jalal, Mahboubi Mohaddese,
Kosari Ali asghar
(2014)., Journal of Essential Oil Bearing Plants, 17(5), 824-831.
2. Ovicidal effect of DG compound on two-spotted spider mite and its predatory bug Orius albidipennis (Het.: Anthocoridae) under laboratory conditions
Kosari Ali asghar
, رضوانخواه مریم,
Sabahi Qodratollah
(2014)., 21th Iranian Plant Protection Congress, 23-26 August, Urmia, Iran.
1. Effect of a glyphosate-based herbicide in Cyprinus carpio: Assessment of acetylcholinesterase activity, hematological responses and serum biochemical parameters
Gholami Seyed Jalil,
Mirvaghefi Ali Reza
Farahmand Hamid
Kosari Ali asghar
2. Optimization of recovery patterns in common carp exposed to roundup using response surface methodology: Evaluation of neurotoxicity and genotoxicity effects and biochemical parameters
Gholami Seyed Jalil,
Mirvaghefi Ali Reza
Farahmand Hamid
Kosari Ali asghar
, غلامی سمیه, غلامی - (2013)., ECOTOXICOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SAFETY, 98(98), 152-161.
3. Study of proper condition for blood conserve
Moodi Saiid,
Farahmand Hamid
Mirvaghefi Ali Reza
Kosari Ali asghar
, خلیلی جمیله (2013)., Journal of Natural Environment (Iranian Journal of Natural Resources), 66(2), 203-212.
4. Effects of Pyriproxyfen on detoxifying and intermediary enzymes of Ephestia kuehniella Zeller
محبوبه شریفی,
Kosari Ali asghar
, Zibaei Arash, Jalali Sendi Jalal (2013)., Plant Pests Research, 3(1), 35-44.
1. Some reproductive behaviors of the predatory bug, ...
شهیم قلعه چه خلیل, حسن پور مهدی, گلی زاده علی, رفیعی دستجردی هوشنگ, فرشباف پورآباد رضا,
Kosari Ali asghar
(2012)., 20th Iranian Plant Protection Congress, 25-28 August, Shiraz, Iran.
2. study of environmental condition blood sampling on DNA
مودی سعید,
Farahmand Hamid
Mirvaghefi Ali Reza
Kosari Ali asghar
(2012)., The twelveth Gentic symposium, 21-23 May, Tehran, Iran.
3. The study of diazinon on fish gill rainbow trout
مودی سعید,
Farahmand Hamid
Mirvaghefi Ali Reza
Kosari Ali asghar
(2012)., The twelveth Gentic symposium, 21-23 May, Tehran, Iran.
1. Effects of Metarhizium anisopliae on searching feeding and predation by Orius albidipennis ( Hem. Anthocoridae on Thrips tabaci ( Thy. Thripidae larvae ) )
H R Pourian,
Talaei-hassanloui Reza
Kosari Ali asghar
Ashouri Ahmad
1. stable population growth parameters of predatory bug Orius albidipennis on egg of Anagasta kuehniella(Zeller(Lep.Pyralidae
شهیم خلیل, حسن پور مهدی, گلی زاده علی, رفیعی هوشنگ, فرشباف پور اباد رضا,
Kosari Ali asghar
(2010)., 19th Iranian Plant Protection Congress, 31 July-3 August, Tehran, Iran.
:No English Title for
(تاثیرات جانبی چهار آفت کش ایمیداکلوپرید، دیکلرووس، پیمتروزین و آبامکتین بر سن شکار_x000D_ Orius albidipennis Reuter (Heh.:Anthocoridae))
Sabahi Qodratollah
Kosari Ali asghar
Ashouri Ahmad
(2009)., Iranian Journal of Plant Protection Science, 40(1), 1-16.
2. Effects of three pesticides on predatory bug Orius albidipennis Reut.Het. Anthocoridae
Talebi Jahromi Khalil
, کرمی فاطمه,
Kosari Ali asghar
(2009)., Pesticides and beneficial organisms, 27-29 September, Dubrovnik, Croatia.
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