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Akbar Dizadji
Academic Rank : Associate Professor
Campus of Agriculture and Natural Resources / agri / گروه گیاه پزشکی / Campus of Agriculture and Natural Resources / agri / گروه زراعت و اصلاح نباتات / Campus of Agriculture and Natural Resources / Faculty of Science and Agricultural Engineering
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1. Producing Saffron (Crocus sativus L.) Plants Free of Saffron Latent Viruses (SaLV)
Shokrpour Majid
, Rahimi Maryam,
Kalantari Syamak
Dizadji Akbar
, Sarabandi Melina (2024)., 18th Iranian National & 4th International Crop Science Congress, 10-12 September, Mashhad, Iran.
2. The first report of Potyvirus croci (saffron latent virus (SaLV)) in the saffron fields of Golestan province by specific polyclonal antiserum
صداقتیان سعید,
Dizadji Akbar
, پریسا شریفی نظام آباد (2024)., 25 Iranian Plant Protection Congress, 7-10 September, Tehran, Iran.
3. Generation of polyclonal specific antiserum against the recombinant coat protein of Potyvirus croci (saffron latent virus (SaLV))
صداقتیان سعید,
Dizadji Akbar
, Safarnejad Mr,
Alizadeh Houshang
(2024)., 25 Iranian Plant Protection Congress, 7-10 September, Tehran, Iran.
4. Infection of tomato in Iraq with tomato leaf curl Palampur virus and multiple variants of tomato yellow leaf curl virus
Al waeli Mahnad, شاه محمدی نیایش, Tavakoli Sousan,
Dizadji Akbar
, کوارنهدن اندرش (2024)., JOURNAL OF PLANT PATHOLOGY, 106(3), 1283–1294.
5. In vitro expression and purification of recombinant coat protein of Saffron latent virus (SaLV) in Escherichia coli
صداقتیان سعید,
Dizadji Akbar
, Safarnejad Mr,
Alizadeh Houshang
(2024)., Iran's 5th Conference on Protein and Peptide Science, 8-9 May, Tehran, Iran.
6. Beet western yellows virus frequently infects Crocus sativus in Iran
Haseli Mona, Valouzi Hajar,
Dizadji Akbar
(2024)., Australasian Plant Disease Notes, 19(1).
7. Biological and molecular characteristics of four potato virus Y (PVY) isolates based on partial coat protein gene
Poursharifi Parastoo,
Dizadji Akbar
, شریفی نظام آباد پریسا,
Kohi Habibi Dehkordi Mina
Mosahebi Mohammadi Gholam Hosein
, هادی خاطری (2024)., Iranian Journal of Plant Protection Science, 54(2), 349- 371.
1. Saffron Stigmas Apocarotenoid Contents from Saffron Latent Virus (SaLV)-Infected Plants with Different Origins and Dehydration Temperatures
Lorenzo Candida, Shadmani Golnaz, Valouzi Hajar, Moratalla-Lopez Natalia, Bahlolzada Habibullah, Sanchez-Gomez Rosario,
Dizadji Akbar
, Alonso Gonzalo L. (2023)., Horticulturae, 9(8), 933.
2. First report of cotton leaf curl Gezira virus infecting Malva parviflora and in Iraq
شاه محمدی نیایش,
Dizadji Akbar
, Al waeli Mahnad, کوارنهدن اندرش (2023)., Australasian Plant Disease Notes, 18(1).
1. Generation of molecular tools for the study and control of Saffron latent virus, a prevalent pathogen in Crocus sativus crop
Caceres Jonathan, Pazos Tamara, Rahimi Maryam, Contat Marta,
Dizadji Akbar
Kalantari Syamak
Shokrpour Majid
, Hernandez Carmen (2022)., XX Congress of the Spanish society of Phytopathology, 24-26 October, Valencia, Spain.
2. The increasing effect of Subterranean clover stunt alphasatellite 1(C11) on Faba bean necrotic yellows virus transmission by Acyrthosiphon pisum
Mansourpour Mahsa,
Dizadji Akbar
Abbasi Ali Reza
, Blanc Stephane, Gallet Romain, Zeddam Jean-Luis (2022)., 24 Iranian Plant Protection Congress, 3-6 September, Tehran, Iran.
3. Transmissibility and Transmission efficacy of SaLV by three aphid species under greenhouse conditions
Movi Shahrbanoo,
Dizadji Akbar
, Parizad Shirin,
Nuorinejad Shahin
(2022)., 24th Iranian Plant Protection Congress, 3-6 September, Tehran, Iran.
4. The importance of saffron viral infections
Dizadji Akbar
, Parizad Shirin, Movi Shahrbanoo (2022)., 24 Iranian Plant Protection Congress, 3-6 September, Tehran, Iran.
5. The Genome Formula of Faba bean necrotic yellows virus in Faba bean (Vicia faba)
Mansourpour Mahsa,
Dizadji Akbar
Abbasi Ali Reza
, Blanc Stephane, Gallet Romain, Zeddam Jean-Luis (2022)., 24 Iranian Plant Protection Congress, 3-6 September, Tehran, Iran.
6. Host-range studies of SaLV under greenhouse conditions
Movi Shahrbanoo,
Dizadji Akbar
, Parizad Shirin,
Nuorinejad Shahin
(2022)., 24 IPPC, 3-6 September, Tehran, Iran.
7. Biological characteristics and genetic variation analyses of saffron latent virus (SaLV) based on genomic P1-Pro and P3 regions
Movi Shahrbanoo,
Dizadji Akbar
, Parizad Shirin,
Nuorinejad Shahin
(2022)., EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PLANT PATHOLOGY, 164(2), 299-312.
8. Effects of an alphasatellite on life cycle of the nanovirus Faba bean necrotic yellows virus
Mansourpour Mahsa, Gallet Romain,
Abbasi Ali Reza
, Blanc Stephane,
Dizadji Akbar
, Zeddam Jean-Louis (2022)., JOURNAL OF VIROLOGY, 96(3).
1. Impact of two different dehydration methods on saffron quality, concerning the prevalence of Saffron latent virus (SaLV) in Iran
Moratalla-Lopez Natalia, Parizad Shirin,
Kohi Habibi Dehkordi Mina
, Stephan Winter,
Kalantari Syamak
, Bera Sayanta, Lorenzo Candida, Garcia-Rodriguez Valle,
Dizadji Akbar
, L. Alonso Gonzalo (2021)., FOOD CHEMISTRY, 337(1), 127786.
2. First report of grapevine red globe virus in grapevine in Iran
Nuorinejad Shahin
, Khalili Maryam,
Dizadji Akbar
, Wetzel Thierry (2021)., JOURNAL OF PLANT PATHOLOGY, 103(2), 661-661.
3. Collecting and partial characterization of Iranian Helicoverpa armigeraSingle NucleopolyhedroVirus isolates based on Polh gene
Shahbazi pashaki Raheleh,
Talaei-hassanloui Reza
, مسعود نادرپور, مهرور علی,
Dizadji Akbar
, Fotouhi Fatemeh (2021)., Iranian Journal of Plant Protection Science, 51(2), 195-207.
1. First report of grapevine rupestris vein feathering virus in grapevine in Iran
Khalili Maryam,
Nuorinejad Shahin
, Massart Sebastien,
Dizadji Akbar
, Olmos Antonio, Wetzel Thierry, Belen Ruiz-Garcia Ana (2020)., JOURNAL OF PLANT PATHOLOGY, 102(3), 1313.
2. Investigating the Potato virus Y main disease indicators in tobacco fields of Golestan province
پریسا شریفی نظام آباد, نصراله نژاد سعید, آقاجانی محمدعلی,
Dizadji Akbar
, ندیمی احمد (2020)., Applied Entomology and Phytopathology, 87(2).
3. Estimation of disease severity of potato virus y based on disease incidence in Golestan province tobacco fields
پریسا شریفی نظام آباد, نصراله نژاد سعید,
Dizadji Akbar
, آقاجانی محمدعلی, ندیمی احمد (2020)., IRANIAN JOURNAL OF PLANT PATHOLOGY, 55(4), 353-372.
4. Phylogeny, genetic diversity and population structure of Faba bean necrotic yellows virus based on the nucleotide sequence of DNA-M
Mansourpour Mahsa,
Dizadji Akbar
Abbasi Ali Reza
(2020)., IRANIAN JOURNAL OF PLANT PATHOLOGY, 55(2), 161-177.
5. Diversity and occurrence of chickpea chlorotic dwarf virus on legumes from Iran
Shahmohammadi Niayesh,
Dizadji Akbar
Bihamta Mohammadreza
, Kvarnheden Anders (2020)., Plant Pathology, 69(1), 139-148.
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