حسن به نژاد

حسن به نژاد

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Shafaee Masoomeh، goharshadi Elaheh، Ghafurian Mohammad Mustafa، Mohammadi Mojtaba، Behnejad Hassan (2023)., RSC Advances, 13(26), 17935-17946.

2. Characterization, Facile Fabrication of novel binary ZnO/Bi7O9I3 (30%) nanocomposite effective visible-light-indused for environmental remediation

Foghahazadeh Nilofar، Hamzeh Lo Majid، Behnejad Hassan، Mousavi Mitra (2021)., 8,th Ultrafine Grained and NanoStructured Materials, 6-7 November, Italy.
Foghahazadeh Nilofar، Mousavi Mitra، Behnejad Hassan، Hamzeh Lo Majid، Habibi yeganeh Aziz (2021)., JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE-MATERIALS IN ELECTRONICS, 32(3), 2704-2718.
Vinhal Vinhal، Jamali Asma، Behnejad Hassan، Yan Wei، Kontogeorgis Georgios (2020)., INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH, 59(19), 9265-9278.

2. Novel ZnO/Bi12O17Br2 heterojnction photocatalyst with superior photocatalytic efficiency under visible light irradiation

Foghahazadeh Nilofar، Hamzeh Lo Majid، Behnejad Hassan، Mousavi Mitra (2020)., 6th National on Applied Research in Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, 20-22 January, Tehran, Iran.
Rezaei Soheila، Behnejad Hassan، Shiri Fereshteh، Ghasemi Jahan Bakhsh (2019)., JOURNAL OF RECEPTORS AND SIGNAL TRANSDUCTION, 22(1), 1-9.

4. Enhanced photocatalytic activity of a novel visible-light-induced ZnO/Bi3O4Br for the degradation of azo dye pollutant

Foghahazadeh Nilofar، Hamzeh Lo Majid، Behnejad Hassan، Mousavi Mitra (2019)., 2th National congress of chemistry and nanochemistry from research to technology, 14-16 November, Tehran, Iran.

5. Decoration of Bi4O5I2 Nanoparticles on Zinc Oxide: Novel Visible-Light-Driven Photocatalysts for Efficiently Degradation of Dye

Foghahazadeh Nilofar، Hamzeh Lo Majid، Behnejad Hassan، Mousavi Mitra (2019)., 9th national seminar of chemistry and enviroments, 3-4 September, Tehran, Iran.
Jamali Asma، Vinhal Andre، Behnejad Hassan، Yan Wei، Kontogeorgis Georgios (2019)., DYNAMIC SYSTEMS AND APPLICATIONS, 495(1), 33-46.

7. A Novel ZnO/BiFeO3 Photocatalyst for Highly Efficient Visible Photocatalytic Performance N.

Foghahazadeh Nilofar، Hamzeh Lo Majid، Behnejad Hassan، Mosavi Mitra (2019)., 22,th iranian physical chemistry conference, 20-31 August, Zanjan, Iran.
Aryanfar fatemeh، Rostamian Raheleh، Behnejad Hassan (2019)., Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society, 16(11), 2351-2356.

9. Preparation and investigation of photocatalytic activity of novel ZnO/Bi5O7I nanocomposite towards water remediation

Foghahazadeh Nilofar، Hamzeh Lo Majid، Behnejad Hassan، Mousavi Mitra (2019)., Proceedings of the 8 International Conference on Nanostructures (ICNS8), 20-22 April, Tehran, Iran.