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Scholarly Works
Hadi Poorbagher
Academic Rank : Professor
Campus of Agriculture and Natural Resources / faculty of natural resources
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1 - 25 from 287 Result
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1. Change in the response of Caspian Sea trout (Salmo caspius, Kessler, 1877) to bioclimatic variables
Poorbagher Hadi
Eigdari Soheil
(2024)., Quarterly Aquaculture sciences, 12(2), 106-116.
2. A Review on the Function of Carotenoid Supplements in Improving Skin Pigmentation and Growth of Ornamental Aquatic Animals
Radkhah Ali Reza,
Eigdari Soheil
Poorbagher Hadi
, [] [] (2024).
3. The importance of temporal scale in distribution modeling of migratory Caspian Kutum, Rutilus frisii
Moezi Fateh,
Poorbagher Hadi
Eigdari Soheil
Feghhi Jahangir
, Dormann Carsten, Khorshidi Nergi sabah, Amiri Kaveh (2024)., Ecology and Evolution, 14(9), 1-17.
4. Early morphological and histological development and allometric growth of Caspian kutum, Rutilus frisii
Ghorbanzadeh Ghadir,
Poorbagher Hadi
Eigdari Soheil
Rafiei Gholamreza
, Jeffs Andrew, nahavandi reza (2024)., BIOLOGIA, 79(10).
5. Measuring the beta diversity of fishes in the Urmia Lake basin
Shabanloo Hamed,
Eigdari Soheil
Poorbagher Hadi
(2024)., Journal of Fisheries(Iranian Journal Of Natural Recources), 77(3), 195-208.
6. Morphological difference of hybrid and non-hybrid Hyrcanian goby, Ponticola hircaniensis
Shatoei garenje Ehsan,
Eigdari Soheil
Poorbagher Hadi
, Nasri Manochehr (2024).
7. Investigating the morphological diversity of five species of gobies of the genus Ponticola (Gobiiformes: Gobiidae) in rivers of the southern Caspian Sea basin
Shatoei garenje Ehsan,
Eigdari Soheil
Poorbagher Hadi
, نصری منوچهر (2024)., Journal of Natural Environment (Iranian Journal of Natural Resources), 77(ویژه نامه), 189-197.
8. Comparison of the performance of the linear and non-linear models in habitat suitability estimation (case study: Razi scraper, Capoeta razii)
Poorbagher Hadi
Eigdari Soheil
, Moezi Fateh (2024)., Journal of Natural Environment (Iranian Journal of Natural Resources), 77(2), 49-60.
9. Ecological niche overlap from occurrence of two cyprinid sympatric species, Paracapoeta trutta and Capoeta damascina in the Sirvan River, Persian Gulf Basin
Mouludi-Saleh Atta,
Eigdari Soheil
Poorbagher Hadi
, اسماعیلی حمیدرضا (2024)., nova biologica reperta, 11(1), 95-87.
10. Time series modelling for the Caspian Kutum (Rutilus frisii) catch using SARIMA model
Moezi Fateh,
Poorbagher Hadi
Eigdari Soheil
Feghhi Jahangir
(2024)., Journal of Environmental Sciences, 22(2).
11. Plankton and fertilizers transferring to the ponds and their effects on growth and survival of chinese carps
Rafiei Gholamreza
, Moslemi Mehran,
Farhangi Mehrdad
Poorbagher Hadi
(2024)., Journal of Fisheries(Iranian Journal Of Natural Recources), 77(2), 173-183.
12. Study of habitat suitability of Namak chub (Squalius namak) in Qarachai River from Namak Lake basin
Radkhah Ali Reza,
Eigdari Soheil
Poorbagher Hadi
(2024)., Iranian Scientific Fisheries Journal, 33(1), 53-69.
13. Morphological variations of Iranian goby, Ponticola iranicus populations in the southern Caspian Sea basin, Guilan province
Shatoei garenje Ehsan,
Eigdari Soheil
Poorbagher Hadi
, نصری منوچهر (2024)., Quarterly Aquaculture sciences, 12(22), 91-98.
14. How the morphology of two closely related riverine sympatric species are reflected in ecological niche overlapping? A case study of two Capoeta species
Mouludi-Saleh Atta,
Eigdari Soheil
Poorbagher Hadi
(2024)., LIMNOLOGY, 25(2).
15. Predicting the distribution of fish community in the Persian Gulf using joint species distribution modelling with a latent variable model
Poorbagher Hadi
Eigdari Soheil
(2024)., Iranian Journal of Ichthyology (Iran. J. Ichthyol.), 11(1), 69-78.
16. Measuring the biodiversity of fishes in the Urmia Lake basin using fractals
Poorbagher Hadi
Eigdari Soheil
, Shabanloo Hamed (2024)., Applied Ichthyological Reserch, 11(4), 21-31.
17. Studies of qualitative indices and the proposal of necessary protection measures for protected Haraz River
Mazandarani Parva,
Rezaei Tavabe Kamran
, صمدی کوچسرائی بهاره,
Poorbagher Hadi
, Eslamizadeh Mohsen (2024)., Journal of Natural Environment (Iranian Journal of Natural Resources), 76(1), 110-97.
1. Feeding characters of Alburnus sellal (Family: Leuciscidae) in the Little Zab River, western Iran
غفوری زانیار,
Eigdari Soheil
Poorbagher Hadi
(2023)., Iranian Journal of Ichthyology (Iran. J. Ichthyol.), 10(4).
2. Ecological niche overlap model between small-scale scraper (Capoeta buhsei) and large-scale scraper (C. aculeata) in Qarachai River, Namak Lake Basin
Radkhah Ali Reza,
Eigdari Soheil
Poorbagher Hadi
(2023)., 7th International Congress of Fisheries and Aquatic Research, 24-25 December, Karaj, Iran.
3. The use of geometric morphometric method in evaluating sexual dimorphism (Case study: Cyprinion macrostomum)
غفوری زانیار,
Eigdari Soheil
Poorbagher Hadi
(2023)., Experimental Animal Biology, 12(2).
4. Morphological difference between two populations of hybrid and non-hybrid Hyrcanian goby, Ponticola hircaniensis
Shatoei garenje Ehsan,
Eigdari Soheil
Poorbagher Hadi
, Nasri Manochehr (2023)., The third national conference of fishes conservation with emphasis on Tigris and Euphratas basin ichthyofauna, 16 December, Khorramabad, Iran.
5. Modeling prediction and habitat suitability of Garra rufa (Heckel In the four seasons of the year, Zab Koch River, Iran
غفوری زانیار,
Eigdari Soheil
Poorbagher Hadi
, Rahimi Jamal, Mouludi-Saleh Atta (2023)., The third national conference of fishes conservation with emphasis on Tigris and Euphratas basin ichthyofauna, 16 December, Khorramabad, Iran.
6. The effect of salinity on the body shape of platyfish Xiphophorus maculatus (Teleostei: Poeciliidae) during early stages of development using geometric morphometric method
Radkhah Ali Reza,
Eigdari Soheil
, Abdy Abdolmajid,
Poorbagher Hadi
Rafiei Gholamreza
(2023)., Journal of Animal Researches, 36(3).
7. Assessing water quality indices and self-purification capacity of Balighli-Chai and Ghare-Sou Rivers using QUAL2Kw model
Rafiei Gholamreza
, Moezi Fateh,
Poorbagher Hadi
Rezaei Tavabe Kamran
Nematollahi Mohammad Ali
(2023)., Journal of Environment and Water Engineering, 9(3).
8. Modeling prediction and seasonal habitat preference of Karun barbel (Barbus karunensis Khaefi, Esmaeili, Geiger & Eagderi, 2017)
Shahbazi Saeid,
Poorbagher Hadi
Eigdari Soheil
Nematollahi Mohammad Ali
(2023)., Quarterly Aquaculture sciences, 11(2), 120-131.
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