Hamideh Marefat

Hamideh Marefat

Academic Rank : Professor
Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literature
  • 86 Citations
  • 5 h-Index
as of : 2025-03-15
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  • 579 Citations
  • 14 h-Index
as of : 2025-01-05

Scholarly Works

    Vafaee Seresht Karim, Marefat Hamideh (2022)., Teaching English as a Second Language Quarterly, 41(4), 113-172.

    1. Long-Term Effect of Written Corrective Feedback on EFL Students' Accurate Use of Articles

    Pashazadeh Ahsan, Marefat Hamideh (2018)., The 17th Symposium on Second Language Writing "Second Language Writing in Multilingual Contexts", 2-4 August, Vancouver, Canada.
    Marefat Hamideh, Farzizadeh Bahareh (2018)., Iranian Journal of Applied Linguistics, 21(1).
    Abdollahnejad Elias, Marefat Hamideh (2018)., Lingvisticae Investigationes, 40(2), 135-149.
    Marefat Hamideh, Mehdizadeh Mostafa (2017)., Language Related Research, 8(6), 1-26.
    Marefat Hamideh, Samadi Eskandar (2017)., Journal of Linguistic Research, 7(2), 97-115.
    Marefat Hamideh, Samadi Eskandar, Yaseri Mehdi (2016)., Applied Research on English Language, 8(4), 78-95.

    1. Relative Clause Attachment Ambiguity Resolution in L2: The Role of Semantics

    Marefat Hamideh, Samadi Eskandar (2015)., THIRD 21ST CENTURY ACADEMIC FORUM CONFERENCE AT HARVARD, 20-22 September, Boston, United States Of America (USA).

    1. Processing Reflexives and Pronouns by Persian Speaking Children in L1 and L2

    Marefat Hamideh, Parvanezadeh Sara (2014)., The 14th Annual International Symposium of Processability Approaches to Language Acquisition (PALA), 22-23 September, Germany.
    Marefat Hamideh, Sheydaii Iman (2014)., Iranian Journal of Applied Language Studies, 4(2), 135-152.

    3. Relative Clauses in Persian: a small-scale corpus study

    Marefat Hamideh, Abdollahnejad Elias (2014)., 6th International Conference on Corpus Linguistics, 22-24 May, Spain.

    4. Interpretation of Persian reflexives by English and Japanese speakers: First language transfer or UG?

    Marefat Hamideh, Jahedzade Shourbalagh Behnam, Soltani Mona (2014)., Iranian Studies, 10(10), 71-103.
    Rezaei Abbasali, Marefat Hamideh, Saeedakhtar Afsaneh (2014)., COMPUTER ASSISTED LANGUAGE LEARNING, 12(12), 1-18.
    Marefat Hamideh, Abdollahnejad Elias (2014)., Teaching English as a Second Language Quarterly, 5(4), 19-40.
    Rahmany Ramin, Marefat Hamideh, Kidd Evan (2013)., JOURNAL OF CHILD LANGUAGE, 41(04), 1-12.
    Marefat Hamideh, Mohammadzadeh Sshirin (2013)., Applied Research on English Language, 2(2), 37-50.

    3. Acquisition of English relative clauses by adult Persian learners: The role of resumptive pronouns

    Marefat Hamideh, Abdollahnejad Elias (2013)., Second ELt Conference: Exploring new dimensions, 29-30 April, Tehran, Iran.

    4. Acquisition of Persian reflexives by English and Japanese speakers: L1 transfer or UG

    Marefat Hamideh, Soltani Mona, Jahedzade Shourbalagh Behnam (2013)., The Scandinavian Association for Language and Cognition (SALC), 12-14 April, Finland.

    1. Genre analysis of research article abstracts

    Marefat Hamideh, Mohammadzadeh Shirin (2012)., ICT for language learning, 15-16 November, Rome, Italy.