fatemeh sabouhi

fatemeh sabouhi

Academic Rank : Assistant Professor
College of Engineering / Faculty of Industrial Engineering

Scholarly Works

  • 35 Article
  • 21 Conference

2. Water resources management using systems dynamics

Ranjbar vanaki Fatemeh, رضاپور تینا, sabouhi fatemeh (2024)., 10th International Conference on Industrial and Systems Engineering, 18-19 September, Mashhad, Iran.

1. An overview of the research conducted on the sustainable supply chain network of biomass renewable energy

Aslani Leila, Hasanzadeh Atefe, sabouhi fatemeh (2023)., 5th National Conferance on Novel Achievements in Electrical, Computer and Industrial Engineering, 14-15 November, Bojnord, Iran.

2. A bi-objective multi-period optimization model for forest-based biomass supply chain design

لک امیررضا, فریبرز راد محسن, sabouhi fatemeh (2023)., 9th International Conference on Industrial and Systems Engineering, 12-13 September, Mashhad, Iran.

2. An overview of the use of information systems, tracking and interception in the vaccine supply chain network

ترشیزی احسان, Bozorgi-Amiri Ali, sabouhi fatemeh (2022)., 3rd International Conference on Challenges and New Solutions in Industrial Engineering, Management and Accounting, 10 November, Chabahar, Iran.

3. Designing a renewable energy supply chain based on waste under uncertainty conditions

گفتی مرتضی, مهری پروانه, sabouhi fatemeh, Ghaderi Seyed Farid (2022)., 8th International Conference on Industrial and Systems Engineering, 7-8 September, Mashhad, Iran.

4. A bi-objective mathematical model to respond to COVID-19

Eshkiti Amin, Bozorgi-Amiri Ali, sabouhi fatemeh (2022)., JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL AND SYSTEMS ENGINEERING, 14(3).

5. An overview of the application of cold chain in the vaccine supply chain network

ترشیزی احسان, Bozorgi-Amiri Ali, sabouhi fatemeh (2022)., 5th international conference on interdisciplinary studies in management, 5 July, Tehran, Iran.

6. A model for the location-allocation of medical facilities during an epidemic

اشکیتی امین, Bozorgi-Amiri Ali, sabouhi fatemeh (2022)., 5th international conference on interdisciplinary studies in management, 5 July, Tehran, Iran.

7. A location-allocation bi-objective optimization model for renewable energy supply chain design

گفتی مرتضی, مهری پروانه, sabouhi fatemeh, Ghaderi Seyed Farid (2022)., 5th international conference on interdisciplinary studies in management, 5 July, Tehran, Iran.
Desi-Nezhad Zahra, sabouhi fatemeh, Dehghani Sadrabadi Mohammad Hossein (2022)., RAIRO-OPERATIONS RESEARCH, 56(2), 751-768.
sabouhi fatemeh, Jabalameli Mohammad Saeed, Jabbarzadeh Armin (2021)., Computers & Industrial Engineering, 159(ندارد), 107510.

2. Two-objective mathematical model for the location-allocation problem of urban solid waste (case study: Tehran city)

نیلی مریم, جبل عاملی محمد سعید, sabouhi fatemeh (2020)., Industrial Engineering & Management Sharif, 1(1).

3. Production scheduling model for cold rolling mill temper line

واعظ پریناز, sabouhi fatemeh, Bozorgi-Amiri Ali, محمدی عمران (2020)., 6th International Conference on Industrial and Systems Engineering, 9-10 September, Mashhad, Iran.

4. Efficient Heuristic Algorithm and Decision Support System for Colored Line Scheduling Problem

واعظ پریناز, sabouhi fatemeh, Bozorgi-Amiri Ali, محمدی عمران (2020)., 13th International conference of Iranian Operations research society, 6-9 September.
sabouhi fatemeh, Jabalameli Mohammad Saeed, Jabbarzadeh Armin, Fahimnia Behnam (2020)., INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRODUCTION RESEARCH, 58(24), 7353-7381.