Arta Jamshidi

Arta Jamshidi

Academic Rank : Associate Professor
Science schools / School of Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science
Contact Number : 61114214
  • 219 Citations
  • 9 h-Index
as of : 2025-03-15

Scholarly Works

  • 219Citations
  • 9 h-Index
  • 19 Article
  • 23 Conference

1. Geometry of Daily Glucose Dynamics

Jamshidi Arta, Rokni Lamouki Gholam Reza (2024)., The 17th Seminar on Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems, 6-8 November, Babolsar, Iran.

2. Computational Thinking and Artificial Intelligence in Biology Education

Jamshidi Arta, Pashani Yashar (2024)., 23rd National and 11th International Iranian Biology Congress, 9-11 September, Tehran, Iran.

3. Topological Invariants in Human Metabolic Organs

Jamshidi Arta, Rokni Lamouki Gholam Reza (2024)., 23rd National and 11th International Iranian Biology Congress, 9-11 September, Tehran, Iran.

4. A New Approach to Computational Thinking and Artificial Intelligence in Math Education

Jamshidi Arta, اسدی لمعه دشت نقی (2024)., The 55th Annual Iranian Mathematics Conference, 14-16 August, Mashhad, Iran.

5. Estimating Arbitrage-Free Rates Using Simplicial Signal Reconstruction Method

عجم زبیدی محمد, Jamshidi Arta (2024)., The 55th Annual Iranian Mathematics Conference, 14-16 August, Mashhad, Iran.

6. Real Data Feedback to Control Thyroid Behavior

Jamshidi Arta, Rokni Lamouki Gholam Reza (2024)., The 3'th International and 5'th National conference on Biomathematics, 24-25 July, Tabriz, Iran.

7. Applications of graph signal processing in predicting protein-protein interactions

Babaei Roxana, Jamshidi Arta (2024)., Biological Science Promotion, 7(14), 148-161.

1. A Relational Geometric Approach to Identify Insulin-Glucose Dynamics

Jamshidi Arta, Rokni Lamouki Gholam Reza (2023)., The 54th Annual Iranian Mathematics Conference, 23-25 August, Zanjan, Iran.

2. A Game Theoretic Approach to Control Coronavirus Pandemic

Jamshidi Arta, Mazloum Mahdi (2023)., journal of advanced mathematical modeling, 13(1), 130-140.

3. A Data Driven Approach to Identify the Pseudo-periodic Behavior of Blood Glucose in Diabetic Patients

Jamshidi Arta, Rokni Lamouki Gholam Reza (2023)., The 2nd International and 4th National Conference on Biomathematics, 8-10 February, Babolsar, Iran.

1. Bürmann's Expansion and its Application to Data Science

Jamshidi Arta, Mavandadi Bahram (2022)., 53rd Annual Iranian Mathematics Conference, 5-8 September, Iran.

2. A Pattern Identification Approach to Corona Virus Spread in Neighboring Countries

Jamshidi Arta (2022)., 22nd National and 10th International Congress on Biology, 31 August-2 September, Shahrekord, Iran.

3. A Data Driven Approach to Identify the Dynamics of Corona Virus Spread in Neighboring Regions

Jamshidi Arta (2022)., The 16th International Seminar on Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems, 14-15 July, Tabriz, Iran.

4. Identification of Thyroid Limit Cycle in Real Data

Jamshidi Arta, Rokni Lamouki Gholam Reza (2022)., The 1st International and 3rd National Conference on Biomathematics, 19-21 January, Damghan, Iran.

5. COVID-19 Outbreak Control using Game Theory

Jamshidi Arta, Mazloum Mahdi (2022)., The 1st International and 3rd National Conference on Biomathematics, 19-21 January, Damghan, Iran.

1. An Image Encryption Algorithm Based on Chaotic Maps and Wavelet Transform

Mohammadnezhad Vahid, Jamshidi Arta, Rokni Lamouki Gholam Reza (2021)., 6th International Conference on Combinatorics, Cryptography, Computer Science and Computing, 17 November, Tehran, Iran.

2. Modeling of Vocal Folds Oscillation using Volterra Series

[] [], Jamshidi Arta (2021)., 52nd Annual Iranian Mathematics Conference, 30 August-2 September, Kerman, Iran.

1. Cystic fibrosis from genotype to phenotype

Modaresi Estahbanati Mohammad Sadra, Jamshidi Arta, مدرسی اصطهبانی محمد رضا (2020)., Tehran University Medical Journal, 78(8), 475-486.

2. Changes in the Frequency Content of Corona Outbreak in Iran

Jamshidi Arta, Modarresi Estahbanati Mohammad Sadra (2020)., 2nd National Conference on Biomathematics, 22-23 October, Tabriz, Iran.

3. Data Science Tools in Encountering Various Disease

Jamshidi Arta, Modaresi Estahbanati Mohammad Sadra (2020)., 2nd National Conference on Biomathematics, 22-23 October, Tabriz, Iran.

4. Modeling Thyroid irregular Behavior

Jamshidi Arta, Rokni Lamouki Gholam Reza (2020)., 2nd National Conference on Biomathematics, 22-23 October, Tabriz, Iran.

5. The role of data science in encountering COVID-19 pandemic

Jamshidi Arta, Modarresi Estahbanati Mohammad Sadra (2020)., Biological Science Promotion, 3(6).
Pirastehzad Armin, Taghizadeh Amirhekmat, Jamshidi Arta (2019)., Informatics in Medicine Unlocked, 18(100247), 100247.
Jamshidi Arta, Rokni Lamouki Gholam Reza (2018)., COMPUTERS IN BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE, 103(1), 301-311.