saeede alikaii

saeede alikaii

Academic Rank : Assistant Professor
College of Fine Arts / Faculty of Urban Development
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  • 16 Citations
  • 2 h-Index
as of : 2025-03-17

Scholarly Works

  • 13 Article
  • 11 Conference

1. An Analysis of theoretical Background and effective qualities to develop an urban facade design guideline

alikaii saeede (2025)., International Conference on Hekmat-Based Architecture, Urban Development, Art, Industrial Design, Construction and Technology, 27 February, Tabriz, Iran.
alipour kouhi pantea, alikaii saeede (2024)., International Journal Of Architecture And Urban Development, 14(2).
alikaii saeede, falahi mahsa (2024)., Space Ontology International Journal-Architecture, Urban Design and Planning, 13(49).

4. Application of SWOT-QSPM technique in analysis and planning of urban safe spaces

maljaie alhosseini Seyedeh armita, haerizade maryam, alikaii saeede (2024)., 3rd.International Conference on Architecture, Civil Engineering, Urban Development, Environment and Horizons of Islamic Art in the Second Step Statement of the Revolution, 7 March, Tabriz, Iran.

5. strategic assessment of Tehran s 22nd district through fishbone technique

شریعتی کیمیا, رستگار الهام, alikaii saeede (2024)., 3rd.International Conference on Architecture, Civil Engineering, Urban Development, Environment and Horizons of Islamic Art in the Second Step Statement of the Revolution, 7 March, Tabriz, Iran.

6. Investigating security in urban spaces using space syntax technique (case study: Saghrisazan neighborhood - Rasht)

سلطان خمسی پگاه, آقا محمدی غزاله, alikaii saeede (2024)., 3rd.International Conference on Architecture, Civil Engineering, Urban Development, Environment and Horizons of Islamic Art in the Second Step Statement of the Revolution, 7 March, Tabriz, Iran.
فلاحی مهسا, Rezapour Ahangar amin, alikaii saeede (2024)., Journal of Urban Management and Energy Sustainability, 5(1).
alikaii saeede, Rahmani Mehrdad, Jamalabadi Fatemeh, Akdogan Mehmet Emin, Khoshnevis Sarasadat (2023)., Sustainable Cities and Society, 13(99), 104873.

2. Developing a conceptual framework of urban resilience with an emphasis on the physical dimension

Haghanipour Fateme, alikaii saeede (2023)., 12th International Conference on Agricultural Science, Environment, Urban and Rural Development, 10 March, Tbilisi, Georgia.

3. Developing a conceptual framework governing the role of city image on urban branding

seraji seraji, alikaii saeede (2023)., 11 International Conference on Tourism, Culture and Art, 10 March, Tbilisi, Georgia.

4. Analyzing theoretical approaches and Codifying the conceptual framework of the creative city

haerizade maryam, maljaie alhosseini Seyedeh armita, alikaii saeede (2023)., 8th. International Congress on Civil Engineering, Architecture and Urban Development, 7-9 March, Tehran, Iran.

5. The effect of city form on social sustainability

sadigh tara, alikaii saeede (2023)., 8th. International Congress on Civil Engineering, Architecture and Urban Development, 7-9 March, Tehran, Iran.
alipour kouhi pantea, alikaii saeede, Maddahzad Seyedeh Maryam (2023)., Intercultural studies, 17(53).

7. The effect of climate on urban physical form

yekani nezhad amir hossein, alikaii saeede (2023)., the fifth International Conference on strategic ideas in architecture, civil engineering and urban planning in iran, 3 March, Mashhad, Iran.

8. Codification of the Conceptual Framework governing the security of urban spaces and its Impact on Crime Reduction

maljaie alhosseini Seyedeh armita, alikaii saeede (2023)., 7th.International Conference on Researches in Science & Engineering & 4th.International Congress on Civil, Architecture and Urbanism in Asia, 16 February, Bangkok, Thailand.

10. Codification of the Conceptual Framework of Transit Oriented Development (TOD) and its Application in Iran's Transportation Projects

haerizade maryam, alikaii saeede (2023)., 5th.International Conference & 6th.national Conference on Civil Engineering, Architecture, Art and Urban Design, 25-26 January, Tabriz, Iran.

2. Explaining the Theory-Practice Gap In Iranian Urban Design Projects Based on Communicative Theory

alikaii saeede, Nouri Ali, alipour kouhi pantea (2020)., Space Ontology International Journal-Architecture, Urban Design and Planning, 9(4).