Saadat Sarikhani

Saadat Sarikhani

Academic Rank : Associate Professor
Campus of Agriculture and Natural Resources / Aburaihan Campus / Depatment of Horticulture / Campus of Agriculture and Natural Resources / Aburaihan Campus
Contact Number : 36041089
Room : 212
  • 874 Citations
  • 16 h-Index
as of : 2025-03-15
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  • 1556 Citations
  • 21 h-Index
as of : 2025-03-16

Scholarly Works

  • 874Citations
  • 16 h-Index
  • 35 Article
  • 24 Conference
  • 2 Book
Hamidirad Maryam, Sarikhani Saadat, Nikpendar Amir Hossein, Sheikhi Abdollatif, Roozban Mahmoud Reza, Ghahramanzadeh Sara, Vahdati Kourosh (2025)., GENETIC RESOURCES AND CROP EVOLUTION, 71(8), 1-15.
Habibi Asad, Sarikhani Saadat, Arab Mohammad Mehdi, Soltani Mohammad, Aliniaeifard Sasan, Roozban Mahmoud Reza, Vahdati Kourosh (2024)., PLANT PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY, 217(109237), 109237.
esmaeili mona, Shahryari Fatemeh, Sarikhani Saadat (2024)., JOURNAL OF PLANT PATHOLOGY, 106(4), 1-13.
Zahedi Seyed Morteza, Marjani Mina, Rostami Ahmadvandi Hossein, Alemian Masoumeh, Ikram Muhammad, Gholami Rahmatollah, Sarikhani Saadat, Ludwikow Agnieszka, Carillo hdwikow Petronia (2024)., SOUTH AFRICAN JOURNAL OF BOTANY, 174(2024), 1017-1029.

5. The effect of different concentrations of potassium thiosulfate on the amount of leaf photosynthetic pigments and total carbohydrates in tomato fruits

قهرمان زاده سارا, ترابی گیگلو موسی, آذرمی رسول, Sarikhani Saadat (2024)., 11th National Congress on Medicinal Plants, 29-30 May, Yazd, Iran.
Zahedi Seyed Morteza, Harfi Taher, Marjani Mina, Vaculik Marek, Amini Mojtaba, Sarikhani Saadat (2024)., Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 24(1), 1-12.

8. Effect of Stomatal Parameters and Osmoregulation on Drought Resistance in some Pistachio Clonal Hybrids

Osku Mozhdeh, Roozban Mahmoud Reza, Sarikhani Saadat, Arab Mohammad Mehdi, Vahdati Kourosh (2024)., 8th Iranian Conference of Plant Physiology, 30-31 January, Kerman, Iran.
Fallah Mehdi, Paizila Aibibula, Karci Harun, Arab Mohammad Mehdi, Sarikhani Saadat, Suprun Ivan, Rasouli Mousa, Hassani Darab, Salih Kafkas, Vahdati Kourosh (2024)., EUPHYTICA, 220(2).

2. Identification, confirmation and introduction of the Molecular marker of leafing date trait in Iranian walnut population

Fallah Mehdi, Vahdati Kourosh, حسنی داراب, Rasouli Mousa, Sarikhani Saadat, Arab Mohammad Mehdi (2023)., 13th Iranian Horticultural Science Congress, 18-21 September, Gorgan, Iran.

3. Effects of Foliar Application of Silicon on Control of Psyllid Population in Pistachio 'Ohadi'

Ghasemi Farshid, Roozban Mahmoud Reza, Sarikhani Saadat, Jamshidnia Arsalan, Osku Mozhdeh (2023)., 13Th Iranian Horticultural Science Congress, 18 September-22 October, Gorgan, Iran.

4. The Effects of Growth Regulating Treatments and Cold Stress on the Increase of Sucker Production in Potted Anthurium Plants

Dianati Daylami Shirin, Azizipoor Fahimeh, Amiri Mahmood, Sarikhani Saadat (2023)., 13th Iranian Horticultural Science Congress, 18-21 September, Gorgan, Iran.

5. The Effect of Light Spectra on in vitro Hardening of Tissue Cultured Walnuts

Saedi Seyedarash, Vahdati Kourosh, Aliniaeifard Sasan, Sarikhani Saadat, Dianati Daylami Shirin, Davarzani Maryam (2023)., 13th Iranian Horticultural Science Congress, 18-21 September, Gorgan, Iran.

6. Comparison of Growth Characteristics in Arota and UCB1; as Commercial Interspecies Pistachio Hybrid Rootstocks

Osku Mozhdeh, Roozban Mahmoud Reza, Sarikhani Saadat, Akbari Mohammad, Arab Mohammad Mehdi, Vahdati Kourosh (2023)., 13Th Iranian Horticultural Science Congress, 18 September-22 October, Gorgan, Iran.

7. The Effect of Post-harvest Application of Melatonin, Chitosan and Nano-chitosan on some Biochemical Properties of Apple Fruit (Red Delicious)

Hamidi Mostaghim, Hesami Abdolali, Sarikhani Saadat, Zahedi Seyed Morteza (2023)., 13th Iranian Horticultural Science Congress, 18-21 September, Gorgan, Iran.

8. Identification of Promising and Late-Leafing Walnut Genotypes in Razavi Khorasan Province

Hamidirad Maryam, Nikpendar Amir Hossein, Sarikhani Saadat, Vahdati Kourosh, Roozban Mahmoud Reza (2023)., 13th Iranian Horticultural Science Congress, 18-21 September, Gorgan, Iran.

9. Enhancing the Shelf Life and Quality of Shredded Iceberg Lettuce: A Comparative Study of Different Polymer Coating

قاسمیان عارف, Lotfi Mahmoud, هدایتی علی, Dianati Daylami Shirin, Sarikhani Saadat (2023)., 13th Iranian Horticultural Science Congress, 18-21 September, Gorgan, Iran.
Rezaei Ali, Arzani Kazem, Sarikhani Saadat (2023)., EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF HORTICULTURAL SCIENCE, 88(4), 1-12.

12. Temperate Nuts

Vahdati Kourosh, Sheikhi Abdolatif, Arab Mohammad Mehdi, Sarikhani Saadat, Habibi Asaad, Ataee Hojjat (2023).
Habibi Asad, Yazdani Navid, Koshesh Saba Mahmoud, Chatrabnous Najme, Molassiotis Athanassios, Sarikhani Saadat, Vahdati Kourosh (2023)., Horticulture Environment and Biotechnology, 1(64), 1-10.