Maryam Haghroosta

Maryam Haghroosta

Academic Rank : Associate Professor
Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literature

Scholarly Works

  • 17 Article
  • 11 Conference
  • 12 Book

3. Space and identity in Axolotl

Haghroosta Maryam (2024)., “II International Conference Committed Literature in Latin America”, 26 March, Lima, Peru.

1. Spanish in Iran

Haghroosta Maryam (2023)., Spanish Language in the world, 18-20 December, Madrid, Spain.

2. The presence of Persian literature in Brazilian literature

Haghroosta Maryam (2023)., II Symposium on Contemporary Latin American Literature: tensions, imaginaries and intersections, 12-13 September, Parana (Paraná), Brazil.

3. Eastern sources in Miguel de Cervantes' novel Don Quixote, through comparison with its Persian translations

Haghroosta Maryam (2023)., International Congress on the History of Hispanic Language and Literature, 17-18 July, Barcelona, Spain.

4. Death in Latin American and Persian literature

Haghroosta Maryam (2023)., The concept of death in Hispanic literature, 26-29 June, Valladolid, Spain.

2. A reading of Salon de Belleza by Mario Bellatin

Haghroosta Maryam (2022)., International Conference Epidemics en literature and cinema, 17 May, Tehran, Iran.

3. Education system in the Latin American region in the era of Covid-19

Haghroosta Maryam (2022)., Conference International Global Developments in the Corona and Post-Corona Eras, 6 March, Tehran, Iran.

1. A Reflection on the Travelogue of Adolfo Ribnadira; Spanish Iranologist; to Iran

Haghroosta Maryam (2021)., Contemporary Iranian Studies Bienal Conference 2021, 1-2 November, Tehran, Iran.

2. teaching of the Spanish language in Iran: Challenges and opportunities

Haghroosta Maryam (2021)., 12 International Symposium "The teaching of Spanish and Mexican culture to foreigners", 13-15 October, Mexico City, Mexico.

1. The Impact of 9/11 events on US Relations

Vaez-zadeh Hessameddin, Haghroosta Maryam, Ghareh Daghi Ghrsheh Ali Asghar (2014)., Political International Researches, 1(19), 65-101.

2. A History of Latin America

Haghroosta Maryam, Nourigholamizadeh Elaheh (2014).

1. Moharram:un tiempo en el que los corazones se visten de luto

Haghroosta Maryam, Afkhami Nasrollah Zadeh Alisia (2012)., Pan-Asian Journal of Sports Physical Education, 2(12), 23-25.

2. Peregrinacion a la Mecauna busqueda de la redencion

Haghroosta Maryam, Afkhami Nasrollah Zadeh Alisia (2012)., Pan-Asian Journal of Sports Physical Education, 2(12), 26-29.