Mohammad Kiumarsi Jertode

Mohammad Kiumarsi Jertode

Academic Rank : Associate Professor
Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literature

Scholarly Works

  • 25 Article
  • 8 Conference
  • 4 Book

2. A review of the social context in Allama Iqbal's Persian poetry

Kiumarsi Jertode Mohammad (2023)., Iqbal's thoughts in the context of the 21st century and two great poets of the Islamic world: Iqbal and Akif, 27-28 December, Islamabad, Pakistan.
Akbar Ali Muhammad, Kiumarsi Jertode Mohammad (2023)., Zaban -o- Adab, 2(16(33)), 238-242.

4. modern research in iran and urdu research

Kiumarsi Jertode Mohammad (2023)., urdu research issues and their solution in the light of modern research methodologies, 11-12 February, Lahore, Pakistan.

1. The tradition of Iqbal studies in Iranian universities

Kiumarsi Jertode Mohammad (2021)., The usefulness and necessity of recognizing Iqbal's thought in the present age, 17-18 November, Pakistan.

1. a study of several important indexes in turkish persian and urdu languages in terms of comparative linguistics

Kiumarsi Jertode Mohammad (2018)., classicism modernism and contemporary literary trends, 14-16 November, Lahore, Pakistan.

2. Meaning of Allama Iqbal,s philasophy of Khodi From the perspective of Iranian intellectualsan

Kiumarsi Jertode Mohammad (2017)., the First Allama Iqbal International Conference:, 7-8 November, Lahore, Pakistan.

3. Critical Studies of Translation and Situation of Translation in Iran

Kiumarsi Jertode Mohammad (2017)., Translation: A Scholarly Dialogue Among Civilizations, 18-19 August, Lahore, Pakistan.

2. A Study of linguistic and Grammar relativity Between Persian, Urdu and Turkey

Kiumarsi Jertode Mohammad (2015)., Ottoman Relations With The India- Pakistan Sub- Continent Muslim from Tripoli War to Republic of Turkey And Urdu in Turkey, 12-14 October, Istanbul, Turkey.

2. Co- Existence from inspect of urdu and persian Fiction

Kiumarsi Jertode Mohammad (2012)., International Conference Literature and Co- Existence, 4-5 November, Pakistan.

3. Urdu Afsanovi adab ...

Kiumarsi Jertode Mohammad (2012)., Tkhlyqy Literature, -(9), 232-244.