Farzaneh Eeftkhary

Farzaneh Eeftkhary

Academic Rank : Assistant Professor
College of Fine Arts / School of Industrial Design
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  • 7 Citations
  • 1 h-Index
as of : 2025-03-17

Scholarly Works

  • 4 Conference

1. DT: What Designers Can Learn From The Non-Designers Who Teach It

Eeftkhary Farzaneh (2018)., 20th International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education (E&PDE 2018), 6-7 September, England.

2. Thinking Beyond Design Discipline: The Process of Knowledge Transfer

Eeftkhary Farzaneh (2018)., 21st DMI: Academic Design Management Conference, 1-2 August, England.

1. A Design Approach for Risk Communication, the Case of Type 2 Diabetes

Eeftkhary Farzaneh (2016)., Design Research Society Conference 2016, 27-30 June, England.