Abdolreza Safari

Abdolreza Safari

Academic Rank : Professor
College of Engineering / School of Surveying and Geospatial Engineering
Geodesy | Hydrography
Contact Number : 61114251
  • 1422 Citations
  • 20 h-Index
as of : 2025-03-15
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  • 1983 Citations
  • 23 h-Index
as of : 2025-02-24



Ph.D , University of Tehran , Geodesy

2001 → 2004

M.Sc , University of Tehran , Geodesy

1996 → 1999

B.Sc , University of Tehran , Surveying Engineering

1988 → 1993


GeophysicsAtmospheric ScienceEarth and Planetary Sciences (all)Earth-Surface ProcessesComputers in Earth SciencesGeography, Planning and DevelopmentInformation SystemsGeochemistry and PetrologyComputer Science ApplicationsElectrical and Electronic EngineeringEarth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous)Aerospace EngineeringInstrumentationSpace and Planetary ScienceComputer Vision and Pattern RecognitionGlobal and Planetary ChangeSignal ProcessingGeotechnical Engineering and Engineering GeologyComputer Networks and CommunicationsApplied MathematicsEnvironmental Science (all)Civil and Structural EngineeringOceanographyComputational MathematicsAgronomy and Crop ScienceComputational Theory and MathematicsHighcharts.com
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