Mojtaba Ardestani

Mojtaba Ardestani(retired)

Academic Rank : Professor
Faculty of environment
  • 785 Citations
  • 15 h-Index
as of : 2024-02-14
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  • 1399 Citations
  • 17 h-Index
as of : 2025-02-23



Ph.D , University of Arizona , Civil and Environmental Engineering

1990 → 1994

M.Sc , University of Tennessee , Civil and Environmental Engineering

1987 → 1989

B.Sc , University of Tennessee , Agricultural Engineering Soil and Water Conservation

1984 → 1987


Water Science and TechnologyEnvironmental Science (all)PollutionWaste Management and DisposalEcologyEnvironmental ChemistryManagement, Monitoring, Policy and LawEnvironmental EngineeringCivil and Structural EngineeringRenewable Energy, Sustainability and the EnvironmentSoil ScienceEarth-Surface ProcessesGlobal and Planetary ChangeGeography, Planning and DevelopmentGeologyChemical Engineering (all)Energy (all)Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and SystematicsAquatic ScienceMultidisciplinaryChemistry (all)Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering GeologyEconomics and EconometricsEngineering (all)OceanographyDecision Sciences (all)Agricultural and Biological Sciences (all)
End of interactive chart.