Arezoo N. Ghameshlou

Arezoo N. Ghameshlou

Academic Rank : Assistant Professor
  • Scienstific Advisor of Water Engineering Assiciation, University of Tehran
Campus of Agriculture and Natural Resources / agri / Irrigation and Water / Campus of Agriculture and Natural Resources / Faculty of Agricultural Engineering and Technology
  • 87 Citations
  • 5 h-Index
as of : 2025-03-15
Google Scholar
  • 249 Citations
  • 8 h-Index
as of : 2025-03-09

Fingerprint Fingerprints are created based on keywords that are used in students theses that are supervised by the researcher's.

Applied Mathematics
Discrete Mathematics and Combinatorics
Statistics and Probability
Water Science and Technology
Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty
Environmental Science (all)
Environmental Chemistry
Earth and Planetary Sciences (all)
Civil and Structural Engineering
Control and Systems Engineering
Computer Science (all)
Algebra and Number Theory