Academic Rank : Assistant Professor
دانشکدگان فنی / دانشکده علوم مهندسی
Contact Number : 61112151
  • 105 Citations
  • 4 h-Index
as of : 2025-03-15
Google Scholar
  • 138 Citations
  • 4 h-Index
as of : 2024-05-01

Scholarly Works

  • 105citation
  • 4 h-Index
  • 12 article-list
  • 15 conference-list
قهرمانی امین (2025).comma-char OPTICS EXPRESScomma-char 33(4)comma-char.
قهرمانی امین (2025).comma-char OPTICS EXPRESScomma-char 33(4)comma-char.

1. Investigating the Effect of Structural Parameters on the Performance of Microring Resonators for the Purpose of Squeezed Light Generation

مقیمیان محمدرضا (2024).comma-char 5th National Conference on Quantum Information and Computationcomma-char 10-11 September, Shahrud, Iran.

2. Investigation of the Hexagonal Boron Nitride Optical Cavity Structure for Improving the Quality Factor of Single-Photon Generation

نیسی مینائی فواد (2024).comma-char 5th National Conference on Quantum Information and Computationcomma-char 10-11 September, Shahrud, Iran.

3. Photonics-enabled THz meta-antennas with electronic beam steering capability for future wireless communications

قهرمانی امین (2024).comma-char 12th IET Colloquium on Antennas, Wireless and Electromagnetics (CAWE)comma-char 15 May, Belfast, Northern Ireland.
یاسینی سهیل (2023).comma-char Advanced Quantum Techologiescomma-char 6(2300207)comma-char 1-9.
خواجوی سهیلcomma Eghrari Ali (2023).comma-char ULTRAMICROSCOPYcomma-char 255(113863)comma-char.
کاظمی خواه پیمان (2023).comma-char PHYSICA SCRIPTAcomma-char 98(8)comma-char 085101.

4. Evaluation of Analytical Models in Scattering Scanning Near-field Optical Microscopy for High Spatial Resolution Spectroscopy

خواجوی سهیلcomma Eghrari Ali (2023).comma-char The 29th Iranian Conference on Optics and Photonics (ICOP 2023) and the 15th Iranian Conference on Photonics Engineering and Technology (ICPET 2023)comma-char 31 January-2 February, Shiraz, Iran.

5. Electrical control of a THz beam generated through nonlinear metasurfaces based on multiple quantum wells

قهرمانی امینcomma Zahedi Taher (2023).comma-char The sixth International Conference on Millimeter-Wave and Terahertz Technologies (MMWaTT)comma-char 24-26 January, Tehran, Iran.


قریشی سما (2022).comma-char Iranian Distance Education Journalcomma-char volume 4(Number 1)comma-char 111-125.

2. Investigation about challenges and suggestions of Engineering students from University of Tehran regarding online learning during COVID19 pandemic

قریشی سما (2022).comma-char The 9th International and the 15th National Conference on E-Learning and E-Teachingcomma-char 9-10 March, Sanandaj, Iran.

1. Investigating the Challenges of Online Engineering Education during COVID19, Based on the Perceptions of Engineering Students at the University of Tehran

قریشی سما (2021).comma-char 7th Iran International Conference on Engineering Educationcomma-char 25-28 October, Tehran, Iran.

2. Study Case for Online Learning of an Experimental Course from Students Perspective

جعفری دل آرا (2021).comma-char The 1st Digital University of Tehran Faircomma-char 24-30 August, Tehran, Iran.

3. Pathology of Online Learning in Engineering Education in Corona Crisis: Case Study of the University of Tehran

قریشی سما (2021).comma-char The 1st Digital University of Tehran Faircomma-char 24-30 August, Tehran, Iran.

4. Potential Applications of Silicon-Surface Dangling-Bond Defects in Nanoelectronics Circuits

(2021).comma-char 2nd International Conference on Nanotechnology & Nanosciencecomma-char 7 August, Tehran, Iran.

1. Assembly Rules for Silicon-Surface Defects with Applications for Quantum Computing

(2018).comma-char 6th Iran International Conference on Quantum Informationcomma-char 8-11 September, Tehran, Iran.
Sanders Barry C.comma Dilabio Gino A. (2018).comma-char JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICScomma-char 148(15)comma-char 154701.
Livadaru Luciancomma Xue Pengcomma Dilabio Gino Acomma Mutus Joshcomma Pitters Jason Lcomma Sanders Barry Ccomma Wolkow Robert A (2017).comma-char NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICScomma-char 19(11)comma-char 119501.

2. Quantum Technology

(2017).comma-char Weekly Seminar-School of Engineering Sciencecomma-char 5 November, Tehran, Iran.

3. Coherence of Coupled Dangling-Bond Pairs on a Silicon Surface

(2017).comma-char Weekly Seminar at School of Nano Science; IPMcomma-char 8 February, Tehran, Iran.

4. Coherence of Coupled Dangling Bond Pairs on a Silicon Surface

(2017).comma-char Weekly Seminar at School of Nano Science, IPMcomma-char 8 February, Tehran, Iran.

5. Coupled dangling bonds on a silicon surface as building blocks for planar nanostructures and nano electronics

(2017).comma-char International Workshop on New Advances in Quantum Information Science and Technologiescomma-char 4 January-5 February, Tehran, Iran.
Livadaru Luciancomma Taucer Marcocomma Mutus Joshcomma Pitters Jasoncomma Wolkow Robert A.comma Sanders Barry C. (2014).comma-char Physical Review Bcomma-char 89(3)comma-char.
Livadaru Luciancomma Xue Pengcomma DiLabio Gino A.comma Mutus Joshcomma Pitters Jason Lcomma Sanders Barry Ccomma Wolkow Robert A (2010).comma-char NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICScomma-char 12(8)comma-char 083018.