Academic Rank : Associate Professor
دانشکدگان علوم / دانشکده زمین شناسی
  • 1485 Citations
  • 26 h-Index
as of : 2025-03-15
Google Scholar
  • 2545 Citations
  • 33 h-Index
as of : 2025-03-09

Scholarly Works

  • 1485citation
  • 26 h-Index
  • 120 article-list
  • 64 conference-list
  • 7 كتاب
جمالیان عادله (2025).comma-char MARINE AND PETROLEUM GEOLOGYcomma-char 173(3)comma-char 107277.
قربانی بیوکcomma وحیدی مطلق نوید (2025).comma-char JOURNAL OF AFRICAN EARTH SCIENCEScomma-char 223(3)comma-char 105525.
کریمخانی سعیدcomma رحیم پور بناب حسین (2025).comma-char Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environmentcomma-char 84(3)comma-char 140.
قربانی بیوکcomma وحیدی مطلق نویدcomma کاظمی حجت (2025).comma-char JOURNAL OF PETROLEUM GEOLOGYcomma-char 48(1)comma-char 29-57.
قریشی ساغرسادات (2025).comma-char journal of Petroleum Researchcomma-char 34(138)comma-char 129-158.
برفی زاده حسین (2024).comma-char Results in Earth Sciencescomma-char 2(4)comma-char 100037.
عمرانی سجاد (2024).comma-char Geoenergy Sicence and Engineeringcomma-char 243(12)comma-char 213398.
زارعی رودبارکی شقایقcomma اسدالهی شاد سوگند (2024).comma-char Journal of Petroleum Geomechanicscomma-char 7(Online First)comma-char 68-77.
طاهری کیومرثcomma زینی جهرمی عباسcomma علیزاده حسین (2024).comma-char JOURNAL OF AFRICAN EARTH SCIENCEScomma-char 217(2)comma-char 105348.
عمرانی سجاد (2024).comma-char SPE JOURNALcomma-char 29(10)comma-char 5352-5371.

6. Analysis and comparison of conventional and modified Winland rock type on the accuracy of water saturation calculation in the Dalan and Kangan formations in the northwest of the Persian Gulf

کهنه فائزه (2024).comma-char 8th International Conference on Technology Development in material Engineering, mining and Geologycomma-char 21 July, Tehran, Iran.
عمرانی سجاد (2024).comma-char Journal of Petroleum Geomechanicscomma-char 7(2)comma-char 39-52.
کیوانی فروزcomma شجاعی جندابه محمدcomma اسدالهی شاد سوگند (2024).comma-char Journal of Petroleum Geomechanicscomma-char 7(2)comma-char 53-71.
رضوان نیا فاطمهcomma مصدق حسینcomma بیرانوند بیژنcomma نستل گالیناcomma یحیایی احمد (2024).comma-char Scientific Quarterly Journal, GEOSCIENCEScomma-char 34(2)comma-char 1-28.

10. Evaluation of water saturation calculation accuracy in carbonate reservoirs using Winland method: central Persian Gulf

عمرانی سجاد (2024).comma-char Eighth International Conference on Technology Development in Oil, Gas, Refining and Petrochemicalscomma-char 19 June, Tehran, Iran.

11. Evaluation of routine rock typing methods accuracy in water saturation estimation in Kangan and Dalan carbonate reservoirs

کهنه فائزه (2024).comma-char Eighth International Conference on Technology Development in Oil, Gas, Refining and Petrochemicalscomma-char 19 June, Tehran, Iran.
واعظی علیرضاcomma جمالی مرتضیcomma نادری بنی عبدالمجید (2024).comma-char Journal of Archaeological Studiescomma-char 8(27)comma-char 59-80.
حسین زاده مهناز (2024).comma-char Geoenergy Sicence and Engineeringcomma-char 237(12)comma-char 212810.
عمرانی سجاد (2024).comma-char Journal of Petroleum Geomechanicscomma-char 7(1)comma-char 12-24.
اکبرزاده سمیراcomma داودی سپیده (2024).comma-char Journal of Petroleum Geomechanicscomma-char 7(1)comma-char 64-80.
سلیمانی امین (2024).comma-char Geoenergy Sicence and Engineeringcomma-char 235(4)comma-char 212739.


(2024).comma-char Mineralscomma-char 14(3)comma-char.
(2024).comma-char Mineralscomma-char 14(3)comma-char.
صفی فرحناز (2024).comma-char journal of Petroleum Researchcomma-char 33(6)comma-char 3-23.