Academic Rank : Associate Professor
دانشکدگان مدیریت
Contact Number : 02161117758
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  • 127 Citations
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as of : 2025-03-03

Scholarly Works

  • 21 article-list
  • 38 conference-list
دهقانی ندا (2024).comma-char Human Resource Management Researchescomma-char 16(1)comma-char.

1. Identifying Effective Factors in Teachers Recruitment and Employment

باقری امید (2022).comma-char The Third national conference of the school of the futurecomma-char 20-21 December, Tehran, Iran.

2. Identifying Individual Competencies in Teachers Recruitment and Employment

باقری امید (2022).comma-char The Third national conference of the school of the futurecomma-char 20-21 December, Tehran, Iran.

3. HRM and Digital Learning Role of Innovating Systems

(2022).comma-char International Seminar on Digitalization Enabling Human Resources Management and Development in Public Organizationscomma-char 20 November, Beijing, China.

4. Covid-19 and New Development Administration Philosophical Mindset Approach"

(2022).comma-char 2022 EROPA Conferencecomma-char 14-15 September, Kathmandu, Nepal.

5. Developing New Patterns of Performance Management in State Development Program

(2022).comma-char 2022 EROPA Conferencecomma-char 14-15 September, Kathmandu, Nepal.

6. New International Approaches in Organizational Changes

بختیاری زینب (2022).comma-char National Conference on New Approaches In Administrative Sciencescomma-char 10 September, Zahedan, Iran.

7. Investigation Effective Factors in Teachers Recruitment, Retention and Development

باقری امید (2022).comma-char Third National Conference on Humanities and Developmentcomma-char 20 July, Shiraz, Iran.

8. New Trends in Organizational Behavior Management

(2022).comma-char 6 th Human Resource National Conferencecomma-char 8-9 February, Tehran, Iran.


نادری کرمعلی (2022).comma-char Strategic Studies in Petroleum and Energy Industrycomma-char 13(51)comma-char 35-52.

1. “Innovation Philosophical Based Model and Development in Public Sector -- Case of Senior Officials”

(2021).comma-char International Seminar on Developing Human Resources and Improving Efficiency in Public Administration Governance in the Digital Eracomma-char 4 December, Beijing, China.

2. Electronic learning and Covid19 , Opportunity for Mindset Learning

(2021).comma-char International Conference for Electronic Learning University of Tehran Festivalcomma-char 24 August-2 September, Tehran, Iran.

3. state public policy in 1450 perspective .philosophical approach

(2021).comma-char The first National Conference policy landscape in 1450comma-char 14-15 July, Tehran, Iran.

4. Family Promotion Based on Pray Implementation

(2021).comma-char The first National Conference for family promotion ...comma-char 5-6 March, Zahedan, Iran.

5. Human Resources Empowering and On Job Training ,A comparative study

بازی ابولحسن (2021).comma-char 5 th National Conference on Managementcomma-char 16-17 February, Tehran, Iran.


زارع مریم (2021).comma-char Journal of Iranian Public Administration Studiescomma-char سوم(4)comma-char.

7. Entrepreneurship and innovation in Public Section (case of south Korea)

(2021).comma-char 4th National conference on Enterprenurshipcomma-char 26-28 January, Tehran, Iran.


مرادی علیرضاcomma حسینیان شهامت (2021).comma-char Journal of human resource studiescomma-char 10(4)comma-char 117-94.

9. A Review of Engineering Services Marketing in Oil and Gas Industry case of Iran

نادری کرمعلی (2021).comma-char 5 international conference on Oil and Gas .....comma-char 14 January, Hamedan, Iran.
وطنخواه مقدم سیروس (2020).comma-char The Journal of Public Policycomma-char 6(2)comma-char 115-134.
عفری علی (2020).comma-char.


قمیان محمد مهدیcomma واعظی رضا (2020).comma-char ethics in science & technologycomma-char 15(1)comma-char.
بازی ابولحسن (2020).comma-char Iranian journal of educational sociologycomma-char 3(4)comma-char 140-148.


مهرابیان فریدونcomma شفبعی پور مهدی (2019).comma-char Journal of Guilan University of Medical Sciencescomma-char 28(4)comma-char.

2. New Public Administration and Islamic -Iranian Developmental Pattern

(2019).comma-char 16 International Management Conferencecomma-char 10-11 December, Tehran, Iran.