Academic Rank : Associate Professor
دانشکده محیط زیست
  • 1617 Citations
  • 24 h-Index
as of : 2025-03-15

Scholarly Works

  • 1617citation
  • 24 h-Index
  • 79 article-list
  • 40 conference-list
Rasouli Mahincomma جلیلی قاضی زاده مهدی (2025).comma-char ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCHcomma-char 270(270)comma-char 120957.

1. Providing an environmental education program during the period of Covid-19 for housewives in the region 6 Tehran based on the training process in standard ISO10015

مشعشعی زهرا (2024).comma-char The 6th national conference on environmental engineering and managementcomma-char 30 May, Ahvaz, Iran.

2. Application of machine learning models in quantitative and qualitative engineering of water resources

رحیمی مهدی (2024).comma-char The 6th national conference on environmental engineering and managementcomma-char 30 May, Ahvaz, Iran.

3. Investigating the water quality of Karun river using sedimentation and corrosiveness indicators (case study: Ahvaz city hydrometric station)

رحیمی مهدی (2024).comma-char The 6th national conference on environmental engineering and managementcomma-char 30 May, Ahvaz, Iran.

4. Investigating the concept of resilience in wetlands and its importance in maintaining aquatic ecosystems

تجدد محمدجوادcomma روانبخش مکرمcomma پوراصغرسنگاچین فرزام (2024).comma-char the 9th National Conference on Environmental Engineering and Natural Resourcecomma-char 9 May, Tehran, Iran.
صادقی امین سینا (2024).comma-char Discover Environmentcomma-char 2(1)comma-char.
اخلاقی فرد سپهر (2024).comma-char Journal of Environmental Sciencescomma-char 21(4)comma-char.
کچوییان فاطمهcomma رشیدیان مجتبیcomma انریک دی لا تور گابریل (2023).comma-char Marine Pollution Bulletincomma-char 198(1)comma-char 115835.
اخلاقی فرد سپهر (2023).comma-char Journal of Environmental Studiescomma-char 49(3)comma-char.
کچوییان فاطمه (2023).comma-char Environmental Earth Sciencescomma-char 82(19)comma-char 1-12.
قدیری علیcomma هاشمی سیدحسین (2023).comma-char Environmental Earth Sciencescomma-char 82(9)comma-char.
خلیلی محمد مهدی (2023).comma-char ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCHcomma-char 30(20)comma-char 57558-57570.


جهانی مینا (2023).comma-char Pollutioncomma-char 9(2)comma-char.
مهدی زاده یوسف (2022).comma-char Acta Geochimicacomma-char 9(36)comma-char 1-23.


نیازی عبدالصمیم (2022).comma-char Iranian Journal of Forest and Range Protection Researchcomma-char 20(1)comma-char.


وثوق علیcomma تجزیه چی سانازcomma معرفت علیcomma Abbasimaedeh Pouyancomma Ghorashi Mona (2022).comma-char International Journal of Environmental Researchcomma-char 16(96)comma-char.
طاهری رمضان (2022).comma-char ENVIRONMENT DEVELOPMENT AND SUSTAINABILITYcomma-char 2022(2)comma-char 1-26.
اسماعیلی سودرجانی آرش (2022).comma-char Environmental Earth Sciencescomma-char 81(10)comma-char 1-8.

6. Investigating the water quality of rivers in the Pirbazar watershed in order to monitor the pollution of Anzali lagoon using the NSFW index.

تجدد محمدجوادcomma پوراصغرسنگاچین فرزام (2022).comma-char Architecture, Restoration, Urbanism and Stable Environmentcomma-char 14 March.
Ruegner Hermanncomma Schwientek Marccomma قدیری علیcomma هاشمی سیدحسینcomma peter grathwohl (2022).comma-char SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENTcomma-char 806(151268)comma-char 151268.


امینی عبدالسلام (2021).comma-char DISCRETE DYNAMICS IN NATURE AND SOCIETYcomma-char 2021(2021)comma-char.


راستی مسلم (2021).comma-char Pollutioncomma-char 8(1)comma-char.


امینی عبدالسلام (2021).comma-char The Journal of Environmental Science and Technologycomma-char 23(7)comma-char 291-307.


طاهری رمضانعلی (2021).comma-char Pollutioncomma-char 7(3)comma-char 657-667.


قدیری علیcomma هاشمی سیدحسین (2021).comma-char Civil engineering Modarrescomma-char 21(2)comma-char 177-188.