Academic Rank : Associate Professor
دانشکده معارف و اندیشه اسلامی
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Contact Number : 6111-113

Scholarly Works

  • 28 article-list
  • 23 conference-list
  • 13 كتاب
نوروزی مهدی (2024).comma-char journal of Contemporary Research on Islamic Revolutioncomma-char 6(22)comma-char.

2. public sphere and the necessity of preserving its capacity for promoting peace and peaceful coexistence: case study :Gaza crises

(2024).comma-char the 5th international conference on peace and conflict resolutioncomma-char 27-28 May, Tehran, Iran.

3. left (Marxism)and ignoring mental and objective fields

(2024).comma-char Amol conferencecomma-char 22 January, Babolsar, Iran.
(2023).comma-char Journal of Social Theory Muslim scholarscomma-char 13(4)comma-char.
قنبری میلادcomma طباطبایی سید مصطفی (2023).comma-char futures studies of the islamic revolutioncomma-char 4(3)comma-char.
رضانژاد زهرا (2023).comma-char pajouhesh haye enghelab eslamicomma-char 12(2)comma-char 55-77.
خاشع جعفر (2023).comma-char Journal of Environmental Studies Strategic of Islamic Republic of Irancomma-char 7(2)comma-char.

5. The new world order and Iran's role

(2023).comma-char The first international conference of New Worldcomma-char 19 September, Tehran, Iran.


Sadeqiyan Hasan (2023).comma-char journal of Contemporary Research on Islamic Revolutioncomma-char 5(16)comma-char 71-89.


رضانژاد زهرا (2023).comma-char Scientific Quarterly Journal of Soft Power Studiescomma-char 13(1)comma-char 99-124.

9. Iran's post-revolutionary society and the issue of identity; The metaphor of a pendulum or a river of identity

(2023).comma-char International Conference on Islamic Revolution and Contemporary Society; Opportunities and challengescomma-char 29 May, Tehran, Iran.

10. The humanity and nature of Hajj Qassem Soleimani in social interactions

رضانژاد زهرا (2023).comma-char International Conference on Islamic Revolution and Contemporary Society; Opportunities and challengescomma-char 29 May, Tehran, Iran.

11. Cultural Theory of Islamic Revolution from the perspective of Neosdari thinkers

(2023).comma-char International Conference on Islamic Revolution and Contemporary Society; Opportunities and challengescomma-char 29 May, Iran.











17. The role of emerging power actors in the new world order

(2023).comma-char International Conference on New World Order Geometrycomma-char 10-11 May, Iran.
عبدالله پور محمد رضا (2023).comma-char pajouhesh haye enghelab eslamicomma-char 12(1)comma-char 31-54.
شمس الدینی محمد (2023).comma-char futures studies of the islamic revolutioncomma-char 3(4)comma-char 99-116.

20. Arrogance and Oppression in imam Khomeini view

(2023).comma-char International Conference on New World Order Geometrycomma-char 28 February, Tehran, Iran.

21. The meta narrative of modern man and Martyr Soleimani

(2023).comma-char the first international conference of shahid soleimani schoolcomma-char 4-5 January, Tehran, Iran.
(2022).comma-char Political Sociology of the Islamic Revolutioncomma-char 3(3)comma-char.