Academic Rank : Associate Professor
دانشکده محیط زیست
  • 332 Citations
  • 8 h-Index
as of : 2025-03-15
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  • 594 Citations
  • 10 h-Index
as of : 2025-02-24

Scholarly Works

  • 332citation
  • 8 h-Index
  • 64 article-list
  • 57 conference-list
  • 5 كتاب


برومند امیرعلی (2024).comma-char Journal of Environmental Researchcomma-char 15(29)comma-char 65-95.

1. Examining the role of integrated assessment of socio-ecological values in the sustainable development of the urban landscape

خداپرست عرفانcomma اسحاقی فاطمه (2023).comma-char First National & International Conference on Architecture, Advanced Technologies and Construction Management (IAAC)comma-char 15 November, Tehran, Iran.
صمدپور پریماه (2023).comma-char environment and interdisciplinary developmentcomma-char 8(80)comma-char 61-78.

3. Storytelling planning process as a new approach to environmental planning

واعظی هیر آذر (2023).comma-char The Fifth National Conference on Environmental Engineering and Managementcomma-char 31 May, Sari, Iran.


ردایی مهجبین (2022).comma-char Journal of Environmental Education and Sustainable Developmentcomma-char 11(1)comma-char.


ردایی مهجبین (2022).comma-char Biannual Journal of Urban Ecology Researchescomma-char 13(3)comma-char.

3. Identifying the cognitive errors of the students in the learning processes and the resulting psycho-ecological emotions

برومند امیرعلی (2022).comma-char 2th National conference on clinical psychology of child and adolescentcomma-char 26 October, Ardebil, Iran.

4. Tracking students' cognitive errors in teaching-learning processes and psycho-ecological feelings resulting from it

برومند امیرعلی (2022).comma-char The Second National Conference on Clinical Psychology of Children and Adolescentscomma-char 2 October.



6. Explaining the application of the Delphi Method in environmental planning

برومند امیر علیcomma حیدری امیرcomma طاهری روزبهانی رضا (2022).comma-char Third national and sixed international conferednce on conservation of natural resources and environmentcomma-char 12-13 September, Ardebil, Iran.


ردائی مهجبین (2021).comma-char Indigenous Knowledgecomma-char 7(15)comma-char 1-52.
قربانی ساره (2021).comma-char Journal of Environmental Planning and Managementcomma-char 10(80)comma-char 1-18.


علوی نائینی علی (2021).comma-char Scientific Quarterly Journal, GEOSCIENCEScomma-char 30(118)comma-char 145-152.


ردایی مهجبین (2021).comma-char Quarterly Structure and Urban Management Studiescomma-char 4(25)comma-char.
مهسا عدلcomma قراگوزلو علیرضاcomma جعفر نوریcomma ارجمندی رضا (2020).comma-char The Journal of Environmental Science and Technologycomma-char 22(9)comma-char 167-176.
ردایی مهجبین (2020).comma-char ENVIRONMENT DEVELOPMENT AND SUSTAINABILITYcomma-char 22(8)comma-char.
ردایی مهجبین (2020).comma-char quarterly journal of urban and regional development planningcomma-char سوم(6)comma-char.
قربانی ساره (2020).comma-char International Journal of Ecosystems and Ecology Sciencecomma-char 10(2)comma-char.


حیدری امید (2019).comma-char physical development planningcomma-char 3(15)comma-char 31-47.

2. Ecological Wisdom: a Social-ecological Approach in Environmental Planning with an Emphasis on Water Resources (A Case Study of Historical Hydraulic Structures in Desert Cities)

ردایی مهجبین (2019).comma-char 3th. Interna􀆟onal Congress on Contemporary in Civil Engineering, Architecture and Urban Developmencomma-char 1-31 December, Tehran, Iran.


قربانی ساره (2019).comma-char Journal of Urban Sociological Studiescomma-char 9(32)comma-char.
قربانی ساره (2019).comma-char Geography and Environmental Sustainabilitycomma-char 9(3)comma-char 31-19.
ردائی مهجبین (2019).comma-char Environmental Researchescomma-char 10(19)comma-char 219-233.


قربانی ساره (2019).comma-char Journal of Sustainable Citycomma-char 2(2)comma-char 19-30.
(2018).comma-char Space Ontology International Journal-Architecture, Urban Design and Planningcomma-char 7(4)comma-char 11-24.