
Academic Rank : Professor
دانشکدگان فنی / دانشکده مهندسی متالورژی و مواد
Contact Number : 82084071
  • 2367 Citations
  • 28 h-Index
as of : 2025-03-15

Scholarly Works

  • 2367citation
  • 28 h-Index
  • 50 article-list
  • 20 conference-list
  • 1 كتاب
Alizadeh Roghayehcomma حمیدی هدیcomma شجاعی فاضل (2022).comma-char CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALScomma-char 363(1)comma-char 129819.
دلیلی زمهریر فائزه (2022).comma-char JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE-MATERIALS IN MEDICINEcomma-char 33(4)comma-char.
سیفیان حامدcomma انصاری محمدcomma Ahmadkhaniha Donya (2019).comma-char Journal of Magnesium and Alloyscomma-char 7(4)comma-char 605-616.
مرتضوی سید احمدcomma مهدی یگانهcomma اعتماد شاپور (2019).comma-char PROGRESS IN ORGANIC COATINGScomma-char 134(134)comma-char 22-32.


آدابی محسنcomma عابدینی مرتضیcomma کاظمی مهدیcomma خدابخشی میثم (2019).comma-char Quarterly Journal of Corrosion Sciences and Engineeringcomma-char 9(21)comma-char 8-19.
خازنی دنا (2019).comma-char CERAMICS INTERNATIONALcomma-char 45(9)comma-char 11186-11194.
خازنی دنا (2019).comma-char CERAMICS INTERNATIONALcomma-char 45(9)comma-char 11174-11185.
میرزاجانی رقیهcomma Rahimipour Mohammad Rezacomma علیزاده بهمن (2018).comma-char MATERIALS LETTERScomma-char 228(1)comma-char 344-347.
میرزاجانی رقیهcomma Alizadeh Masoudcomma Rezarahimipour Mohammad (2018).comma-char MATERIALS CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICScomma-char 2018(20926)comma-char 1111.

3. Electrodeposition of molybdenum coating and investigation of mechanical properties

نظربیگی مهدیسcomma صبوحانیان نگار (2018).comma-char 18th national corrosion congress irancomma-char 23-25 January, Tehran, Iran.

1. Hydroxy Aoatite Composite Coating on Mg alloy For Medical Applications.

خازنی دناcomma کاووسی نسیمcomma اقاعلی زهرا (2017).comma-char 7th World Congress in Chemistrycomma-char 13-15 November, Athens, Greece.

2. Effect of graphene on corrosion behavior of hydroxyapatite coating on magnesium AZ31

آهنگری مهدی (2017).comma-char 6th International Conference on Materials Engineering and Metallurgycomma-char 28-29 October, Tehran, Iran.

3. Two-step electrodeposition of CIGS on molybdenum coated copper substrate

نظربیگی مهدیسcomma صبوحانیان نگار (2017).comma-char 6th International Conference on Materials Engineering and Metallurgycomma-char 28-29 October, Tehran, Iran.

4. Inhibitive Effect of Benzotriazole on the Stress Corrosion Cracking of Copper-based Alloy (Brass) in Ammonia Solutions

جوهر حسین (2017).comma-char 6th International Conference on Materials Engineering and Metallurgycomma-char 28-29 October, Tehran, Iran.

5. Molybdenum electroplating from aqueous solution on steel substrate and investigation corrosion resistance of the film

صبوحانیان نگارcomma نظربیگی مهدیس (2017).comma-char 6th International Conference on Materials Engineering and Metallurgycomma-char 28-29 October, Tehran, Iran.


والفی ضیا (2017).comma-char Iranian Journal of Materials Formingcomma-char 14(2)comma-char 11-23.

7. Microstructur and Mechanical aproperties of Mg nano/micro HA Composite mde by PM

کاووسی نسیم (2017).comma-char ESAFORM 2017comma-char 26-28 April, Dublin, Ireland.

1. study on the effect of sodium citrate on SCC of carbon steel

نادری زهرا (2016).comma-char 17th National Corrosion Congresscomma-char 6-7 December, Bandar Abbas, Iran.

2. Electrochemical investigation on synergistic effect of sodium molybdate on carbon steel

نادری زهرا (2016).comma-char 17th National Corrosion Congresscomma-char 6-7 December, Bandar Abbas, Iran.

3. Investigating the effect of corrosion inhibitors on SCC of carbon steel in simulated cooling water by SSRT

نادری هادی (2016).comma-char 5th International Conference on Materials Engineering and Metallurgycomma-char 8-10 November, Shiraz, Iran.
حاتمی مریمcomma Yeganeh Mahdicomma Keyvani Ahmad (2016).comma-char JOURNAL OF SOLID STATE ELECTROCHEMISTRYcomma-char 1(1)comma-char 1.
طاهری مرضیهcomma Mahdavian Mohammad (2016).comma-char JOURNAL OF SOL-GEL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGYcomma-char 1(1)comma-char 1.
مهرازی شیرینcomma نشاطی جابر (2016).comma-char CORROSION ENGINEERING SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGYcomma-char 51(5)comma-char 358-364.
نریمانی گلناز (2015).comma-char CERAMICS INTERNATIONALcomma-char 41(10)comma-char 13810-13816.

2. The use of natural compounds as corrosion inhibitor of steel in 1M HCl

حسینی مرتضی (2015).comma-char 16th National Corrosioncomma-char 24-25 November, Tehran, Iran.