
Academic Rank : Associate Professor
دانشکده حقوق و علوم سیاسی
Contact Number : 61112388
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  • 609 Citations
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as of : 2025-02-16

Scholarly Works

  • 54 article-list
  • 31 conference-list
  • 23 كتاب


(2023).comma-char hikmat-e-islamicomma-char نهم(چهارم)comma-char.


(2022).comma-char Transcendent policycomma-char 10(38)comma-char.

3. The wisdom of the transcendent government (focused on the government of the transcendent wisdom)

(2022).comma-char Conference "Wisdom, Government, Province"comma-char 22 May, Tehran, Iran.

4. Iranian Islamic model of progress policy; Commencement of implementation and division of national political work

(2022).comma-char 11th Iranian Islamic Model of Progress Conference; The Iranian Islamic Model of Progress The beginning of the 11th Iranian Islamic Model of Progress Conference; Iranian Islamic model, progress, beginning of implementation and division of national workcomma-char 18-19 May, Tehran, Iran.
حسینی زاده سید ابوالفضل (2022).comma-char Transcendent policycomma-char 10(36)comma-char.


نعمتی قاسم (2022).comma-char politicscomma-char 51(4)comma-char.
(2021).comma-char pajouhesh haye enghelab eslamicomma-char 10(4)comma-char.
شیرودی محمد سجاد (2021).comma-char pajouhesh haye enghelab eslamicomma-char 10(3)comma-char 36-53.

3. The pattern of the transcendent civil human relationship in the living world

(2021).comma-char Twenty-fifth conference of Hakim Mulla Sadracomma-char 22 May, Tehran, Iran.

4. Discourse-building and monitoring the realization of the Islamic-Iranian model of progress

(2021).comma-char 10th Iranian Islamic Model of Progress Conference Iranian Islamic Model of Progress; Explanation and requirements of rewardcomma-char 19-20 May, Tehran, Iran.
(2020).comma-char Sadracomma-char نهم(34)comma-char 177-187.
(2020).comma-char hikmat-e-islamicomma-char 7(2)comma-char.

3. Political contexts, realization and political guarantees of the Iranian Islamic model of progress

(2020).comma-char 9th Iranian Islamic Model of Progress Conference; Iranian Islamic model of progress: grounds for realization and guarantees of implementationcomma-char 9-14 June, Tehran, Iran.

1. Political science and technology; Efficient strategic governance model

(2019).comma-char Fifth International Congress of Islamic Humanitiescomma-char 24-28 November, Tehran, Iran.

2. Efficient government from the perspective of Allameh Tabatabai

(2019).comma-char Scientific memoir of Allameh Tabatabai, fifth bookcomma-char 19 November, Qom, Iran.
(2019).comma-char Islamic politics researchcomma-char 7(15)comma-char 123-156.

4. The drivers, challenges and political requirements for the realization of the Iranian Islamic model of progress

(2019).comma-char The eighth conference of the Iranian Islamic model progressed; Pattern of progress; The drivers, challenges and requirements of fulfillmentcomma-char 12-13 June, Tehran, Iran.


(2019).comma-char Transcendent policycomma-char 7(24)comma-char 241-262.

6. Revolutionary efficiency of the Iranian Islamic model of progress

(2019).comma-char National Conference on the Islamic Revolution, Efficiency, Opportunities and Challengescomma-char 26 February, Tabriz, Iran.

1. Wisdom and politics in Allameh Tabatabai's thought

(2018).comma-char Allameh Tabatabai Theological Notebook, Fourth Officecomma-char 15 November, Qom, Iran.

2. Strategic structure, improving the efficiency of the system and the government of the Islamic Republic

(2018).comma-char Islamic Revolution, efficiency, opportunities and challengescomma-char 23 September, Tabriz, Iran.
(2018).comma-char International Journal of Environmental and Science Education (IJESE)comma-char 2018(13)comma-char 221-227.

4. National security approach in the Iranian Islamic model of civil progress

(2018).comma-char 7th Iranian Islamic Model of Progress Conference; Progress from the basic model to the Iranian Islamic modelcomma-char 9-10 May, Tehran, Iran.
طاهری مریم (2018).comma-char pajouhesh haye enghelab eslamicomma-char 6(23)comma-char.