Academic Rank : Assistant Professor
دانشکدگان علوم / دانشکده زیست شناسی
  • 49 Citations
  • 3 h-Index
as of : 2025-03-15

Scholarly Works

  • 49citation
  • 3 h-Index
  • 3 article-list
  • 11 conference-list


شریفی محسنcomma فرح کریمیcomma صفایی ناصر (2025).comma-char PLANT CELL TISSUE AND ORGAN CULTUREcomma-char 160(59)comma-char.

1. Enhancement of diosmin production in Scrophularia striata Boiss. cell culture in bioreactor by biotic elicitor

شریفی محسنcomma صفایی ناصر (2024).comma-char 23rd national and 11th international iranian biology congress (IBC)comma-char 9-11 September, Tehran, Iran.

2. The Ef ect of Nitric Oxide (NO) Stimulant on the Activity of Antioxidant Enzymes Superoxide Dismutase (SOD) and Peroxidase (POX) in Hairy roots of Mentha spicata L. Under Drought Stress

خیاطی نیلوفرcomma آزاد نیکو (2024).comma-char 23rd national and 11th international iranian biology congress (IBC)comma-char 9-11 September, Tehran, Iran.

3. A report on the fatty acids profile of leaves in the some species of the Serratuloides section of the cousinia genus Asteracea family in Iran

رجبی طیبه (2024).comma-char 11th national congress on medicinal plantscomma-char 29-30 May, Yazd, Iran.

1. Fatty acid profiles of 7 moss species in Doab forest, Gilan province

میرزاخواه رضاcomma نورسته نیا اکبر (2022).comma-char Twenty-second National Congress and 10th International Congress of Biology of Irancomma-char 31 August-2 September, Shahrekord, Iran.

2. Phytochemical investigation of some species of Scrophularia L. in Central Alborz

اعظمی زهرا (2022).comma-char Sixth National Conference on Innovation and Technology of Biological Sciences Iranian Chemistrycomma-char 22 August.

3. Fatty acid profile of two species of Scrophularia genus from Scrophulariaceae in Iran

اعظمی زهرا (2022).comma-char The first national conference on new research in biological sciencescomma-char 3 February.
شریفی محسن (2021).comma-char PLANT CELL TISSUE AND ORGAN CULTUREcomma-char 146(3)comma-char 1-15.

2. Isolation and identification of secondary metabolites using GC-MS analysis of chloroform - methanolic extract extracts of fruits of Heracleum persicum Desf Ex Fischer

حیدری محمدرضا (2021).comma-char 21st National Congress and 9th International Congress of Biology of Irancomma-char 16 February.

1. Evaluation of total phenol, flavonoid, flavonol and antioxidant activity in flower organs of three species Eremurus M.Bieb

اردانه ابوالقاسم (2019).comma-char the 6th National Congress of Biology and Natural Sciences of Irancomma-char 13-14 February, Tehran, Iran.
شریفی محسنcomma احمدیان چاشمی نجمه (2018).comma-char IN VITRO CELLULAR & DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY-PLANTcomma-char 54(4)comma-char 444-453.

1. HPLC Investigation of phenolic compounds production in cell culture of Scrophularia striata Boiss.

شریفی محسنcomma احمدیان نجمه (2015).comma-char 4th Iranian conference of plant physiologycomma-char 2-3 September, Tehran, Iran.

2. Enhansed Verbascoside by elicitation in cell culture of S. striata in bioreactor

شریفی مظفرcomma صفایی ناصر (2015).comma-char 4th National congress on medicinal Plantscomma-char 12 May-13 June, Tehran, Iran.

1. Phenylethanoid glycosides production by plant

شریفی مظفر (2014).comma-char 18th National and 6th International Congress of Biology in Irancomma-char 29 August-1 September, Karaj, Iran.