Academic Rank : Associate Professor
دانشکدگان مدیریت / دانشکده مدیریت کسب وکار / دانشکدگان مدیریت
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  • 727 Citations
  • 10 h-Index
as of : 2025-03-10

Scholarly Works

  • 35 article-list
  • 43 conference-list
  • 3 كتاب
(2025).comma-char INTEGRATIVE PSYCHOLOGICAL AND BEHAVIORAL SCIENCEcomma-char 59(20)comma-char 1-19.

2. Investigation of the Influence of Self-Control and Discount message on Impulsive Buying: A Laboratory Experiment

تقی زاده سینا (2025).comma-char 2nd National Conference on Organizational Process Engineering & Managementcomma-char 8-9 January, Tehran, Iran.

1. The effect of discount message and personal control on stress level in impulse buying

تقی زاده سینا (2024).comma-char 2nd Conference on Modern Business & Marketing Managementcomma-char 12 December, Tehran, Iran.


شیبانی مقدم نغمهcomma صالح ترکستانی محمد (2024).comma-char Journal Of Business Managementcomma-char 16(3)comma-char 618-640.

3. Simultaneous Effect of Promotion Type and Rational and Intuitive Thinking Style on Consumer’s Visual Attention

کلانتری اشان سهند (2024).comma-char Second National Conference on New Researches in Psychology, Sports and Managementcomma-char 8 September, Isfahan, Iran.

4. Examining the relationship between Little’s Law Understanding and Dynamic Systems’ Performance Management: A Survey

(2024).comma-char Second National Conference on New Researches in Psychology, Sports and Managementcomma-char 8 September, Isfahan, Iran.


سعیدی رضا (2024).comma-char International Journal of Organizational Analysiscomma-char 1(1)comma-char.


استیل پیرس (2024).comma-char.


مصلح فاطمه (2024).comma-char new marketing research journalcomma-char 13(4)comma-char 97-114.

8. Decision Making in a Dynamic Recruitment Task: A Lab Experiment

زین الدین هدیه (2024).comma-char Decision Making in a Dynamic Recruitment Task: A Lab Experimentcomma-char 30-31 January, Tehran, Iran.
(2024).comma-char INTEGRATIVE PSYCHOLOGICAL AND BEHAVIORAL SCIENCEcomma-char 1(1)comma-char 1-14.
نورورزی مهدیس (2023).comma-char industrial management perspectivecomma-char 13(51)comma-char 285-318.
(2023).comma-char INTEGRATIVE PSYCHOLOGICAL AND BEHAVIORAL SCIENCEcomma-char 1(1)comma-char 1-16.


استیل پیرس (2023).comma-char INTEGRATIVE PSYCHOLOGICAL AND BEHAVIORAL SCIENCEcomma-char 1(1)comma-char 1-16.


احمدی محمد میلاد (2023).comma-char International Journal of Organizational Analysiscomma-char 13(1)comma-char.

5. The Effect of Consumers’ Environmental Concern on Purchase Intention for Environmental Friendly Products

مصلح فاطمه (2023).comma-char 1st International Conference on Empowerment of Management, Industrial Engineering, Accounting and Economicscomma-char 18 May, Tehran, Iran.

6. The Effect of Consumer Self-Efficacy on Purchase Intention of Eco-Freindly Products

مصلح فاطمه (2023).comma-char The 9th International Conference on Management Sciences and Accountingcomma-char 13 May, Tehran, Iran.
زارع جلال (2023).comma-char Iran Information and Communication Technologycomma-char 14(54و53)comma-char 111-139.

8. The Interaction Effect of Thinking Style and Sales Promotion Type on Visit Duration for Discount Messages

کلانتری اشان سهند (2023).comma-char The 9th International Conference on Management Sciences and Accountingcomma-char 4 March, Tehran, Iran.

9. The Effect of Supply Chain Integration on Resilience and Robustness in Covid-19 Era

نورورزی مهدیس (2023).comma-char 8th International Conference on Logistics and Supply Chaincomma-char 31 January-1 February, Tehran, Iran.

1. Sales Promotion Type, Rational Thinking, and Their Effect on Visual Attention

کلانتری اشان سهند (2022).comma-char Second International Conference on Management Laboratory and Innovative Approaches in Management and Economicscomma-char 20 December, Tehran, Iran.

2. Regulatory Fit and Performance in Dynamics Systems: A Lab Experiment

زین الدین هدیه (2022).comma-char Second International Conference on Management Laboratory and Innovative Approaches in Management and Economicscomma-char 20 December, Tehran, Iran.
نورورزی مهدیس (2022).comma-char Journal of Global Operations and Strategic Sourcingcomma-char 16(2)comma-char.
(2022).comma-char CURRENT PSYCHOLOGYcomma-char 1(1)comma-char.


Yuu Dongningcomma Herremans Irenecomma Althouse Normcomma Marino Echegaray Arturocomma Donohue Frances (2022).comma-char International Journal of Management Educationcomma-char 20(3)comma-char 14461-14475.