Academic Rank : Associate Professor
دانشکده معارف و اندیشه اسلامی
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Contact Number : 88993209
Room : 214

Scholarly Works

  • 44 article-list
  • 27 conference-list
  • 20 كتاب


خسروی محتاج شاهین (2024).comma-char.
سید روح الله موسوی سید روح الله موسوی (2024).comma-char Journal of Interreligious Studies on the Qur'an and the Biblecomma-char 1 .11(1)comma-char.
علوی فریدهcomma  عباس احمدوند (2024).comma-char Iranian Civilization Researchcomma-char 6(11)comma-char .222-240.
(2024).comma-char journal of Contemporary Research on Islamic Revolutioncomma-char 6(21)comma-char 2-16.
عبدالله پور سنگچی فاطمه (2024).comma-char Religions & Mastitismcomma-char 57(1)comma-char.


(2023).comma-char journal of islamic revolution contemporary researchcomma-char دوره 5،(21)comma-char.
زارع خفری ایوب (2023).comma-char Esracomma-char 2(42)comma-char.
خسروی شهروزcomma عودی ستار (2023).comma-char History of Islamic culture and civilizationcomma-char 14(52)comma-char 34.
شورمیج محمد (2023).comma-char journal of islamic revolution contemporary researchcomma-char 5(17)comma-char 27-46.
(2023).comma-char journalcomma-char دوم(جاری)comma-char 17.

7. The Quranic approach of mosques in Islamic civilization

(2023).comma-char National culture conference with emphasis on educationcomma-char 1 June, Tehran, Iran.

8. Criticism of political power in the thought of Najuddin Razi and Imam Khomeini (RA)

دهقانی زاده محمد (2023).comma-char International Conference on Islamic Revolution and Contemporary Society Opportunities and Challengescomma-char 29 May, Tehran, Iran.

9. The civilizational approach of believing in God of the Muslim Ummah and its role in the modern Islamic civilization

(2023).comma-char International Conference on Islamic Revolution and Contemporary Society Opportunities and Challengescomma-char 29 May, Tehran, Iran.

10. A historical perspective on the challenges of Muslim unity and obedience to a single leadership and its positive consequences in the flourishing of Islamic civilization

(2023).comma-char International Conference on Islamic Revolution and Contemporary Society Opportunities and Challengescomma-char 29 May, Tehran, Iran.

11. The role of the new Islamic trend and the Islamic revolution, suitable solutions in the neighboring countries (case study of Eurasia)

(2023).comma-char International Conference on Islamic Revolution and Contemporary Society Opportunities and Challengescomma-char 29 May, Tehran, Iran.


زارع خفری ایوب (2023).comma-char Interdisciplinary studies of Islamic revolution civilizationcomma-char سال دوم(5)comma-char.


(2022).comma-char Journal of New Achievements in Humanities Studiescomma-char 50(55)comma-char.


(2022).comma-char Encyclopaedia of the World of Islamcomma-char 30(67)comma-char 14.


وفایی فریدهcomma  عباس احمدوند (2022).comma-char Journal of Islamic historycomma-char 19(68)comma-char.


مختاری دزکی باقرcomma خواجه گیر علیرضا (2022).comma-char islamic mysticismcomma-char 68(68)comma-char.


مختاری باقر (2022).comma-char The Journal of Islamic Model of Islamic Progresscomma-char 8(15)comma-char.


جاودان محمد (2022).comma-char Political Sociology of the Islamic Revolutioncomma-char سوم شماره یک(شماره پیاپی 9)comma-char.

7. Inscription of Tamdani Name of Imam Khomeini (may God rest his soul in peace) by Gorbachev of Russia

(2022).comma-char Hamish Milli, Imam Khomeini and the Islamic Revolutioncomma-char 15 June, Tehran, Iran.

8. urbanization of the nation of Imam Khomeini

(2022).comma-char Hamish Milli, Imam Khomeini and the Islamic Revolutioncomma-char 15 June, Iran.