Academic Rank : Assistant Professor
دانشکدگان فنی / دانشکده مهندسی برق و کامپیوتر
Contact Number : 82084918
Room : 2-508
  • 390 Citations
  • 11 h-Index
as of : 2025-03-15
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  • 743 Citations
  • 15 h-Index
as of : 2025-03-02

Scholarly Works

  • 390citation
  • 11 h-Index
  • 20 article-list
  • 18 conference-list
حبیبی علی (2024).comma-char Iranian Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineeringcomma-char 22(3)comma-char.
ریاحی شهرزاد (2024).comma-char JOURNAL OF UNIVERSAL COMPUTER SCIENCEcomma-char 30(4)comma-char 462-501.


صمدی محبوبه (2024).comma-char JOURNAL OF COMPUTER AND SYSTEM SCIENCEScomma-char 144(1)comma-char.

1. Actors Upgraded for Variability, Adaptability, and Determinism

سیرجانی مرجان (2023).comma-char Fifth International ABS Workshopcomma-char 4-6 October, Lyon, France.

2. Afra: An Eclipse-Based Tool with Extensible Architecture for Modeling and Model Checking of Rebeca Family Models

سیرجانی مرجان (2023).comma-char 10th Fundamentals of Software Engineering (FSEN)comma-char 4-5 May, Tehran, Iran.
ذاکریان آروینcomma صفری هادیcomma شمس ابادی سیده مهرناز (2023).comma-char SCIENCE OF COMPUTER PROGRAMMINGcomma-char 225(225)comma-char 102908.
صمدی محبوبه (2022).comma-char ACTA INFORMATICAcomma-char 60(2)comma-char 145-178.

2. A Benchmark for Active Learning of Variability-Intensive Systems

توسلی شقایقcomma Damasceno Carlos Diegocomma موسوی محمدرضا (2022).comma-char 26th ACM International Systems and Software Product Line Conferencecomma-char 12-16 September, Austria.

3. Adaptive Behavioral Model Learning for Software Product Lines

توسلی شقایقcomma Damasceno Carlos Diegocomma موسوی محمدرضا (2022).comma-char 26th ACM International Systems and Software Product Line Conferencecomma-char 12-16 September, Austria.

1. Fundamentals of Software Engineering

ذاکریان آروینcomma صفری هادی (2021).comma-char Towards Automatic Test Case Generation for Industrial Software Systems Based on Functional Specificationscomma-char 19-21 May, Tehran, Iran.

1. Decentralized Runtime Enforcement of Message Sequences in Message-Based Systems

صمدی محبوبه (2020).comma-char 24th International Conference on Principles of Distributed Systemscomma-char 14-16 December, Strasbourg, France.

2. Towards Formal Analysis of Vehicle Platoons Using Actor Model

شریفی زینبcomma سیرجانی مرجان (2020).comma-char 2020 25th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA)comma-char 8-11 September.

3. Finite Interval-Time Transition System for Real-Time Actors

توسلی شقایق (2020).comma-char Topics in Theoretical Computer Sciencecomma-char 1-2 July.
جنتی هدی (2019).comma-char INFORMATION PROCESSING LETTERScomma-char 146(-)comma-char 35-38.

2. Distributed Runtime Verification of LTL Properties Using Global Clock

درستی محمدعلی (2019).comma-char Fundamentals of Software Engineeringcomma-char 17-19 April, Tehran, Iran.
نارنجی ششکلانی علی (2018).comma-char International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systemscomma-char 15(4)comma-char 172988141878665.
عباسی بروجنی رزا (2018).comma-char ACTA INFORMATICAcomma-char 56(1)comma-char 1-43.
خامس پناه احسانcomma Sirjani Marjan (2018).comma-char SCIENCE OF COMPUTER PROGRAMMINGcomma-char 153(-)comma-char 1-29.

1. Verification of Visibility-Based Properties on Multiple Moving Robots

نارنجی ششکلانی علیcomma محمدی میثم (2017).comma-char Towards Autonomous Robotic Systems (TAROS 2017)comma-char 19-21 July, England.

2. LeeTL: LTL with quantifications over model objects

ملتی پوریاcomma خامس پناه احسان (2017).comma-char the 24th ACM SIGSOFT International SPIN Symposiumcomma-char 13-14 July, United States Of America (USA).

3. Purpose-based Policy Enforcement in Actor-based Systems

ریاحی شهرزاد (2017).comma-char 7th International Conference on Fundamentals of Software Engineeringcomma-char 26-28 April, Tehran, Iran.
یوسفی بهناز (2017).comma-char FORMAL ASPECTS OF COMPUTINGcomma-char 30(2)comma-char 1-36.
صباحی کاویانی زینبcomma اولوسزکی پیترcomma خامس پناه احسانcomma سیرجانی مرجان (2015).comma-char SCIENCE OF COMPUTER PROGRAMMINGcomma-char 113(2)comma-char 85-118.

2. Modeling and Efficient Verification of Broadcasting Actors

یوسفی بهناز (2015).comma-char 6 international on Fundamentals of Software Engineering 2015comma-char 22-24 April, Tehran, Iran.

3. Towards Managing Data Variability in Multi Product Lines

خدری نیلوفر (2015).comma-char Third International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Developmentcomma-char 9-11 February, France.