Academic Rank : Associate Professor
دانشکدگان فنی / دانشکده مهندسی شیمی
Contact Number : 61113433
  • 662 Citations
  • 15 h-Index
as of : 2025-03-15
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  • 839 Citations
  • 17 h-Index
as of : 2025-03-03

Scholarly Works

  • 662citation
  • 15 h-Index
  • 52 article-list
  • 60 conference-list
  • 16 كتاب
آل عزیز فربد (2025).comma-char ENERGY CONVERSION AND MANAGEMENTcomma-char 324(-)comma-char.

1. Use of Molten Carbonate Fuel Cell for Integration of Methanol Synthesis Unit and Combined Cycle Power Plant

زندی احمدرضا (2024).comma-char 18th Iranian National Congress of Chemical Engineeringcomma-char 9-11 October, Tabriz, Iran.

2. Development of an Optimal Steam-Assisted Gravity Drainage Process for Energy Benchmarking

محمدی هزاوه متینه (2024).comma-char 18th Iranian National Congress of Chemical Engineeringcomma-char 9-11 October, Tabriz, Iran.
طاهرزاده مهرداد (2024).comma-char INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGYcomma-char 75(-)comma-char 515-528.
دلداری زهراcomma محمدباقرزاده کوثر (2024).comma-char Iranian Chemical Engineeringcomma-char --(--)comma-char.
آل عزیز فربد (2024).comma-char.
فخارزاده محسن (2023).comma-char INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REFRIGERATIONcomma-char 156(December)comma-char 186-197.

2. Techno-economic analysis for simultaneous production of hydrogen and electricity using solar and wind energy

آل عزیز فربد (2023).comma-char 8th Annual Clean Energy Conference (ACEC 2023)comma-char 2-4 May, Babol, Iran.

3. Techno-Economic Study of Cryptocurrency Mining using Renewable Energies and Environmental Consequences

قاسمی علی آبادی مهدی (2023).comma-char 8th Annual Clean Energy Conference (ACEC 2023)comma-char 2-4 May, Babol, Iran.
رحمانی محمد (2023).comma-char CHEMICAL ENGINEERING RESEARCH & DESIGNcomma-char 194(-)comma-char.
یاری جانی وحید (2023).comma-char journal o separation science and engineeringcomma-char 14(2)comma-char 67-81.

6. Design of an Integrated System for E-Fuel Production

طاهرزاده مهرداد (2023).comma-char 4th International Biennial Oil, Gas, and Petrochemical Conference (OGPC)comma-char 20-21 February, Tehran, Iran.

7. A new design of a modified Allam-LNG cycle with CO2 capture

چیانی حسین (2023).comma-char 4th International Conference on the New Technologies in the Oil, Gas and Petrochemical Industriescomma-char 20-21 February, Tehran, Iran.

8. Conceptual Design of an Integrated Process Including Heat and Mass Exchange Networks and Renewable Energy

داداشی نژاد مصطفی (2023).comma-char 4th International Conference on the New Technologies in the Oil, Gas and Petrochemical Industriescomma-char 20-21 February, Tehran, Iran.
نورالدین محمدرضی (2023).comma-char CHEMICAL ENGINEERING RESEARCH & DESIGNcomma-char 190(-)comma-char 20-32.

1. Simulation and Optimization of Electrostatic Desalter Performance using CFD-PBM

رحمانی محمد (2022).comma-char 4th International Biennial Oil, Gas, and Petrochemical Conference (OGPC)comma-char 21-22 December, Bushehr, Iran.
(2022).comma-char Journal of Environmental Studiescomma-char 48(2)comma-char 249-278.

3. Study of Electrostatic Field on a Desalter Performance using a CFD-Population Balance Approach

رحمانی محمد (2022).comma-char 5th Conference of Separation Science and Engineeringcomma-char 11-12 May, Zahedan, Iran.

4. Design of an Integrated Natural Gas Liquefaction and Air Separation Process

یاری جانی وحید (2022).comma-char 5th Conference of Separation Science and Engineeringcomma-char 11-12 May, Zahedan, Iran.
علی زاده ذوالبین محبوبه (2022).comma-char ENERGYcomma-char 252(-)comma-char 123928.
فرامرزی سیمین (2022).comma-char ENERGYcomma-char 251(-)comma-char 123791.
مهدی زاده فریبا (2022).comma-char ENERGYcomma-char 250(-)comma-char.

8. Optimization of oil treatment unit of south Azadegan oil field using real time optimization approach

ملوندی علی (2022).comma-char 3rd International Conference on: New Technologies in Oil, Gas and Petrochemical Industriescomma-char 22-23 February, Tehran, Iran.

1. Area and Energy Targeting for a Total Site Considering Optimum Stream Pressure Drops

فرامرزی سیمین (2021).comma-char Iranian National of Chemical Engineeringcomma-char 9-11 November, Mashhad, Iran.

2. Exergy Loss Calculation for a Total Site using OTSP Diagram

مهدی زاده فریبا (2021).comma-char Iranian National Congeres of Chemical Engineeringcomma-char 9-11 November, Mashhad, Iran.