
Academic Rank : Professor
دانشکده دامپزشکی

Scholarly Works

  • 39 article-list
  • 13 conference-list
  • 1 كتاب

1. An Overview of Digital Dermatitis in Iran

فائزی مرضیهcomma محمدنیا احمد رضا (2022).comma-char 2nd Regional Conference on Cow Comfort and Lamenesscomma-char 18-20 July, Iran.


بشیری دزفولی علی (2019).comma-char Journal of Veterinary Researchcomma-char 74(4)comma-char 514-521.


خرمیان طوسی بابک (2019).comma-char New Findings in Veterinary Microbiology (NFVM)comma-char 2(2)comma-char 87-92.

1. Clinical evaluation of PRP effects on wound healing of claw lesions in dairy cows

طیاری حسینcomma شاد حسین (2017).comma-char ICLAP 2017comma-char 8-9 February, Tehran, Iran.
داوودی یوسفcomma نوری عباس (2014).comma-char Iranian Journal of Veterinary Medicinecomma-char 8(2)comma-char 85-88.
نوری محسنcomma فسخودی داود (2013).comma-char AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ANIMAL AND VETERINARY SCIENCEScomma-char 8(3)comma-char 122-127.
نوری محسن (2013).comma-char Journal of Animal and Poultry Sciencescomma-char Vol.2(No.1)comma-char 19-26.


نوری محسنcomma فسخودی داود (2013).comma-char Research Opinion in Animal And Veterinary Sciencescomma-char 1(4)comma-char 27-31.
نوری محسنcomma فسخودی داود (2013).comma-char Iranian Journal of Veterinary Medicinecomma-char 7(2)comma-char.

5. Morphopathological findings of white line disease with digital and inner organ infections in culling dairy cows

نوری محسنcomma مددزاده تقی (2013).comma-char 17th Symposium and 9th Conference on Lameness in Ruminantscomma-char 11-14 August, Bristol, England.

6. Clinical and histomorphological study of invasive digital dermatitis toward the corium of heel and sole in dairy cows

Memarian Parviz (2013).comma-char The 2nd International Congress of Large Animal Practitioners (ICLAP)comma-char 27-28 February, Tehran, Iran.


Ghidary S Shirycomma Shiri S (2012).comma-char VETERINARY RECORDcomma-char 170(5)comma-char 126.
نوری محسنcomma Davoud Faskhoudi (2011).comma-char Asian Journal of Animal Sciencescomma-char 5(4)comma-char 256-267.

2. clinical and pathological study of healing effects of Theranekron and comparison between infectious and noninfectious wounds in horses

نیک طره نارگل (2011).comma-char 3th international symposium of veterinary surgerycomma-char 25-28 April, Kish Island, Iran.

3. From Bench Research to Clinical Trails: An Update on Mesenchymal Stem Cell-Based Treatments in Veterinary Medicine

Farrokh Asadicomma Gwendal Lazenneccomma Christian Jorgensen (2011).comma-char 3rd International Symposium of Veterinary Surgerycomma-char 25-28 April, Kish Island, Iran.

4. case series study of Floating DA as an incidental finding of left displaced of abomasum in dairy cows

زیبایی فهیمهcomma کتولی فاطمهcomma سیدمحمد کربلایی سیدجوادی (2011).comma-char 3thinternational symposium of veterinary surgerycomma-char 25-28 April, Kish Island, Iran.

5. A post-mortem radiographic study of the interphalangeal joint in dairy cows--

نوری محسنcomma فسخودی قلعه نایبی داود (2011).comma-char Third International Symposium of Veterinary Surgery 9th Iranian Symposium of Veterinary Surgery Anesthesia Radiologycomma-char 25-28 April, Kish Island, Iran.

6. Lameness detection using force plates and artificial intelligence

Mokaram Scomma Ghs Mokaram Ghotoorchi (2011).comma-char 3rd International Symposium of Veterinary Surgerycomma-char 25-28 April, Kish Island, Iran.

7. A post-mortem morphopathological study of the foot with special reference to the digital lesions in culling lame cows

نوری محسنcomma فسخودی داوود (2011).comma-char 16th Symposium and 8th Conference Lameness in Ruminants Lameness-A Global Perspectivecomma-char 28 February-3 March, Rotorua, New Zealand.

8. Radiographic detection and characterization of lesions in fetlock joint of cattle--

نوری محسنcomma فسخودی قلعه نایبی داود (2011).comma-char The first International Congress of Large Animal Practitioners( ICLAP 2011comma-char 23-24 February, Tehran, Iran.
رسول جمالیcomma یوسف داوودی (2010).comma-char Journal of Veterinary Researchcomma-char 65(3)comma-char 254-247.
محسن نوریcomma داوود فسخودی (2010).comma-char Journal of Veterinary Researchcomma-char 65(2)comma-char 161-157.

3. Radiological Finding....

نوری محسنcomma فسخودی قلعه نایبی داودcomma نوری احسان (2010).comma-char 16 th Iranian Veterinary Congresscomma-char 27-29 April, Tehran, Iran.

4. A survey on antibiotic usage in animal and poultry farms and its potential adverse effects on public health

(2010).comma-char The 16th Iranian Veterinary Congresscomma-char 27-29 April, Tehran, Iran.


محسن نوریcomma سید محمد کربلائی سیدجوادcomma آی جمال رادگهر (2009).comma-char.