Academic Rank : Assistant Professor
دانشکدگان علوم / دانشکده ریاضی، آمار و علوم کامپیوتر
  • 32 Citations
  • 2 h-Index
as of : 2025-03-15

Scholarly Works

  • 32citation
  • 2 h-Index
  • 5 article-list
  • 12 conference-list

1. Normal form transformations for Brusselator system

گازر مجید (2024).comma-char The 17th Seminar on Differential equations and Dynamical Systemscomma-char 6-8 November, Babolsar, Iran.

2. A Study of the Sprott BC System through Jacobi Stability

Munteanu Florian (2024).comma-char Fifth International Conference on Applied Mathematics and Numerical Methods Craiovacomma-char 25-26 October, Bucharest, Romania.
گازر مجید (2024).comma-char NONLINEARITYcomma-char 37(10)comma-char 105018.

4. Simplest Controlled Normal Form for a Family of Rossler System

گازر مجید (2024).comma-char The 55th annual Iranian mathematics conference,comma-char 14-16 August, Mashhad, Iran.

5. Control Bifurcation and Control of Generalized Michelson System

گازر مجید (2024).comma-char 8th Iranian Conference on Mathematical Physicscomma-char 7-8 July, Qom, Iran.

1. Non-equivariant normal form coefficient formulas for cubic Z2-equivariant Bogdanov- Takens singularities,

گازر مجید (2021).comma-char The 52th annual Iranian mathematics conferencecomma-char 30 August-2 September, Kerman, Iran.

2. Control bifurcations for a family of linearly uncontrollable nilpotent planner plants

گازر مجید (2021).comma-char The 51th annual Iranian mathematics conferencecomma-char 15-20 February, Kashan, Iran.

1. Bifurcation control of the averaged forced van der pol oscillator

گازر مجید (2019).comma-char The 50th annual Iranian mathematics conferencecomma-char 26-29 August, Shiraz, Iran.
گازر مجید (2019).comma-char SIAM JOURNAL ON CONTROL AND OPTIMIZATIONcomma-char 57(3)comma-char 2122-2151.

1. Normal form truncations of the generalized cusp case of Bogdanov-Takens singularity

گازر مجید (2018).comma-char The 49th annual Iranian mathematics conferencecomma-char 23-26 August, Tehran, Iran.

2. Regulating of the Genesio control system

گازر مجید (2018).comma-char The 14th Seminar of Differential Equations and Dynamical systems,comma-char 17-19 July, Zanjan, Iran.


گازر مجید (2016).comma-char Journal of Mathematical Researchscomma-char 2(2)comma-char.

2. Feedback linearization for non-semisimple nilpotent singular vector fields

گازر مجید (2016).comma-char The 47th Annual Iranian Mathematics Conferencecomma-char 28-31 August, Tehran, Iran.

3. Signifcance of orbital normal form hypernormalization steps in controller designs

گازر مجید (2016).comma-char The 13th International Seminar of Differential Equations and Dynamical systemscomma-char 13-15 July, Isfahan, Iran.
گازر مجید (2016).comma-char SIAM JOURNAL ON APPLIED DYNAMICAL SYSTEMScomma-char 15(2)comma-char 870-903.


گازر مجید (2015).comma-char Journal of Mathematical Researchscomma-char 4(1)comma-char.

1. Orbital normal form coefficient formulas for a family of Hopf-zero singularity

گازر مجید (2014).comma-char The 11th Seminar of Differential Equations and Dynamical systemscomma-char 23-25 June, Damghan, Iran.