Academic Rank : Associate Professor
دانشکده زبان ها و ادبیات خارجی
Contact Number : 61119081
  • 9 Citations
  • 2 h-Index
as of : 2025-03-15
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as of : 2025-01-05

Scholarly Works

  • 9citation
  • 2 h-Index
  • 62 article-list
  • 3 conference-list
  • 10 كتاب
اسماعیل زاده سعیده (2024).comma-char Kritika Kulturacomma-char 2024(45)comma-char.
صادقی گرمارودی مصطفی (2024).comma-char Research in Contemporary World Literaturecomma-char 29(2)comma-char 551-579.
حسن پور دربندی علی (2024).comma-char Atlantis-Journal of the Spanish Association of Anglo-American Studiescomma-char 46(1)comma-char 35-52.
بدلی ملکونیانس هارمیک (2024).comma-char The Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies of Literature, Humanities and Artscomma-char 4(1)comma-char 139-156.
صادقیان فرد بهزاد (2024).comma-char Critical Literary Studiescomma-char 6(2)comma-char.
اسماعیل زاده سعیده (2024).comma-char Nineteenth-Century Contexts-An Interdisciplinary Journalcomma-char 46(2)comma-char 1-12.
جعفری مونا (2023).comma-char Atlantis-Journal of the Spanish Association of Anglo-American Studiescomma-char 45(2)comma-char 187-206.
پورصنعتی سوسنcomma خراسانی مریم (2023).comma-char Childrens Literature Association Quarterlycomma-char 48(4)comma-char 357-373.
رحیمی زهرا (2023).comma-char Comparative Literature Researchcomma-char 11(3)comma-char.
اسماعیل زاده سعیده (2023).comma-char ENGLISH STUDIEScomma-char 105(1)comma-char 1-21.
جعفری مونا (2023).comma-char CRITIQUE-STUDIES IN CONTEMPORARY FICTIONcomma-char 0(0)comma-char 1-14.
بصیر سیدایمان (2023).comma-char Jordan Journal of Modern Languages & Literaturecomma-char 15(2)comma-char.
بدلی ملکونیانس هارمیک (2023).comma-char Journal of English Literature and Cultural Studies (JELCS)comma-char 3(4)comma-char 8-22.
جعفری مونا (2023).comma-char Humanities and Social Sciences Communicationscomma-char 10(1)comma-char.

1. Gothic Spaces, Fantatic Creatures and Individuals in one Thousand and One Nights

اسماعیل زاده سعیده (2022).comma-char Asian Folklore, Folk Horror and the Gothiccomma-char 19-20 October, Taipei, Taiwan.
جعفری مونا (2022).comma-char Concentric-Literary and Cultural Studiescomma-char 48(2)comma-char 145-165.
عادل آلرحماحی سمر (2022).comma-char Journal of Positive School Psychologycomma-char 6(2)comma-char.
عادل آلرحماحی سمر (2022).comma-char Journal of Positive Psychologycomma-char 6(1)comma-char.
علمی بعثت (2022).comma-char Research in Contemporary World Literaturecomma-char 26(2)comma-char 687-728.


میرمعصومی مهشید (2021).comma-char Critical Literary Studiescomma-char 3(2)comma-char 109-126.
وفا مهسا (2021).comma-char International Journal Of Linguistics Literature And Translation (Ijllt)comma-char 4(8)comma-char 08-18.


زراعت پیشه علی (2021).comma-char Journal of World Sociopolitical Studiescomma-char 4(3)comma-char.


وفا مهسا (2021).comma-char Advances in Language and Literary Studiescomma-char 12(3)comma-char.
رضوی مهساسادات (2020).comma-char Logos & Littera: Journal of Interdisciplinary Approaches to Textcomma-char 2020(7)comma-char 75-86.


بصیر سیدایمان (2020).comma-char PAPERS ON LANGUAGE AND LITERATUREcomma-char 56(4)comma-char.