Academic Rank : Associate Professor
دانشکدگان فنی / دانشکده مهندسی برق و کامپیوتر
Contact Number : 9725
Room : 2-410
  • 745 Citations
  • 15 h-Index
as of : 2025-03-15
Google Scholar
  • 1119 Citations
  • 18 h-Index
as of : 2025-03-03

Scholarly Works

  • 745citation
  • 15 h-Index
  • 21 article-list
  • 9 conference-list
فداکار علیرضاcomma Wymeersch Henk (2024).comma-char IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Societycomma-char 5(-)comma-char 3299-3314.
Mehrabian Amircomma Yanikomeroglu Halim (2024).comma-char IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMMUNICATIONScomma-char 72(5)comma-char 2806-2819.
شکوهی فر علیcomma shokouhifar Mohammad (2023).comma-char Biomedical Signal Processing and Controlcomma-char 85(-)comma-char 105027.
ملاابراهیم قاری پویاcomma یانیک عمر اوغلو حلیم (2022).comma-char IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONScomma-char 21(10)comma-char 7839-7851.
Mehrabian Amircomma یانیک عمر اوغلو حلیم (2022).comma-char IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONScomma-char 23(1)comma-char 1-1.
Mehrabian Amircomma Yanikommeroglu Halim (2021).comma-char IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMMUNICATIONScomma-char 69(8)comma-char 5121-5135.

2. Efficient 3D Placement of an Aerial Base Station in Cellular Communication

مرادی کلارده فائزه (2021).comma-char 2021 9th Iran Workshop on Communication and Information Theory (IWCIT)comma-char 19-20 May.
سلیمانی تپه سری بهرادcomma خمیدهی بهزاد (2020).comma-char IEEE COMMUNICATIONS LETTERScomma-char 24(12)comma-char 2868-2872.
مختاری زهراcomma دینیس رویی (2020).comma-char IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VEHICULAR TECHNOLOGYcomma-char 69(8)comma-char 8065-8079.

1. Q-Learning Based Aerial Base Station Placement for Fairness Enhancement in Mobile Networks

غنوی روژیناcomma یانیک عمر اوغلو حلیم (2019).comma-char 2019 IEEE Global Conference on Signal and Information Processing (GlobalSIP)comma-char 11-14 November, Ottawa, Canada.

2. Iterative Channel and CFO Estimation for SC-FDE and OFDM Based Massive MIMO Systems

مختاری زهراcomma اریکسون توماس (2019).comma-char 2019 IEEE 89th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2019-Spring)comma-char 28 April-1 May, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
مختاری زهراcomma دینیس رویی (2019).comma-char SENSORScomma-char 19(1)comma-char 164.
حاجی عبدالرحیم نیما (2018).comma-char IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VEHICULAR TECHNOLOGYcomma-char 67(6)comma-char 5530-5534.

2. Efficient 3D aerial base station placement considering users mobility by reinforcement learning

غنوی روژیناcomma کلانتری الهامcomma یانیک عمر اوغلو حلیمcomma یانگاکوغلو عباس (2018).comma-char IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conferencecomma-char 15-18 April, Barcelona, Spain.
سلیمانی بهراد (2018).comma-char IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMMUNICATIONScomma-char 1(1)comma-char 1-1.

1. Sum-Rate of Block-Wise SC Massive MIMO Systems in the Presence of Carrier Frequency Offset

مختاری زهراcomma دینیس رویی (2017).comma-char IEEE Vehicular Technology Conferececomma-char 4-7 June, Sydney, Australia.
خمیدهی بهزاد (2017).comma-char IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VEHICULAR TECHNOLOGYcomma-char 1(1)comma-char 1-1.
خمیدهی بهزادcomma رحمتی علی (2016).comma-char IEEE COMMUNICATIONS LETTERScomma-char 20(12)comma-char 2490-2493.

2. Comparison Between Fractional Fourier Transform-based Single Carrier and OFDM Systems

مختاری زهرا (2016).comma-char Iran Workshop on Communication and Information Theorycomma-char 3-4 May, Tehran, Iran.

3. Power Allocation in Uplink LTE Femtocells with Zero Forcing Frequency Domain Equalizer

خمیدهی بهزادcomma سعیدی حمید (2016).comma-char Wirelsss Communications and Networking Conferencecomma-char 3-6 April, Doha, Qatar.
مختاری زهراcomma دینیس رویی (2016).comma-char IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMMUNICATIONScomma-char 1(1)comma-char 1-1.
کریمی دهکردی علی (2015).comma-char ELECTRONICS LETTERScomma-char 51(1)comma-char 120-122.
شمایی کیمیا (2015).comma-char IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONScomma-char 1(1)comma-char 1-1.
مختاری زهرا (2015).comma-char IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VEHICULAR TECHNOLOGYcomma-char 1(1)comma-char 1-1.
کریمی دهکردی علی (2014).comma-char IEEE COMMUNICATIONS LETTERScomma-char 18(11)comma-char 1991-1994.