Academic Rank : Associate Professor
دانشکدگان علوم و فناوری های میان رشته ای / دانشکدگان علوم و فناوری های میان رشته ای / بخش تخصصی بین رشته ای فناوری
Contact Number : 61115762 - 88497212
  • 389 Citations
  • 12 h-Index
as of : 2024-02-14

Scholarly Works

  • 389citation
  • 12 h-Index
  • 30 article-list
  • 11 conference-list
کردانی مقدم سجادcomma هارابور دانیل (2024).comma-char EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONScomma-char 249(-)comma-char 123719.
یگانگی رضا (2023).comma-char NEUROCOMPUTINGcomma-char 573(March 2024)comma-char 127104.

2. Strengthening multiple intelligence by a decision support system based on machine learning

بهلولی محمد (2023).comma-char Strengthening multiple intelligence by a decision support system based on machine learningcomma-char 15-17 November, Babol, Iran.

3. Optimal Pathfinding on Weighted Grid Maps

کارلسون مارکcomma کردانی مقدم سجادcomma هارابور دانیلcomma استاکی پیتر (2023).comma-char AAAI 23comma-char 7-14 February, Washington, D.C., United States Of America (USA).
نخعی خونیکی نیکنازcomma حسینی احمد (2022).comma-char KNOWLEDGE-BASED SYSTEMScomma-char 258(22 December 2022)comma-char 109920.
میرزانژاد محمدcomma Vamplew Peter (2022).comma-char KNOWLEDGE ENGINEERING REVIEWcomma-char 37(7)comma-char.
فروزانی احمد (2021).comma-char Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulationcomma-char 103(December 2021)comma-char 106019.
قشور محمدcomma طویل رامی (2021).comma-char Heliyoncomma-char 7(7)comma-char e07397.
احمدی سیدحمیدرضاcomma قنبری ساسانcomma حسینی حسینcomma فروزانی احمد (2020).comma-char SUSTAINABLE ENERGY TECHNOLOGIES AND ASSESSMENTScomma-char 42(December 2020)comma-char 100838.
قایدشرف حمیدرضا (2020).comma-char Soft Computing Journalcomma-char 8(1)comma-char 70-85.
محب محیا (2019).comma-char INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGYcomma-char 11(4)comma-char.
شاهمرادی محمدرضا (2019).comma-char Future Generation Computer Systems-The International Journal of eSciencecomma-char 101(101)comma-char 221-235.
فروزانی احمد (2019).comma-char EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONScomma-char 134(134)comma-char 249-266.
الهویی نظری محمدcomma احمدی محمد حسینcomma هادیانتو اچ. (2019).comma-char International Journal of Renewable Energy Development-IJREDcomma-char 8(1)comma-char 15.
احمدی خاطره (2018).comma-char APPLIED SOFT COMPUTINGcomma-char 76(March 2019)comma-char 104-125.
شاهمرادی محمدرضا (2018).comma-char PHYSICA A-STATISTICAL MECHANICS AND ITS APPLICATIONScomma-char 505(505)comma-char 825-835.
احمدی خاطره (2018).comma-char Iranian Journal of Medical Informaticscomma-char 6(1)comma-char 11.
اینانلو شاهوردی محمد ابراهیم (2017).comma-char Journal of Computational Applied Mechanicscomma-char 48(2)comma-char 285-296.

2. Application of long short term memory neural network for prediction of stock price in online portfolio selection

اسمعیلی ابدر کاظم (2017).comma-char 9th International Conference on Information and Knowledge Technology(IKT 2017)comma-char 18-19 October, Tehran, Iran.

3. Designing A Robust Supply Chain Network Using MADM and Complex Network Theory

بخش عرب الناز (2017).comma-char 9th International Conference on Information and Knowledge Technology (IKT 2017)comma-char 18-19 October, Iran.
آرامش محمدcomma خنجری یاسمین (2017).comma-char RENEWABLE ENERGYcomma-char 117(1)comma-char 434-446.

5. Advanced researches in computer games industry

کردانی مقدم سجاد (2017).comma-char 2nd National Conferences on Computer Games; Challenges & Opportunitiescomma-char 15-17 February, Isfahan, Iran.

6. Analysis of computer games based on platform

کردانی مقدم سجاد (2017).comma-char 2nd National Conferences on Computer Games; Challenges & Opportunitiescomma-char 15-17 February, Isfahan, Iran.
پورابراهیم غزلcomma فروزانی احمد (2017).comma-char International Journal of Operational Researchcomma-char 30(1)comma-char 120.
عبدالشاه مجیدcomma عبدالشاه سعید (2016).comma-char APPLIED SOFT COMPUTINGcomma-char 49(49)comma-char 179-188.