
Academic Rank : Professor
دانشکدگان فنی / دانشکده مهندسی مکانیک
Contact Number : 02188005677
  • 1890 Citations
  • 23 h-Index
as of : 2025-03-15
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Scholarly Works

  • 1890citation
  • 23 h-Index
  • 76 article-list
  • 79 conference-list
  • 1 كتاب
نصرالله زاده خاکیانی فرداد (2024).comma-char ENERGY SYSTEMScomma-char -(-)comma-char.

1. Effects of Geometrical Factors on Sound Silencing Behavior of Mass Attached Membrane-Type Acoustic Metamaterials

سید آقامیری سید محمدcomma غفاری ورداوق رضا (2022).comma-char 12th International Conference on Acoustics and Vibrationscomma-char 14-15 December, Tehran, Iran.
آقاخانی هاشمcomma رضایی پرهام (2021).comma-char Modeling in Engineeringcomma-char 19(67)comma-char 245-262.
توفیق محمدعلیcomma حناچی محمدرضا (2021).comma-char ROBOTICS AND AUTONOMOUS SYSTEMScomma-char 140(1)comma-char 103756.
کوگانی علی (2021).comma-char AUT Journal of Mechanical Engineeringcomma-char 5(4)comma-char 497-510.
ایروانیمنش صهباcomma جعفربگلو فرشتهcomma آزادی مجتبی (2020).comma-char COMPUTER METHODS IN BIOMECHANICS AND BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERINGcomma-char 24(2)comma-char 188-202.
Amini Mohammad Ali (2020).comma-char JOURNAL OF BIONIC ENGINEERINGcomma-char 17(5)comma-char 989-1008.
ذبیحی حصاری علیرضاcomma اثنی عشری عرفان (2020).comma-char Journal of Computational Applied Mechanicscomma-char 51(1)comma-char.
حاجی دولو محمدرضا (2020).comma-char OPTIMAL CONTROL APPLICATIONS & METHODScomma-char 41(5)comma-char.
فرخ نیا مرتضی (2020).comma-char Journal of Theoretical and Applied Vibration and Acousticscomma-char 5(2)comma-char 95-114.

1. Design, Modeling and Fabrication of an Isokinetic Exercise Device for Back Muscles Strength and Endurance

پناه پوری ابراهیم (2019).comma-char 7th International Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (ICRoM)comma-char 20-21 November, Tehran, Iran.

2. Assessment of the Adaptive Sliding Mode Control of an Active Ankle Foot Orthosis with an Impedance Reference

باقری سید احمدcomma Dorostkar Davood (2019).comma-char The 7th International Conference on Robotics and Mechatronicscomma-char 20-21 November, Tehran, Iran.
حاجی دولو محمدرضا (2019).comma-char Journal of Computational Applied Mechanicscomma-char 50(3)comma-char.
دوستی پویاcomma داداش زاده بهنام (2019).comma-char Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineeringcomma-char 41(4)comma-char 1-10.

1. Optimization of a Refrigerator Compressor Suspension System for Improved Vibrational Behavior

کوگانی علی (2018).comma-char 8th International Conference on Acoustics and Vibration (ISAV)comma-char 4-5 December, Tehran, Iran.

2. Condition Monitoring of a Geared Rotor System via Finite Element Modal Updating

فرخ نیا مرتضی (2018).comma-char International Conference on Acoustics and Vibration (ISAV)comma-char 4-5 December, Tehran, Iran.

3. Design, Modeling, and Fabrication of a 3-DOF Wrist Rehabilitation Robot

نیک افروز نگینcomma توفیق محمدعلی (2018).comma-char 2018 6th RSI International Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (IcRoM)comma-char 23-25 October, Tehran, Iran.
شهابی حامد (2018).comma-char journal of Sound and Vibrationcomma-char 7(13)comma-char 3-12.

5. Combinational me thods of scaffold fabrication for joint-cartilage tissue engineering application

مولایی مرتضی (2018).comma-char The First International Iranian Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine Congresscomma-char 18-20 July, Tehran, Iran.
استادی مقدم امیرcomma نظریان آرا (2018).comma-char JOURNAL OF BIOMECHANICAL ENGINEERING-TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASMEcomma-char 140(12)comma-char 121003.

7. On the performance of a low cost sensors for airspeed measurements in ornithopters

Amini Mohammad Ali (2018).comma-char The 26th Annual International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, ISME2018comma-char 24-26 April, Semnan, Iran.
روزگار مهدی (2018).comma-char Journal of Mechanical Science and Technologycomma-char 32(2)comma-char 845-853.
هاشم نیا سعید (2018).comma-char ASIAN JOURNAL OF CONTROLcomma-char 20(1)comma-char 356–369.

1. Human Skin Micro-Mechanics Measured in Vivo Using Atomic Force Microscopy(AFM)

ایروانیمنش صهباcomma آزادی مجتبی (2017).comma-char 2017 24th National and 2nd International Iranian Conference on Biomedical Engineering (ICBME)comma-char 30 November-1 December, Tehran, Iran.
مشتاقی یزدانی نوید (2017).comma-char journal of Sound and Vibrationcomma-char 6(12)comma-char 41-56.