Academic Rank : Associate Professor
دانشکدگان علوم / دانشکده زمین شناسی
Contact Number : 02161112490
  • 166 Citations
  • 6 h-Index
as of : 2025-03-15

Scholarly Works

  • 166citation
  • 6 h-Index
  • 39 article-list
  • 58 conference-list
  • 1 كتاب

1. Sedimentary environment, diagenesis and sequence stratigraphy of the Gadvan Formation in one of the fields of the Abadan Plain, southwestern Iran

چوقادی زهرا (2025).comma-char The 9th National Conference of the Sedimentological Society of Irancomma-char 19-20 February, Mashhad, Iran.
احمدی یاسمنcomma حسنی محمد (2025).comma-char JOURNAL OF ASIAN EARTH SCIENCEScomma-char 277(106392)comma-char 106392.

1. Biostratigraphy of the Abderaz Formmation Based on Calcareeous nannofossils in Type section East of Koppeh-Dagh Basin

احمدی رومینا (2024).comma-char 42ed National Geosciences Congresscomma-char 20-21 February, Tehran, Iran.
غفاری کیارش (2023).comma-char Geology of Irancomma-char 17(67)comma-char.
(2023).comma-char Geopersiacomma-char 13(2)comma-char.
علی اصغری وشاره اعظمcomma محمدی پریساcomma قلی پور شهرکی مهنازcomma الیکایی آمنهcomma رحمانی غلامرضا (2023).comma-char INTERNATIONAL BIODETERIORATION & BIODEGRADATIONcomma-char 178(62)comma-char.


سمیه رحمانی جوانمردcomma امیری وهاب (2022).comma-char Geology of Irancomma-char 16(62)comma-char 91-75.

2. Gemological characteristics of demantoid garnet from Bagh Borj, Kerman

اخوت مقدم سیدعلیcomma امام جمعه امیر (2022).comma-char The 1st National Iran Gem Stone Conferencecomma-char 3-4 September, Karaj, Iran.
(2021).comma-char CARBONATES AND EVAPORITEScomma-char 36(4)comma-char.

2. Geodiversity and Geotourism of Larak Island in southern Iran(Persian Gulf)

حسین زاده مهناز (2021).comma-char 5th International Congress on Agricultural Development, Natural Resources, Environment and Tourism of Irancomma-char 10-12 August, Tabriz, Iran.
بشیری نداcomma حسین زاده مهناز (2020).comma-char Applied Sedimentologycomma-char 8(15)comma-char.
ستوهیان فرزاد (2020).comma-char Geopersiacomma-char 11(1)comma-char 61-79.
ستوهیان فرزاد (2020).comma-char GeoJournal of Tourism and Geositescomma-char 12/28(1)comma-char.
سمیه رحمانی جوانمردcomma ستوهیان فرزاد (2019).comma-char Geopersiacomma-char 9(2)comma-char.

2. Urmia Lake's Upper Quaternary Deposits Analysis - New Data and Interpretation

لنکرانی محمدcomma تودرین آلیناcomma توهولکا پیوترcomma احمدی بیرگانی حسامcomma متولی عنبران سید جاسر (2019).comma-char 20th Congress of the International Union for Quaternary Research (INQUA)comma-char 25-31 July, Dublin, Ireland.
سلمانی عایشهcomma آل علی سیدمحسن (2019).comma-char Geosciences Scientific Quarterly Journalcomma-char 28(111)comma-char.


سمیه فرامرزی (2018).comma-char Applied Sedimentologycomma-char 6(12)comma-char.

2. Geology and Geotourism Attractions of Hormuz Island, Iran

ستوهیان فرزاد (2018).comma-char The 11 Geological National Conference of Payam Noor Universitycomma-char 14-15 November, Qom, Iran.

3. Sedimentology of the Upper Quaternary Cores from the Urmia Lake, Iran

لنکرانی محمدcomma تودرین آلیناcomma توهولکا پیوترcomma احمدی بیرگانی حسامcomma متولی عنبران سیدجاسر (2018).comma-char 2nd TRIGGER International Conferencecomma-char 12-16 November, Tehran, Iran.

4. Sedimentology of the Upper Quaternary Cores from the Urmia Lake, Iran

(2018).comma-char 2nd TRIGER international Conference Tehrancomma-char 12-16 November, Tehran, Iran.

5. The Relationship and mode of expansion of the trace fossils in volcanic ashes of the Karaj Formation, the east of Tehran

حسین زاده مهناز (2018).comma-char 4th symposium of sedimentological society of Irancomma-char 24-25 October, Zanjan, Iran.

6. The relationship between of travertine deposits, and landslides and sliding dams in the Ab-e Ask area of Mazandaran Province

ستوهیان فرزاد (2018).comma-char Sixth National Conference on Geomorphology and Challengescomma-char 24 October, Tehran, Iran.

7. The analogous investigation of microfacies and depositional environment of upper Sarvak Formation in Abadan Plain and North Dezful Embayment

سمیه فرامرزیcomma ایزدی مزیدی اسماعیل (2018).comma-char 4th symposium of sedimentological society of Irancomma-char 24-25 October, Zanjan, Iran.

8. Depositional enviroment and sequence stratigraphy study of Asmari Formation Naft-e Sefied oil field, Northern Dezful Embayment

سلمانی عایشهcomma آل علی سید محسن (2018).comma-char 4th symposium of sedimentological society of Irancomma-char 24-25 October, Zanjan, Iran.
کفش نوچی مقصود (2018).comma-char SAUDI JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL SCIENCEScomma-char 25(7)comma-char 1265-1256.