Academic Rank : Associate Professor
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  • 569 Citations
  • 12 h-Index
as of : 2025-03-01
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  • 811 Citations
  • 13 h-Index
as of : 2025-03-03

Scholarly Works

  • 569citation
  • 12 h-Index
  • 78 article-list
  • 128 conference-list
  • 2 كتاب

1. Collocation of GEO-satellites using differential game theory

آموزگاری فاطمه (2024).comma-char 32st International Conference on Electrical Engineeringcomma-char 14-16 May, Tehran, Iran.

2. Application of Poincaré map in chaos dynamics: periodic solar sail orbits in the three-body problem

عباسعلی احسانcomma بختیاری مجید (2024).comma-char The 32nd annual international conference of the Iranian Society of Mechanical Engineerscomma-char 7-9 May, Tehran, Iran.
حمیدیان سارا (2024).comma-char IEEE Accesscomma-char 12(1)comma-char 60447-60466.

4. Periodic Solar Sail Orbits in the Earth-Moon Restricted Three-Body Non-autonomous System

عباسعلی احسانcomma بختیاری مجید (2024).comma-char 22nd International Conference of Iranian Aerospace Societycomma-char 5-7 March, Tehran, Iran.

5. Torque distribution and special axis minimum time maneuver in a pyramidal structure

گلپور حامدcomma امین زاده مریم (2024).comma-char 22nd International Conference of Iranian Aerospace Societycomma-char 5-7 March, Tehran, Iran.

6. Optimum co-location of GEO satellites in the 120° east orbital Slot using differential game theory

آموزگاری فاطمه (2024).comma-char 22nd International Conference of Iranian Aerospace Societycomma-char 5-7 March, Tehran, Iran.

7. Improving the performance of the stabilizer controller of a vertical flying vehicle in the Hover flight phase

خسروانی نژاد علی (2024).comma-char 22nd International Conference of Iranian Aerospace Societycomma-char 5-7 March, Tehran, Iran.
رحمانی کیاناcomma کتولی محمدهادی (2024).comma-char International Journal of Ambient Energycomma-char 45(1)comma-char.
کاظمی حکم آباد آیداcomma خاتون آبادی کلالی سیده الههcomma کوثری احسانcomma بهلوری وحید (2023).comma-char Journal of Space Science and Technology (JSST)comma-char 16(3)comma-char 51-68.
کاظمی حکم آباد آیداcomma خاتون آبادی کلالی سیده الههcomma امچدی فرد رضاcomma بهلوری وحید (2023).comma-char Journal of Space Science, Technology & Applications (Persian)comma-char 3(1)comma-char 123-144.
آموزگاری فاطمه (2023).comma-char JOURNAL OF AEROSPACE SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY(JAST)comma-char 16(1)comma-char 101-114.

4. Mission Design of the Satellite Orbit Maintenance using Evolutionary Algorithms in a Circular Restricted Three Body Problem.

عباسعلی احسانcomma حمزه ای جمیلهcomma بختیاری مجید (2023).comma-char The 31st annual International Conference of the Iranian Association of Mechanical Engineers and the 9th Conference on Thermal Power Plantscomma-char 9-11 May, Iran.

5. Modification of an On-off Modulation for Thruster Actuators with Differential Evolution Algorithm in an Optimal Docking Maneuver

حاجی سیاری یوسفcomma Bohlouri3 Vahid (2023).comma-char The 31st annual International Conference of the Iranian Association of Mechanical Engineers and the 9th Conference on Thermal Power Plantscomma-char 9-11 May.

6. Introduce a novel approach to orbital maintenance in CRTBP

عباسعلی احسانcomma حمزه ای جمیلهcomma بختیاری مجید (2023).comma-char 31th International Conference on Electrical Engineeringcomma-char 9 May-11 August, Tehran, Iran.

7. A correction on the Lambert targeting problem in the perturbed space environment

عباسعلی احسانcomma بختیاری مجید (2023).comma-char The 21st International Conference of Iranian Aerospace Societycomma-char 27 February-1 March.

8. Investigating the effect of satellite relative motion on inter-satellite link performance

آموزگاری فاطمه (2023).comma-char The 21st International Conference of Iranian Aerospace Societycomma-char 27 February-1 March, Tehran, Iran.

9. Hardware net of target satellites in LEO layer using robotic spacecraft with SDAR mission

احمدی علیرضاcomma اسفندبد علیرضاcomma یوسفی مسعود (2023).comma-char The 21st International Conference of Iranian Aerospace Societycomma-char 27 February-1 March, Tehran, Iran.
بختیاری مجیدcomma عباسعلی احسانcomma سبزی سیاوش (2022).comma-char Astrodynamicscomma-char 7(2)comma-char 229-249.
خاتون آبادی سیده الههcomma Bohlouri Vahid (2022).comma-char JOURNAL OF AEROSPACE SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY(JAST)comma-char 15(2)comma-char 84-95.
خاتون آبادی کلالی سیده الههcomma بهلوری وحید (2022).comma-char Journal of Aeronautical Engineeringcomma-char 24(2)comma-char 67-77.

4. Optimizing the geostationary satellite position to meet the collocation requirements using multi-objective PSO algorithm

آموزگاری فاطمه (2022).comma-char 20 st International Conference on Iranian Arespac Societycomma-char 8-9 June, Tehran, Iran.

5. Space weather and its effects on human heart and brain

کاظمی آیداcomma خاتون آبادی سیده الههcomma شکوفا امید (2022).comma-char 20 st International Conference on Iranian Arespac Societycomma-char 8-9 June, Tehran, Iran.

6. Social and economic effects caused by space weather events

خاتون آبادی سیده الههcomma کاظمی آیداcomma شکوفا امید (2022).comma-char 20 st International Conference on Iranian Arespac Societycomma-char 8-9 June, Tehran, Iran.

7. Zero control effort approach to perturbed coupled orbit-attitude periodic solution at the three-body problem: Earth-Mars system

عباسعلی احسانcomma بختیاری مجید (2022).comma-char 2022 30th International Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE)comma-char 17-19 May.

8. Requirements for establishing an intersatellite link between two geostationary satellites

آموزگاری فاطمه (2022).comma-char 30th Annual International Conference ofIranian Society of Mechanical Engineerscomma-char 10-12 May, Tehran, Iran.