Academic Rank : Associate Professor
دانشکدگان فنی / دانشکده مهندسی متالورژی و مواد
Contact Number : 82084066
  • 179 Citations
  • 3 h-Index
as of : 2025-03-15

Scholarly Works

  • 179citation
  • 3 h-Index
  • 43 article-list
  • 23 conference-list
بادکوبه فرزادcomma Kwak Tae-Yangcomma Kim Bong-Hwancomma Chandan Avanish Kumarcomma Bansal Gaurav Kumar (2025).comma-char JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDScomma-char 1010(-)comma-char 178305.

1. Investigating the effect of Tempering on transformations and hardness of Dual-phased NiCrMoV steel by intermediate quenching method

آقامرشدی محمد علی (2024).comma-char The 13th international conference on Materials Engineering and metallurgy IMAT2024comma-char 10-11 December, Karaj, Iran.

2. Investigation on the effect of mold rotation speed on structure, hardness and wear resistance of Al 339 alloy produced by horizontal centrifugal casting

حجاری مصطفی (2024).comma-char 13th international conference on materials engineering and metallurgycomma-char 10-11 December, Karaj, Iran.
بادکوبه فرزادcomma Kwak Tae-Yangcomma Kim Bong-Hwan (2024).comma-char MATERIALS CHARACTERIZATIONcomma-char 218(part 1)comma-char 114556.

1. Investigating the effect of heat treatment method on the hardness of two-phase NiCrMoV steel

آقامرشدی محمد علی (2023).comma-char The 12th international conference on Materials and metallurgical engineering IMAT2023comma-char 28-29 November, Tehran, Iran.
عابدی هومنcomma رعیت پور محمد باقر (2022).comma-char Materials Today Communicationscomma-char 31(1)comma-char 103821.

1. Ultrafine grained Mg-Zn-Zr magnesium alloy via microalloying with rare earth elements and hot extrusion

عابدی هومنcomma رعیت پور محمد باقر (2021).comma-char The 8th International Biennial Conference on Ultrafine Grained and Nanostructured Materials (UFGNSM2021)comma-char 6-7 November, Tehran, Iran.
عابدی هومن (2021).comma-char METALS AND MATERIALS INTERNATIONALcomma-char 28(5)comma-char 1105-1113.
ترکمانی هادیcomma Garcia Mateo Carloscomma پالیزدار یحییcomma Vivas Javiercomma سن مارتین دیوید (2021).comma-char ARCHIVES OF CIVIL AND MECHANICAL ENGINEERINGcomma-char 21(2)comma-char 1-16.
رعیت پور محمد باقر (2021).comma-char METALS AND MATERIALS INTERNATIONALcomma-char 0(0)comma-char 1-5.
عابدی هومنcomma رعیت پور محمد باقر (2020).comma-char Journal of Advanced Materials and Processingcomma-char 8(4)comma-char 29-34.
رستمی حمیدcomma پوربهاری بیتا (2020).comma-char METALS AND MATERIALS INTERNATIONALcomma-char 0(1)comma-char 1-12.
Afsharnaderi Ariacomma لطف پور مهراب (2019).comma-char JOURNAL OF MATERIALS ENGINEERING AND PERFORMANCEcomma-char 28(11)comma-char 6853-6863.

2. The effect of Al-5Ti-1B and hot extrusion on the grain size and tensile properties of AZ63 magnesium alloy

برارنیاادبی مصطفی (2019).comma-char IMAT 2019comma-char 7-8 October, Tehran, Iran.
ترکمانی هادیcomma Garcia Mateo Carloscomma پالیزدار یحییcomma San-martin David (2019).comma-char MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSINGcomma-char 749(749)comma-char 56-64.
ترکمانی هادیcomma Garcia Mateo Carloscomma پالیزدار یحییcomma San-martin David (2018).comma-char METALLURGICAL AND MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS A-PHYSICAL METALLURGY AND MATERIALS SCIENCEcomma-char 49(10)comma-char 4495-4508.
افشارنادری آریا (2018).comma-char New Productscomma-char 8(4)comma-char 31-42.
ترکمانی هادیcomma Garcia Mateo Carloscomma پالیزدار یحییcomma San-martin David (2018).comma-char METALS AND MATERIALS INTERNATIONALcomma-char 24(4)comma-char 773-788.

1. Investigation of extrusion process and heat treatment on the microstructure and tensile properties of Al-5Sb-5Cu in-situ composite

Rostami Hamid (2017).comma-char 6th International Conference on Materials Engineering and Metallurgycomma-char 28-29 October, Tehran, Iran.
ترکمانی هادیcomma Garcia Mateo Carloscomma Vivas Javiercomma پالیزدار یحییcomma San-martin David (2017).comma-char Metalscomma-char 7(9)comma-char 377.


ترکمانی هادیcomma رشوند هومانcomma پالیزدار یحییcomma Garcia Mateo Carloscomma San-martin David (2017).comma-char Iranian Journal of Materials Science and Engineeringcomma-char 14(3)comma-char 76-85.

1. Evolution of Isothermal Pearlitic Transformation in Micro-alloyed Steel by Rare Earth Addition

ترکمانی هادیcomma جلوخانی فاطمهcomma پالیزدار یحییcomma آراندا ام امcomma سن مارتین دیویدcomma گارسیا ماتئو خوزه (2016).comma-char 5th international conference on materials engineering and metallurgycomma-char 8-9 November, Shiraz, Iran.

2. Investigating on the effect of Mo and B as alloying elements on the mechanical properties and hardenability of quenched and tempered cast microalooy steel

رشوند هومانcomma ترکمانی هادیcomma پالیزدار یحیی (2016).comma-char steel symposium 94comma-char 23-24 February, Kish Island, Iran.

3. Effect if MO on the microstructure and mechanical properties of low carbon cast microalloy steel

رشوند هومانcomma ترکمانی هادیcomma پالیزدار یحیی (2016).comma-char steel symposium 94comma-char 23-24 February, Kish Island, Iran.

4. Effect of Tempering Temperature on the mechanical properties of low carbon cast microalloy steel

رشوند هومانcomma ترکمانی هادیcomma پالیزدار یحیی (2016).comma-char steel symposiumcomma-char 23-24 February, Kish Island, Iran.