Academic Rank : Assistant Professor
دانشکدگان کشاورزی و منابع طبیعی / دانشکده کشاورزی / گروه علوم باغبانی و فضای سبز / دانشکدگان کشاورزی و منابع طبیعی / دانشکده کشاورزی / گروه زراعت و اصلاح نباتات / دانشکدگان کشاورزی و منابع طبیعی / دانشکده علوم و مهندسی کشاورزی
Contact Number : 02632249711

Scholarly Works

  • 9 article-list
  • 60 conference-list
  • 4 كتاب

1. Explaining the salutogenic approach in planning and designing urban parks to improve the health of citizens

شاهی مهرداد (2024).comma-char First national conference of urban environmentcomma-char 29-30 October, Tehran, Iran.

2. The architectural role of facades of buildings with green walls in creation Thermal comfort and microclimate

فارسی مدان مریم (2023).comma-char The third national conference on green waste managementcomma-char 11-12 December, Ardebil, Iran.

3. Landscape Design Features in Desert Border Cities with a Sustainable Urban Tourism Development Approach and Cultural Transformations Resulting from it Case Study: Qom Metropolis

سلیمی مهسا (2023).comma-char The first national conference on "Strategies for the development of green spaces in cities on the edge of the Desert"comma-char 17-18 October, Qom, Iran.

4. Increasing the resilience of the urban environment with green infrastructure in the sponge city with the approach of low-impact development (LID)

امینی فرد زهرا (2023).comma-char The first national conference on "Strategies for the development of green spaces in cities on the edge of the Desert"comma-char 17-18 October, Qom, Iran.
نوری منکرم امیرcomma تقوائی ویدا (2023).comma-char BAGH-E NAZARcomma-char 20(120)comma-char 29-42.

6. An overview of the concepts, components and characteristics of the design of historical and traditional gardens in Iran

(2023).comma-char 2nd International and 7th National Conference on Sustainable Architecture and Citycomma-char 16 March, Tehran, Iran.

7. Characteristics of Landscape Mountain Regions (Case Study: Mountain Recreation Area Design in Horaman Region)

محمودی هوشنگ (2023).comma-char 2nd International and 7th National Conference on Sustainable Architecture and Citycomma-char 16 March, Tehran, Iran.

8. The characteristics of rural tourism using the principles of sustainable landscape design in Zagros mountain villages

محمودی هوشنگ (2023).comma-char 2nd International and 7th National Conference on Sustainable Architecture and Citycomma-char 16 March, Tehran, Iran.

9. The importance of tourism infrastructure development in the revitalization of historical urban contexts

مهدوی اشرف نگار (2023).comma-char 6th International Congress of Developing Agriculture, Natural Resources, Environment and Tourism of Irancomma-char 17-19 January, Tabriz, Iran.

10. Getting out of the physical and environmental problems of inefficient and worn-out urban tissues with the help of increasing social interactions

(2023).comma-char 6th International Congress of Developing Agriculture, Natural Resources, Environment and Tourism of Irancomma-char 17-19 January, Tabriz, Iran.

1. Integration of green roof and photovoltaic system, a method to increase mutual efficiency in two systems and challenges ahead

رشید رستمی فاطمهcomma رمضان زاده رستمی نفیسه (2022).comma-char The 6th international conference on innovation in architectural engineering and urban planningcomma-char 21 December, Tehran, Iran.

2. Solutions of Designing the Forum of Artist’s Thoughts With Infill Architecture Approach In The Historical Context Of Oudlajan

خدابخش خالدی آرین (2022).comma-char 2nd.International Conference on Architecture, Civil Engineering, Urban Development, Environment and Horizons of Islamic Art in the Second Step Statement of the Revolutioncomma-char 8 December, Tabriz, Iran.

3. Investigating the role of Intermediate architecture approach in designing cultural centers in order to revitalize historical textures

خدابخش خالدی آرین (2022).comma-char 2nd.International Conference on Architecture, Civil Engineering, Urban Development, Environment and Horizons of Islamic Art in the Second Step Statement of the Revolutioncomma-char 8 December, Tabriz, Iran.

4. The use of geothermal energy in providing energy for residential buildings

(2022).comma-char The second national green waste management conferencecomma-char 12-13 September, Ardebil, Iran.

5. A review of the design criteria of the environment and landscape and green space of military areas with regard to passive defense with the approach of environmental psychology

جنتی حسام الدین (2022).comma-char 3rd international conference and 6th national conference on conservation of natural resources and environmentcomma-char 12-13 September, Ardebil, Iran.

6. Increase efficiency of green management and green architecture categories in expanding the environmental capabilities of sustainable architecture

(2022).comma-char The second national green waste management conferencecomma-char 12-13 September, Ardebil, Iran.
پیرخضری نورالدینcomma تقوائی ویدا (2021).comma-char Geography (Regional Planning)comma-char دوره 4/11(4)comma-char.
حقیقی خوشخو آیسان (2021).comma-char Iranian Journal of Horticultural Science(Iranian Journal Of Agriculture Sciences)comma-char دوره 52، شماره 2(2)comma-char صفحه 487-500.

3. Applying the principles of environmental psychology in landscaping and green space of Eshtehard industrial town

جنتی حسام الدینcomma گودرزی محمد علی (2021).comma-char National Conference on Architecture, Civil Engineering, Urban Development and Horizons of Islamic Artcomma-char 27 May, Tabriz, Iran.

4. Theoretical foundations of designing health villages in order to promote health tourism

میاهی عرب منا (2021).comma-char National Conference on Architecture, Civil Engineering, Urban Development and Horizons of Islamic Artcomma-char 27 May, Tabriz, Iran.

5. Comparative study of six domestic and foreign cultural-recreational centers by SWOT method

علاسوند مهشید (2021).comma-char 4th International Conference on Civil, Architecture and Urban Planningcomma-char 23 February, Tehran, Iran.

6. Necessities of using sustainable green space in cultural-recreational uses of Ahvaz in line with the goals of sustainable development

علاسوند مهشید (2021).comma-char 4th International Conference on Civil, Architecture and Urban Planningcomma-char 23 February, Tehran, Iran.
محمدی نیلوفرcomma رضائی میر قائد گلشن (2020).comma-char BAGH-E NAZARcomma-char 17(90)comma-char.


ربیعی المیرا (2020).comma-char International Journal of Horticultural Science and Technologycomma-char 7(2)comma-char 175-186.