Academic Rank : Assistant Professor
دانشکدگان مدیریت / دانشکده مدیریت کسب وکار / دانشکدگان مدیریت
Room : تهران، تقاطع چمران شمال و جلال آل احمد، دانشکدگان مدیریت دانشگاه تهران، دانشکده مدیریت کسب‌وکار(ساختمان جنوبی)، بال غربی، نیم طبقه بالا، اتاق 130 تلفن: 61117738-021، همراه: 09122806817
  • 3 Citations
  • 1 h-Index
as of : 2025-03-15
Google Scholar
  • 177 Citations
  • 7 h-Index
as of : 2025-02-01

Scholarly Works

  • 3citation
  • 1 h-Index
  • 31 article-list
  • 18 conference-list
  • 4 كتاب

1. Do job applicants' perceptions of training and development, communication, and job climate affect job application intentions? Examining the moderating role of information accessibility in cyberspace

میرزائیان خمسه پیوندcomma گنجی پری (2025).comma-char 8th National Conference on Human Resource of Managementcomma-char 21-22 January, Tehran, Iran.

2. Ambidextrous Boards

(2025).comma-char 8th National Conference on Human Resource of Managementcomma-char 21-22 January, Tehran, Iran.
میرزائیان خمسه پیوندcomma گلستانی مریمcomma سانکار سانا شیب (2025).comma-char International Journal of Knowledge-Based Developmentcomma-char 14(4)comma-char 411-443.

1. A framework for sustainable practices to create customer satisfaction.

میرزائیان خمسه پیوندcomma گنجی پری (2024).comma-char 2nd National Conference on Marketing (Modern Approach)comma-char 30 October, Mashhad, Iran.

2. Our common future strategy: brand orientation to a sustainable employer brand

میرزائیان خمسه پیوند (2024).comma-char 2nd National Conference on Marketing (Modern Approach)comma-char 30 October, Mashhad, Iran.

3. Examining the trend of existing studies and influencing factors on web-roaming behavior: a review of the scientific background using bibliometric analysis

رفیعانی علیcomma وهاب زاده شادان (2024).comma-char 2nd National Conference on Marketing (Modern Approach)comma-char 30 October, Mashhad, Iran.
ناصری سید قدرت الله (2024).comma-char Quarterly Journal of Advertisting and sale managementcomma-char 5(3)comma-char 101-131.

5. A framework for social media marketing activities and customer knowledge management

میرزائیان خمسه پیوندcomma سلطانی تاج آبادی مرضیه (2024).comma-char 2nd National Conference on Marketing (Modern Approach)comma-char 30 October, Mashhad, Iran.


میرزائیان خمسه پیوند (2024).comma-char.
ربیعی مهدیcomma وهاب زاده شادان (2024).comma-char Journal of Strategic Management Studiescomma-char 15(59)comma-char 275-296.

8. The roles of the board of directors in turbulent and complex situations

(2024).comma-char 4th International Conference on Corporate Governancecomma-char 9-10 October, Tehran, Iran.
ابراهیمی علیرضا (2024).comma-char Media Management Reviewcomma-char 3(3)comma-char 311-341.
شمسی حجت (2024).comma-char IRANIAN JOURNAL OF TRADE STUDIEScomma-char 28(112)comma-char 43-88.
صدری لیلیcomma محبی علیرضا (2024).comma-char Quarterly Journal of Advertisting and sale managementcomma-char 5(2)comma-char 334-348.


افشانی مینو (2024).comma-char.

13. Explaining the role of managers' cognitive abilities in strategy execution

میرزائیان خمسه پیوند (2024).comma-char The Third International Conference on Economic and Business Managementcomma-char 12-13 August, Tehran, Iran.
MirzaeianKhamseh payvandcomma Sankar sana Shib (2024).comma-char ANNALS OF OPERATIONS RESEARCHcomma-char 339(4)(1-33)comma-char.


هادی زاده مرتضی (2024).comma-char journal of program and development researchcomma-char 5(17)comma-char 115-147.
ابوطالب عباس (2024).comma-char Quarterly Journal of Advertisting and sale managementcomma-char 5(1)comma-char 248-264.
میرزاییان خمسه پیوند (2024).comma-char Iranian Journal of Management Studiescomma-char 17(2)comma-char 409-424.

18. Can Cultural Intelligence and Social Capital Improve Strategic Alliances performance? Evidence from Iranian Oil Firms

جزایری محبوبه (2024).comma-char 20th International Management Conferencecomma-char 20-21 February, Tehran, Iran.

19. Analysis of effective factors in the growth strategies of holdings

فرقانی اکبرcomma ناصری قدرت اله (2024).comma-char 20th International Management Conferencecomma-char 20-21 February, Tehran, Iran.

20. Analysis of customer behavior in trusting digital banking platforms

بزرگی محمد رضا (2024).comma-char International Conference on Business Analysis and Analyticscomma-char 14 February, Tehran, Iran.

21. A model for employees' extra-role behaviors with Grounded Theory Approach

(2024).comma-char 7th National Conference on Human Resource of Managementcomma-char 30-31 January, Tehran, Iran.

22. The role of interaction and organizational learning in the adaptive advantage: Emphasis on the turbulence and complexity of the environment

(2024).comma-char 7th National Conference on Human Resource of Managementcomma-char 30-31 January, Tehran, Iran.